the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.

So many chicks like me. I don't even know why..i'm pretty damn boring. It was pretty fascinating knowing that plenty NTer's think im "cool" or whatever. I'm not 

I leave my phone home everyday & when i get back..0 missed calls or texts. feelsbadman. Bout to cut that %@%@ off. Bought a car even tho i knew i didnt need it . 

This IT %@%@ is getting tiring. Dell has to be the worst company to work for, even tho the $$$ is good. Dealing with rich white clients is getting to me..90% of them are complete #%%@!@++ and feel they're above you for whatever reason. 

This one client got me so mad that i stole her wallet and threw that %@%@ in the garbage. 

Took the cash out and gave it to a bum. 

Depression has me eating like a madman. 

I may eat 4-7 meals a day...I've gained so much weight that most of my clothes don't fit me anymore. I look sloppy and don't give 1 @%%$ about it. I haven't gotten a haircut in almost 6 weeks. I look like and feel like crap..
Get yourself a haircut, it's a step forward that will help you feel better. Just something about it makes you feel good about yourself which is what you definitely need. 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.

So many chicks like me. I don't even know why..i'm pretty damn boring. It was pretty fascinating knowing that plenty NTer's think im "cool" or whatever. I'm not 

I leave my phone home everyday & when i get back..0 missed calls or texts. feelsbadman. Bout to cut that %@%@ off. Bought a car even tho i knew i didnt need it . 

This IT %@%@ is getting tiring. Dell has to be the worst company to work for, even tho the $$$ is good. Dealing with rich white clients is getting to me..90% of them are complete #%%@!@++ and feel they're above you for whatever reason. 

This one client got me so mad that i stole her wallet and threw that %@%@ in the garbage. 

Took the cash out and gave it to a bum. 

Depression has me eating like a madman. 

I may eat 4-7 meals a day...I've gained so much weight that most of my clothes don't fit me anymore. I look sloppy and don't give 1 @%%$ about it. I haven't gotten a haircut in almost 6 weeks. I look like and feel like crap..

Reading this just hit home for me. Friends from childhood have turned into enemies. I spent the last 5 years in school, working hard as #!%! everyday thinking that once I get this engineering thing going, I could at least relax and be comfortable. Not even...entry level engineering position making intern money. I don't know if it's me or my situation but I got buddies in the SAME position pulling 60k+. #!%! is truly depressing. Stopped smoking to focus on this state exam just so I can get my pay grade up (hopefully).

I definitely relate to that line about your phone. My phone STAYS empty...if it vibrate, it's because I got an email

I can't tell you the last time I been out on a Friday/Saturday night. Ain't been to a club in years.

I drive fast as !@%+ on the freeway....hoping that if I crash, it's good enough to kill me. I'm not that lucky though. I was doing 100+ in the pouring down rain today...and I'm still here. It's selfish, but it's how I feel these days.

Not to mention the system in the car (I know you can relate) is fading in and out...I've had these L7's for damn near 6 years now and I know it's just a matter of time until they go out.

The most ironic part is I live a block away from Disneyland....the happiest place on earth, but I sit here alone typing this. I guess what I really want to say is that I can relate to your struggle, but this ain't the end. #!%! will get better. I refuse to let this be my situation forever. Eyes don't always stay wet with tears. These trials and struggles are lessons....and as long as we don't let them kill us, we'll come out better on the other side. Life is like that sometimes. I really believe that.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Therapy is a wonderful suggestion. I just started going to a new therapist and it's helping me with some of the issues I was dealing with and needed to talk about.

If you need someone to talk to, I'm hear for you bae.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
I don't really want to talk to anyone. 
I feel like everyone is judgmental. 
DC I'm declaring my love for you right now. In this thread on the 95th page for that Go-Go you posted.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.
Not gonna say this is exactly how I feel but brah...sometimes I feel like no one in the world relates to me and no matter how much you tell yourself everyone else's opinion doesn't matter it really does...makes you feel very alone. Don't even have any advice to add but I def feel you man.

And that song goes in.
^ That song is amazing. I'm downloading it now and it's prolly gonna be on repeat for the rest of the night.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
I don't really want to talk to anyone. 
I feel like everyone is judgmental. 
Thats why a therapist would be good for you. They are not supposed to care about you enough to want to judge you they just have to professionally help you out
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
I don't really want to talk to anyone. 
I feel like everyone is judgmental. 
this is gonna sound corny as I learned this from life and King of the Hill
but sometimes the best person is someone who will sit there and just listen, he'll say no words and you just go, heart to heart man to man., no judgements
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
I don't really want to talk to anyone. 
I feel like everyone is judgmental. 
this is gonna sound corny as I learned this from life and King of the Hill
but sometimes the best person is someone who will sit there and just listen, he'll say no words and you just go, heart to heart man to man., no judgements
Yup. Sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. Think it over man, I understand it's easier said than done to just tell anyone your business but it might be the first step in helping you through all this BS you goin thru right now. 
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

^You should try therapy bruh. And get in the gym. Don't let yourself slip to far. You can always make new friends, it just takes effort.
I don't really want to talk to anyone. 
I feel like everyone is judgmental. 
this is gonna sound corny as I learned this from life and King of the Hill 
but sometimes the best person is someone who will sit there and just listen, he'll say no words and you just go, heart to heart man to man., no judgements
 You did that on purpose
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever.

