the thread about nothing...

speaking of ig.. i finally caved and made one 
Fight today at school at lunch

Two girls

I was front row. I was too engaged to pull out my phone. 
marco23 marco23 whut? :lol:. Please don't take it personal if I don't like a pic. Doesn't mean I don't like you or think it's cool. I understand you're in HS, but please don't get wrapped up in that social medial Bull****. It's not what is seems and is such an illusion. "Likes" are lazy anyway.
Thirst everywhere...
Far from thirst we all were laughing about the issue in that thread and next thing I know it was locked... Reading is fundamental thus "what happened to THE thread about THE thread ask a Publicist
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marco23 marco23 whut? :lol:. Please don't take it personal if I don't like a pic. Doesn't mean I don't like you or think it's cool. I understand you're in HS, but please don't get wrapped up in that social medial Bull****. It's not what is seems and is such an illusion. "Likes" are lazy anyway.
I don't really care about likes but it warms my heart when NTers like my stuff :wow:
marco23 marco23 whut? :lol:. Please don't take it personal if I don't like a pic. Doesn't mean I don't like you or think it's cool. I understand you're in HS, but please don't get wrapped up in that social medial Bull****. It's not what is seems and is such an illusion. "Likes" are lazy anyway.
I don't really care about likes but it warms my heart when NTers like my stuff :wow:

I got you bro, no worries.
I only have 70 followers 

People will follow me, but then I won't follow them, so then they unfollow me. 
I only have 70 followers :lol:  

People will follow me, but then I won't follow them, so then they unfollow me. 
Are you one of those people that't thinks they're too good to follow others back? :lol:
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