the thread about nothing...

A month and a half after getting done, having new and better options >>>>>
Finally getting a job after being stressed for 4 months >>>>>
Starting school in a little over a month and going to hunt for your 1st solo apt >>>>>
This is my year y'all! :nthat: :pimp: :smokin

Good to hear sirr I eventually need to take that big leap as well.....sometimes we get caught up in all the useless material things that sooner or later will deteriorate cars,clothes,shoes etc etc and we forget about whats ahead the things that really matter. Hate growing up :-(
I know im way late but you guys ever kept up with Prison brake ? Just started watching it on netflix a couple months ago. First season was the bomb 2nd season started falling off but still had potential 3rd season i just fel like it was dragging on in other words it was a waste of time. Now im on the 4th season which im barely on episode 3 or so and its boring the hell out of me afraid to go any further
I really want this car NT famb :smh: I'm pulling all my resources, and it's still considerably more difficult than I thought as a 20 year old male.

Better to get a car just to get by with than to stretch your money out too thin.

I just got a new car at the start of the year...I truly wanted a '12 Impala however the '12 Civic gets more mileage/gallon and was 6k cheaper. Only gripe I have with it is the insurance...380/month :smh: 20 yrs old as well by the way.
Better to get a car just to get by with than to stretch your money out too thin.
I just got a new car at the start of the year...I truly wanted a '12 Impala however the '12 Civic gets more mileage/gallon and was 6k cheaper. Only gripe I have with it is the insurance...380/month :smh: 20 yrs old as well by the way.
Son, it's not even the note, the insurance is the killer! I'm looking at a '07-'08 Altima, pricings not too bad and I heard/read they're pretty reliable. Insurance quotes talking bout 320-400 a month. :smh: I need a whip thats gonna take this bop down to school at least four times a year.

I need to use a county address for my insurance :lol:

Side note: Where can I get some nice jeans/cargo pants? I'm not hard to please and also not trying to be overly extravagant.
Son, it's not even the note, the insurance is the killer! I'm looking at a '07-'08 Altima, pricings not too bad and I heard/read they're pretty reliable. Insurance quotes talking bout 320-400 a month. :smh: I need a whip thats gonna take this bop down to school at least four times a year.
I need to use a county address for my insurance :lol:
Side note: Where can I get some nice jeans/cargo pants? I'm not hard to please and also not trying to be overly extravagant.

Not sure about the jeans but I get these Jordan Craig cargos from a local "urban retailer"...the quality is nice and they don't fade after washing. Abercrombie used to carry AMAZING :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: cargos but they stopped...the model was Algonquin...hopefully they bring it back. Levi's has nice cargos as well but the colors are too bland for me.

Yeah, my note is 424/month...the insurance is what it kills me. Before this car, I had a '97 Malibu that was paid off. 60/month for insurance was :pimp:

I'm over the price of insurance though...I can still treat myself to trips, shoes, and such without going broke.
Going to an advising session on the 30th for college, don't know what it's for :rolleyes
Feels good to change up life and pursue something more rewarding :pimp:
Business Major :pimp:

On another note, I only have 4 more shoes I want this year...

Bred XIs
Silver/Crimson Foams
Black Foams that are supposed to release Black Friday
Nike Air Pillars (Volt)

Got the money saved up for the foams...just need the RDs...
Waiting for Nike to restock on the Pillars so I can use this 15% off code
Bred XIs will be a cold day in hell :smh:
still trying to get used to this new NT. those ads on the top right are bugging the most.

i think it's cool that we can see views on certain threads.

I remember when yuku took over we could see users names of who was in each forum.

iYen where does "No tears only dreams now" come from? I was dying when this Starcraft streamer I watch said it while he played Day Z
Not sure about the jeans but I get these Jordan Craig cargos from a local "urban retailer"...the quality is nice and they don't fade after washing. Abercrombie used to carry AMAZING :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: cargos but they stopped...the model was Algonquin...hopefully they bring it back. Levi's has nice cargos as well but the colors are too bland for me.
Yeah, my note is 424/month...the insurance is what it kills me. Before this car, I had a '97 Malibu that was paid off. 60/month for insurance was :pimp:
I'm over the price of insurance though...I can still treat myself to trips, shoes, and such without going broke.
Say word, I'm looking at some American Eagle and Old Navy joints, I already got the Levi ones, they cool but they only carry the one color on the website. I'll check the store at the mall eventually.

ANd Before this car, I had three other vehicles, all hooptys, no insurance, and the thing that kills me is I got into an accident last summer (obviously without insurance) and that drove my rates WAY up :smh: If I had a better job at school I wouldn't even trip but work study can only pay for so much. I'ma figure something out though, I can't stand catching the bus.
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