the thread about nothing...

How much cheaper is it?

$460, compared to other apartments for $850-$1250 in the same range

i ain't trying to wake up to homies gf like


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That price different is crazy. :wow:

Do they legally have to put that in the description that that stuff happened?
How much cheaper is it?

$460, compared to other apartments for $850-$1250 in the same range
Gotta take that. Use the money you save to get a gun. Problem solved.
don't think a gun would work...

That price different is crazy. :wow:

Do they legally have to put that in the description that that stuff happened?

I'm not sure, I was just looking for a place to live for next month :lol: saw it was cheap and remembered it's the murder apartment place.
There's only been two really violent murders around campus, that one and when a student chopped off a professor's head and my friends now live in that house and I have partied there (before I knew a professor had their head chopped off and brains removed there) :lol:
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small rant/

Why does everyone these days catch feelings over honesty. Friends asked me "what we doing for new years" i said "my room mate wants me to go to this chicks party with him" they were like ok we can do that. I'm like no...its invite only....sorry you guys can't go. They are now angry like we had plans or something....we didn't have plans to do anything....that's why you just texted me TODAY asking what are we doing for new years. Not to mention i can't roll to parties with me and 5 friends and be like hey brought some people...thats not kosher.
HELLO TANNERS! GOOD MORNING TO YOU!!! My day so far is excellent!!! I hope yours is as well!!!!
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