the thread about nothing...

[COLOR=#red]Christmas music ftw. :nthat:

Bing Crosby was that dude man.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]What did you guys get for the people around you this year??

Son: Bunch of wrestlers, some football gear, couple games, luchadore mask, couple board games, some football workout equipment... it's his offseason now.

Nephew: Bunch of figured from that Disney platform games, wrestlers

Mom: Juicer she has been wanting, a Dryer she wanted, something else that I'm missing.

Jeff: (mom's boyfirend of 15 years or something like that): A picture framed Super Bowl tickets and coins of the Cowboys Super Bowl wins.

The Woman: A Ton of A's gear, (she is a huge baseball/A's fan), some stuff for behind the scenes, ton of socks (she loves crazy socks), A Walking Dead figure and a Minion, and got
her some piercings she has been wanting for years but too chicken to do.

Sister: Amazon gift card, a bunch of wine + accessories... self explanatory, a Little Mermaid tank top, and something else I'm forgetting.

Nanny (grandma): a bunch of stuff for her cats...proper couch covers for those shedding monsters.

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Christmas is a little different for me this year.

My family, including cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents are all in Taiwan. This might be the first time we've had everyone together.

It's kind of hard getting presents out here.

But I'm real excited :smile: . Honestly with the fam together, gifts kind of take a back seat (for me at least).

I bought my moms Ugg slippers last year tho. I set the bar too high :frown:
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I got a lot of PJs for the kids and random toys. Ninja turtles and jake and the never land pirates were popular this year
[COLOR=#red]What did you guys get for the people around you this year??

Son: Bunch of wrestlers, some football gear, couple games, luchadore mask, couple board games, some football workout equipment... it's his offseason now.

Nephew: Bunch of figured from that Disney platform games, wrestlers

Mom: Juicer she has been wanting, a Dryer she wanted, something else that I'm missing.

Jeff: (mom's boyfirend of 15 years or something like that): A picture framed Super Bowl tickets and coins of the Cowboys Super Bowl wins.

The Woman: A Ton of A's gear, (she is a huge baseball/A's fan), some stuff for behind the scenes, ton of socks (she loves crazy socks), A Walking Dead figure and a Minion, and got
her some piercings she has been wanting for years but too chicken to do.

Sister: Amazon gift card, a bunch of wine + accessories... self explanatory, a Little Mermaid tank top, and something else I'm forgetting.

Nanny (grandma): a bunch of stuff for her cats...proper couch covers for those shedding monsters.


light christmas

got the gf over with already ...focused on the new baby coming 2/2
got my 5y/o daughter a ipad,easy bake oven,clothes & other nik nak stuff
gettin mom & pops a entertainment system..prbly apple tv
Bacon bowl ? 
What did you guys get for the people around you this year??

Son: Bunch of wrestlers, some football gear, couple games, luchadore mask, couple board games, some football workout equipment... it's his offseason now.

Nephew: Bunch of figured from that Disney platform games, wrestlers

Mom: Juicer she has been wanting, a Dryer she wanted, something else that I'm missing.

Jeff: (mom's boyfirend of 15 years or something like that): A picture framed Super Bowl tickets and coins of the Cowboys Super Bowl wins.

The Woman: A Ton of A's gear, (she is a huge baseball/A's fan), some stuff for behind the scenes, ton of socks (she loves crazy socks), A Walking Dead figure and a Minion, and got
her some piercings she has been wanting for years but too chicken to do.

Sister: Amazon gift card, a bunch of wine + accessories... self explanatory, a Little Mermaid tank top, and something else I'm forgetting.

Nanny (grandma): a bunch of stuff for her cats...proper couch covers for those shedding monsters.

what i bolded is awesome i feel like this generation of young kids dont know about the amazing board games we all had as young bucks, they to into the electronics. Sorry, trouble, Guess who. Good times
late to the game this morning- damb near noon- slightly hungover- Hadn't had a drink for 2-3 weeks so lightweight city.

Need a good hangover lunch. Don't have a lotta time. Gotta go volunteer at my kids' school. Xmas parties. :smokin
Mom - a couple MK stuff, Spa day treatment and a gift card to get her hair/nails done.

Pops - after work today i'm grabbing him a few Sixers gear, new pair of kicks ( still not sure). Since he is a cowboys fan i grabbed him the White/Sport Royal-Stealth 5s last year. 

Brother - Video games, hoodie, and some sweats. 

Still need to finish for rest of fam, im a last minute type dude. 
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what i bolded is awesome i feel like this generation of young kids dont know about the amazing board games we all had as young bucks, they to into the electronics. Sorry, trouble, Guess who. Good times

[COLOR=#red]Yea bro... I make the family and especially my son play board games and card games with me a lot. I have soooo many board games lol.

I'll usually call everyone once a month of so for a game night. Important to me people interact that way.

Just the other day:


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