the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Skin Diamond?

Yep, that's my baby
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Skin Diamond?

Yep & you're too young for her baby boy. Fall back, k.
whatever, i'm licking that shaved head side in three years though

no. unless you pay for it.
my wife knows better than to cheat on me for free.

spring came way, way too fast this year
i didnt wear any of my real winter gear

but i didnt shovel

i want a cheap android tablet, but i dont want a cheap android tablet

golden oreos are
i want to buy a tablet by summer...I'm leaning towards the ASUS Prime....sorry Apple fanboys....your products aint all that and is a bit overhyped....
- Did better on my Political Science exam than I thought I would do; I did well, actually.
- Got my midterm grades today, and I'm pleased.
- I watched The United States of Leland years ago, and just realized that Leland was played by Ryan Gosling.

- Musically, 2012 is off to a great start.

- I need a new bike.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Solerunner

Cap1229 you have the worst weirdest taste in music
I'll take that.
�If I were to really get into my catalog of music that I listen to I would get severely judged. Right now I'm really into fast beats and music that I can rave too.
�It ain't for everybody tho.�

Like dancing to this song below while lifted with friends:
.�You would never expect by looking at any of us that when this track comes on foolishness follows.�

Not a single damn given.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Solerunner

Cap1229 you have the worst weirdest taste in music
I'll take that.
If I were to really get into my catalog of music that I listen to I would get severely judged. Right now I'm really into fast beats and music that I can rave too.
It ain't for everybody tho.

Like dancing to this song below while lifted with friends:
. You would never expect by looking at any of us that when this track comes on foolishness follows.


Not a single damn given.
Son...i haven't seen this since high school 
Caps, more so for you since we were talking about music.
1. Chevy Commercial Brought me to song #1
2. Akira Hokuto (Japanese Women's Wrestler" brought me to song #2. I don't know what is being said but the song sounds cool to me.�
Lately I've been drinking lot (more than usual)& for some reason I've started drunk dialin/texting exes & start going on here to rant on threads I highly dislike. Something is missing in my life, unsure what it is
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by cap1229

I'll take that.
�If I were to really get into my catalog of music that I listen to I would get severely judged. Right now I'm really into fast beats and music that I can rave too.
�It ain't for everybody tho.�

Like dancing to this song below while lifted with friends:
.�You would never expect by looking at any of us that when this track comes on foolishness follows.�


Not a single damn given.
i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.

So many chicks like me. I don't even know why..i'm pretty damn boring. It was pretty fascinating knowing that plenty NTer's think im "cool" or whatever. I'm not 

I leave my phone home everyday & when i get back..0 missed calls or texts. feelsbadman. Bout to cut that %@%@ off. Bought a car even tho i knew i didnt need it . 

This IT %@%@ is getting tiring. Dell has to be the worst company to work for, even tho the $$$ is good. Dealing with rich white clients is getting to me..90% of them are complete #%%@!@++ and feel they're above you for whatever reason. 

This one client got me so mad that i stole her wallet and threw that %@%@ in the garbage. 

Took the cash out and gave it to a bum. 

Depression has me eating like a madman. 

I may eat 4-7 meals a day...I've gained so much weight that most of my clothes don't fit me anymore. I look sloppy and don't give 1 @%%$ about it. I haven't gotten a haircut in almost 6 weeks. I look like and feel like crap..
^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
yeah man, you can turn things around. there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

i don't think i ever felt as bad as you do now, but i've had bad times. a lot of it is just changing your mentality and approach. as an example -- i used to do the same thing, watching my phone, hoping someone would text me. that's inevitably going to lead to depression. instead, now i have my own plans and i don't expect or need anyone to call me.

i'm not saying you can just snap out of it. but just know that things can be different. like 8PM at MSG said, try therapy. you've let your behavior reinforce your current state. therapy can help you improve that.
Therapy is a wonderful suggestion. I just started going to a new therapist and it's helping me with some of the issues I was dealing with and needed to talk about.
i used to see a therapist when i was in high school, but i was always worried that my peers would see me as crazy. but now it would be nice to have that non judgmental person to talk to once in awhile
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