the thread about nothing...

bron bron
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Cap - Just to answer your question about my earlier posts. I do not have a close male friend because I find it can never work out. Like ya, of course I talk to guys,but a lot of them I will keep them as acquaintances. I have also learned that if you want to talk to a guy just even casually, just the fact you do, makes him think you are interested. I am a friendly person,but it doesn't mean that since I casually talk to you that I am interested in that way. So sometimes I just let it die off since their intent in their head is, I want to hit that, or I am interested in her (but I am not interested to take it to more than friends).
Trust me, I understand. It isn't possible to sustain for any real length of time I know.

Just curious, you ladies don't say any phrases or words that might lead male friends on right?
So that is why I never had that male figure/companion I can just kick it with. My ex is the closest I will ever have to that kind of friendship. If there is some sort of attraction, there will be sexual tension and hard to keep it just as platonic friends. 
GuttaGetsBusy - If I am not attracted to you and not interested, I do not lead on. If I am attracted to you, and you flirt, ya I will flirt back. 

I am actually just friendly. I will talk to you casually about anything. But, I don't know why some men think that it means I am interested if I do that. 
Trying to stay awake during the heat/okc game...been drinking every night this week 

I feel so murked lol...

my boy dave made this.  Its bacon wrapped ground beef 'sushi' filled with cream cheese and asparagus, drizzled with a light hollandaise sauce.

So i been actually searching for Ariana Grande since i never actually see or heard of her before til about a month ago and ll the avys on NT of her
Yup.. Im starting to dig her heavy�
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by BossBlaze

the angry people are coming

I can't wait, I'm going to throw a parade

not for the Heat, just for the upset sports fans 

    it aint over yet chunk- its still the same team that has choked late in important games (not in the last 3 though). We'll see how it goes, but i wouldnt rule out a collapse and then back to OKC. If the Heat will win, oh well-  good for them.
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