the thread about nothing...

this is a dumb question...but does anyone have a bottled water preference. I am drinking aquafina for the first time in like forever, normally i drink safeway brand water or just the water from my refrigerator. Or nasty water fountain water at work. This Aquafina taste good....never thought id actually be able to tell i was always a water-is-water type

Aquafina taste like **** to me. Arrowhead is what I drink B.

arrowhead :x

aquafina, dasani, zero water filter at home, perrier :smokin

Out my window i see everything that i wish i had

stare at the wall then.

At traffic court for a ticket
May yeezus bless me

Hope they toss you in the slammer for no reason B.
So do i :evil:

pepper da angus.

Off today but gotta root canal later. **** sux

da bulls in da playoffs doe
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