the thread about nothing...

Uh-huh, show me the bounce

got you fam


I know its late...but how sway going to come out with a T-shirt and try to sell it off this? Whole thing seems staged now when sway gets done and is like "yes controversial interview im trending on twitter and people are making meme's of me and kanye....time to pounce....log onto sway universe for your t-shirt"

:smh: :smh:
$2 6 inch meatball & ham sandwiches at subway this month bros, we eating right all december long. Cheers 

I know its late...but how sway going to come out with a T-shirt and try to sell it off this? Whole thing seems staged now when sway gets done and is like "yes controversial interview im trending on twitter and people are making meme's of me and kanye....time to pounce....log onto sway universe for your t-shirt"

:smh: :smh:

Another failed clothing venture for Sway then.
^^^ :lol:

Literally eating a sandwich now and I didn't see this. I'm tight.
if I wasn't frozen to my seat right now I'd be eating 3 sandwiches.
when I get home though :evil:
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This older spanish lady in my office got a nice booty, but she looks like Hector Salamanca :smh:
I think my Gramma comes home today. Bittersweet, kuz it's pretty much the end, n she'll be on hospice. I just hope she makes it to my Grandpa bday next Saturday. I really don't it's hit me just yet, but when it :frown: |I . I just been getting drunker n drunker each day. Schedule is pretty much wake up, smoke, get drunk, pass out, do some HW, get drunk, pass out, wake up, smoke, etc. I haven't really talked about it's affecting me to my fam, but have talked about how it's getting to everyone else. I'm seriously scared as ****. This woman took me in when I was 10 n nobody else wanted me. We had our ups n downs, but I'd trade any n everything just to have one of those days back. **** is tough man, kuz I use to think she was invincible, n to see her like this is world-shaking. I've lost so much motivation for life n have just been depressed as ****. I put up a front, but on the inside I'm dying n I know it hasn't even hit me yet; or it has n I haven't noticed it. I don't know what to do or how to feel. It's just a complete cluster**** that just does not go away. It's almost surreal the way it's all gone down. The worst part is I know how fast it can happen kuz I lost 3 aunts in the past 2 years to this ****, n with them they were gone like that. I dunno man, I just feel lost. |I

Same situation fam, nothin been the same since my grandma diagnosed with cancer |I

Had to get her to the hospital recently, will probably be able to come home in a few days but her days have been so painful for the past year - year and a half, and it just sucks knowing that it isn't going to get any better |I
So sad seeing my Grandpa too man, I can't imagine the pain seeing the love of your life go through this, you could never tell though, he always keeps it together.. |I

She was very big in my life too, me and my mom lived with gramps/grandma early years until Pops was able to get through some things.

Tough, very tough seeing what she goes through

Anybody got any advice for a weird white guy?

What kinda money do I gotta bring in to attract one of those high falutin instagram broads? 125k a year? or is that light?

Anybody here a drug dealer? Hows that work out?

I once bumped and grinded with a chick who looked like Baby/Birdman in a cheap wig in the pit at a Bone Thugs show and I almost smashed a chick from the Bahamas I wasn't into so I wasn't crying when I accidentally derailed it, I mean it's like if I can't get to you with my thang THIS MINUTE you never wanna talk to me again? Whatever, lets talk about attaining black yams.


This will end well.


Smells like a troll thread. If not, you are a complete idiot.

I once bumped and grinded with a chick who looked like Baby/Birdman in a cheap wig

Theyre just women b.


Such an obvious bait and troll thread.................................. but i'm in.


Successful black women thread part 2??




You made the SN just for this thread lol?


1. Spelled yambs wrong
2. Already lost because them instagramb chicks are hostesses at Applebee's and in "nursing school"
3. Already lost b/c you think all black chicks like dope boys.
4. Already lost because you think there's a formula to pulling women.

How to pull black chicks

1. Stop being scary and say hello. They're way more receptive to white guys than you think
2. Don't try to be something you not. Those *****s out here are only boo'ed up with fat ratchets
3. Dark skinned breezy are SEVERELY underrated.
4. Having a big butt is SUPER powerful in the black community (its a reason why flat butt black girls like the white boys). To attain fat butt black breezys, your mouthpiece has to be crisp
5. Ratchets already think you have money based on the fact that you're white. You're good there
6. Don't let them get too controlling. People say black women are bossy. They're only bossy if you're a wuss.




Is that Jody H in your pic? Don't ever disrespect the gawd like this again.
1. Spelled yambs wrong
2. Already lost because them instagramb chicks are hostesses at Applebee's and in "nursing school"
3. Already lost b/c you think all black chicks like dope boys.

3. Dark skinned breezy are SEVERELY underrated.
4. Having a big butt is SUPER powerful in the black community (its a reason why flat butt black girls like the white boys). To attain fat butt black breezys, your mouthpiece has to be crisp
I refuse the b, it's unnecessary.

Word, they trickin' too?

Dark skin chicks are cool but light skin chicks are what really get me.

I like flat butt sistas like Rihanna.
Welp, the thread made about the thread that disappeared has now disappeared. NT is the worst :lol:
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