So many chicks like me. I don't even know why..i'm pretty damn boring. It was pretty fascinating knowing that plenty NTer's think im "cool" or whatever. I'm not 

I leave my phone home everyday & when i get back..0 missed calls or texts. feelsbadman. Bout to cut that %@%@ off. Bought a car even tho i knew i didnt need it . 

This IT %@%@ is getting tiring. Dell has to be the worst company to work for, even tho the $$$ is good. Dealing with rich white clients is getting to me..90% of them are complete #%%@!@++ and feel they're above you for whatever reason. 

This one client got me so mad that i stole her wallet and threw that %@%@ in the garbage. 

Took the cash out and gave it to a bum. 

Depression has me eating like a madman. 

I may eat 4-7 meals a day...I've gained so much weight that most of my clothes don't fit me anymore. I look sloppy and don't give 1 @%%$ about it. I haven't gotten a haircut in almost 6 weeks. I look like and feel like crap..

Reading this just hit home for me. Friends from childhood have turned into enemies. I spent the last 5 years in school, working hard as #!%! everyday thinking that once I get this engineering thing going, I could at least relax and be comfortable. Not even...entry level engineering position making intern money. I don't know if it's me or my situation but I got buddies in the SAME position pulling 60k+. #!%! is truly depressing. Stopped smoking to focus on this state exam just so I can get my pay grade up (hopefully).

I definitely relate to that line about your phone. My phone STAYS empty...if it vibrate, it's because I got an email

I can't tell you the last time I been out on a Friday/Saturday night. Ain't been to a club in years.

I drive fast as !@%+ on the freeway....hoping that if I crash, it's good enough to kill me. I'm not that lucky though. I was doing 100+ in the pouring down rain today...and I'm still here. It's selfish, but it's how I feel these days.

Not to mention the system in the car (I know you can relate) is fading in and out...I've had these L7's for damn near 6 years now and I know it's just a matter of time until they go out.

The most ironic part is I live a block away from Disneyland....the happiest place on earth, but I sit here alone typing this. I guess what I really want to say is that I can relate to your struggle, but this ain't the end. #!%! will get better. I refuse to let this be my situation forever. Eyes don't always stay wet with tears. These trials and struggles are lessons....and as long as we don't let them kill us, we'll come out better on the other side. Life is like that sometimes. I really believe that.

Gotta help my fellow N'ters out…
I completely understand where you guys are coming from, I've felt this way. Did some some evaluation, and things started to change for me. 

CHANGE HAPPENS ON THE INSIDE OUT. In all aspects of life, change happens on the inside out. You want your phone to be hot? You want to have more friends and be more active socially? From the inside out. Take care of your body, your appearance. Find some time to work out, and really focus on bettering yourself physically. Combine this with getting a haircut, and regularly keep one. Two things right here will immediately shift the way you feel. You can also sit down, and write out all the things you are happy about, things you are grateful and thankful for, this will force you to focus on all the good that you have in your life, even if you don't see it right now. Do this once a day, or as often as you deem necessary. Also, really try and smile. Be happy. If it isn't genuine, fake it. Keep faking it until it becomes genuine.

Do these things for about 30 days and I guarantee things will start to change for you. You'll become more vibrant and cheerful, and you will find yourself just naturally finding new friends, new experiences, and overall, you'll be a happier person and find that life is truly GOOD, it's AWESOME, and should be lived this way everyday.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by RESPECT FINESSE

Why is buying a new printer cheaper than the replacement ink cartridge?

Real life
New printers come with "sample" cartridges.

You'll still have to buy new ink 
officemax has a buy 2 get one free deal. jump on that

and to the people that are feeling down and kinda "depressed". whenever i get close to that feeling i think about how lucky i am and how blessed i am compared other people around the world and tell myself to stop acting like a *&%$# and step up and take control of your life and do what makes me happy and runover whoever is stopping you from being happy.

dont waste your time whining and complaining about life. you got the knowledge and the money and all the resources take advantage while you can.
I really enjoy British t.v....Misfits, Skins, Top Gear, Being Human. Too bad two out of the four are potentially falling off or already have...
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

I really enjoy British t.v....Misfits, Skins, Top Gear, Being Human. Too bad two out of the four are potentially falling off or already have...

Anything with Ramsay on BBC.

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