the thread about nothing...

that dog gif 
Its funny how perception of age has changed for me too.

When I was 18-21 years old, 33 seemed ancient to me. 

Now that I'm only 24, 33 still seems sort of old, but not that ancient anymore.
Is Beh a 70s baby? :nerd:
I just said I was 32, do the math! :lol:
I posted that before seeing your post!

Would have been cool if you were a 70s baby.

Damn, you'd have to be 33 if you were a 70s baby. Old as **** :rofl:
Nah 34 man. I was born late '81. Not old at all my friend.
And that is why my lil brother is the math major and I'm a nursing major :lol:

but naw, I was just tryna say that its funny that you could be 33 and a 80s baby but if you were just a year older and a 70s baby, then you are old as ****. Or at least IMO

Do 90s babies count? :nerd:
90s babies :smh:

Get on our level child.

Do 90s babies count? :nerd:
No, sorry. They are walking around with FPOBA V's, a flatop with no fade with three parts on the side and have no clue why. 
The hostilities toward the 90s children, I don't fit into that stereotype though. I don't even own a pair of Jordans. Give me a pair of Air Maxs though. :pimp: @Marco23 Looks like we'll be getting at the 00's babies when their time comes.
Do 90s babies count?
No, sorry. They are walking around with FPOBA V's, a flatop with no fade with three parts on the side and have no clue why. 
Why were folks rocking that back in the day?
It was self expression when people had individuality. It went from big afros in the 70's to smaller afros in the early 80's. Then mid to late 80's people went in a different direction with their hair. Then these derived
[thread="329154"]The hostilities toward the 90s children, I don't fit into that stereotype though. I don't even own a pair of Jordans. Give me a pair of Air Maxs though. :pimp:  [/thread]
[@=/u/82860/Marco23]@Marco23[/@] Looks like we'll be getting at the 00's babies when their time comes.
I'm glad you aren't making excuses.  

:lol:  get at it fellas.

Isn't Justin Beiber a 00's baby? He's what 12-13 years old?
Lol idk I think he was born in 93-94? He's not old enough to even drink I think :lol: Dude wants to pick fights with paparazzi but can't even legally have a cold one. :rofl:
@rck3sactown  give it a few more years 

@Rare  it's not hostility at all. It's called finding your own identity, and therein lies the problem. No need to ask why you can't be included. Seems like a majority from the 90's and beyond need the feeling to belong when they should be themselves and create that belonging. That's the transitioning point between generations imo. I never understood why those born after the 80's want to be part of it so bad. I guess it speaks to how influential that time was. Not picking on you, but saying "I don't do/wear/listen to _______" doesn't make you any more cooler to fit in. I see that a lot too. The basis of the 80's culture was creativity, out of that the styles were more "organic" for lack of a better term. By the time technology expanded, it sapped that innate creativity needed when technology doesn't supply it for you.
It's interesting what the perception of "old" is 
. 33 was "old" back in like 1912 
You old as ****  , for this site, you know not for this Earth
One of my favorite scenes 

Ironic how 33 is perceived as old on NT, yet the one of the widely considered and respected "cool" people is 44 and considered relevant. If that's the case, might as well hang out with your own pops 
getting mt @rkc3sactown on

idk how to at people
I don't know how to do it on Rich Editor either.
@rck3sactown  give it a few more years 
I know, I know, I'm sure when I get to your age I'll be humming the same tune as you about age.
It's interesting what the perception of "old" is 
. 33 was "old" back in like 1912 
33 is not old at all. 
You serious??? Thats old as hell. Especially in terms of generational gap. I get weirded out being around my friends that are in their 30s sometimes. 

Like damn, when I was in the 4th grade, yall was graduating high school 
beh repped 

I can understand how kids form the 90s look at the 80s, I just happened to be born in a time where things just happened to be good to what is the pop culture TODAY. It'll change in 50 years and won't look so great. Then I'll be the old man waving my fist for the kids to get off my lawn. It's all relative. Real talk, the 80's was the ****. Who was ******g with Mr. T tho? 
beh repped 

I can understand how kids form the 90s look at the 80s, I just happened to be born in a time where things just happened to be good to what is the pop culture TODAY. It'll change in 50 years and won't look so great. Then I'll be the old man waving my fist for the kids to get off my lawn. It's all relative. Real talk, the 80's was the ****. Who was ******g with Mr. T tho? :lol:
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