the thread about nothing...

True blood is a pretty interesting show. Anyone watch in here? :nerd:

I do. But lately, it's been trash. Really don't like the Lafayette/Terry/Tara storylines.

The Wire. I was watching random clips on Youtube and came across the scene with Bodie and Wallace. Just straight :smh:
Another one that got me going was Misfits last season with Alisha. I was :smh: for a good hour or two after I watched that episode.

bruh this affected me emotionally

Wallace. :frown:



Better to get a car just to get by with than to stretch your money out too thin.
I just got a new car at the start of the year...I truly wanted a '12 Impala however the '12 Civic gets more mileage/gallon and was 6k cheaper. Only gripe I have with it is the insurance...380/month :smh: 20 yrs old as well by the way.
Son, it's not even the note, the insurance is the killer! I'm looking at a '07-'08 Altima, pricings not too bad and I heard/read they're pretty reliable. Insurance quotes talking bout 320-400 a month. :smh: I need a whip thats gonna take this bop down to school at least four times a year.

I need to use a county address for my insurance :lol:

Side note: Where can I get some nice jeans/cargo pants? I'm not hard to please and also not trying to be overly extravagant.

American Eagle imo.
I think it's assumed that you are cheap if you have to ask... most restaurants don't have prices for drinks on the menu, I am guessing they are trying to cash in on that theory?

I kind of get what you're saying.

Basically in our circle, at our age (late 20's) you can kind of tell the price of drinks from the decor, crowd and ambience. The only time you'd really ask the price of a drink is if you're ordering a bottle of hard liquor (cause wine or champagne should be on the wine list).

I don't think anyone in our circle would give the death stare but more of a "ughh amateur" kind of look lol. But it really wouldn't be thaaaat big of a deal..
Shh no tears, only dreams now.

On another note:
Watch another episode of Game of Thrones my brain said.
You'll have enough time to post on pg. 600 my brain said.

I was so convinced that the winter is coming guy was going to live but when I said that his head was gone, then I was like oh, he's dead. I hope that fake gets an even worse death than that federal agent in Sons of Anarchy.

I hate Stahl I was soooooo happy when Opie popped her. And by do you mean Joffery?
Odog if he wins.

ODog with the multiple... LOL
Son, it's not even the note, the insurance is the killer! I'm looking at a '07-'08 Altima, pricings not too bad and I heard/read they're pretty reliable. Insurance quotes talking bout 320-400 a month. :smh: I need a whip thats gonna take this bop down to school at least four times a year.
I need to use a county address for my insurance :lol:
Side note: Where can I get some nice jeans/cargo pants? I'm not hard to please and also not trying to be overly extravagant.
Damn, I use progressive and paid $2100 one time payment for full coverage, $1000 deductible for a 2010 acura tsx, and I live in the city
drank half a bottle of Tito's vodka last night...shhhh was delicious...woke up today free of hangover 8)

about to go see TDKR on the budget, 6 bucks a ticket matinee :smokin can't wait!
I really don't think I can be "friends" with girls anymore. This is my second attempt and I suck at it.
Smh every single time we reach the "prize about nothing page" I'm out at the movies or at someone's house :lol: :smh:
Ehh, oh well. I don't even remember how many posts I had since 04, I didn't post much anyway. I like the new NT, though. I missed you guys, it was a rough 5 days.

You're one of the few who has felt like this. Most others are on the verge of depression.
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Seen a couple those cats on craigslist almost bought them.. but those things are pretty hyper and wild some times and would probably beat the snot out my little dog
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real talk......I think I' love :wow: I think about my girl 24/7 and miss her as soon as I leave her...Just call me simpy mcsimperton :lol:
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