the thread about nothing...

brazilian volleyball team


I started playing Batman Arkham City again because the movie got me hyped and this game is so ILL. I actually started doing the side quests and getting the Riddler trophies and I'm honestly addicted to this game right now
:rofl: how long ago was that?

I'm just now listening to The Weeknd's House of Balloons. Ehh it's okay, not really my cup of tea. i do like a few tracks though

Whats up with all these photoshopped pics? :lol:
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..unknowingly been in the music thread for the past hour thinkin it was general

*wondering why there are so many music related topics in general today* *shrugs*
So from watching the olympics I got the inspiration to try swimming, I've always wanted to because a couple of my friends swim for some local teams around here.
Went with them today to swim idea how exhausting that was! it was a 25 yard pool and after going down and back twice i was so out of breath. I like to think I'm in pretty decent shape, I workout and run but swimming is a completely different beast.
I'm going back though because it still looks so fun.
Almost in tears reading the autobiography of the greatest man to ever live. Why'd they have to kill Brother Malcolm :smh: :frown:
Oprah don't owe y'all anything :lol:

I eventually would love to be in a position where I can help out. These kids are lost and really all they need are positive influences in their life.
i laugh everytime I read "yambs" on here. lord forbid what'll happen if I hear it on the streets
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