the thread about nothing...

Nah never tried it.

Been an insomniac since high school, running off 4-5 hours routinely.

Plus I'm a light sleeper and my thoughts are always running.

I'm the same way. In high school I would stay up til 12-1 on weeknights and be up at 5 to get ready. I can't do it like I used to so when I know I have to sleep I take that unisom and I'm out :nerd:

Try it :D
My new baby. Got some of the range tonight (shot it)... hit the outdoor range this weekend. Gotta get ready for season... need to eat!
Dude you hunt and eat stuff? How is that? I'm sure the hunting is fun but I'm assuming a lot of work goes into getting the meat ready?

My bruh goes. This is my first year in YEARS... getting back to it. Just gotta get the kill, and cut it open like star wars 2. Pull all the guts and junk out. depends on how big but you usually just pick it up (very hard) and drag it back to the truck. Then take it to a butcher. Good to go for a while.fresh steak, jerkey, roasts, etc.
I wanna try it one day but IDK if I got the heart to kill something.

It works for me, even if it is just a placebo-effect.
See it worked for me too, but there's something about downing a 20 oz drink right before bed that I don't like. I'm always worried I'll have to use the bathroom. :lol:
I have sleep issues too. 4-5 hours is normal. That ain't normal 
. In this order, I blame College, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Dominos Pizza, and chicken tender subs.

I knew it was only a matter of time for that freak thread to be deleted. Top 3 thread of the year easy 
i sleep 5-6 hours a night but im not that tired throughout the day, at least not til 12:30-1 pm or so...

usually up at 4 am (sometimes 3:30a) and online for work (when working remotely) by 5-5:30 am...
I feel tired, but I toss and turn for half the night. I eventually just say screw it and get up.. I think there's underlying issues I was able to sleep well 7 months ago before my brother died.
It's almost like I need Kush for sleep. Melotonin works well if u can fall asleep a half hour after you take it.
Right now, I sleep during the day about 12-14 hours, then stay up at all night :smh: Like i'm about to sleep within the next hour or so and get back up around 10pm. So terrible, first I blamed jetlagg now it's laziness and insomnia.
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