the thread about nothing...

I'd prolly grab some stuff but I wear a size 8 and a medium
you 5'5 lil papi?
I totally forgot about SS. Didnt eem get a gift
WHAT!??!?!?! who was your Santa?
h1n1 proof or something like that. Dude hasnt posted since November
So here's a quick update on my moving situation. You guys remember yesterday how I told you my roomate screwed me over and I cancelled cable and Internet.

Well today he hits me up talking about paying him the money for this months rent (cause he always pays at the beginning and I pay him back once cable and utilities come in) and I told him I prob wasn't even going to be paying him because of how much he ****** me over and then tried to take shots at me and my girl yesterday so I'm getting good revenge and not paying him almost $400

Hate that guy. I know it's a strong word but it's true.
Does he know where youre moving to?
:lol: my man JS34 hit em with the negro please :rofl:. I remember the slander Brocobo got and everyone calling him dirtbag for not sending his gift. Aye JS34, that Vick jersey come with Olympics7's?
It's possible to beat Super Mario Bros. in under 15 min.


world record :

I used to do it with my big brother, I think we got it under 15, can't remember exactly. Nothing close to 5 minutes though.

Mario should've died 3 times in the first minute though- something aint right about that :nerd:

taken from the second comment of the vid :

Obviously the people saying it's fake have never seen a Mario speedrun. He doesn't get killed by the plants because their hitboxes are at their bottom, not their top. He never touches the bottom of a piranha plant. 1:08 happens because only the top of the piranha plant is out of the pipe. In this game, you can kill enemies from UNDER them because only the direction you are moving (up or down) matters when you hit an enemy. As long as you are falling, they will die.

you can jump those plants with your butt getting eat and you won't die. I used to do this all the time.

EDIT : there is one done in 5:27 with less glitches, still has me :nerd:
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House party filled with pretty drunk ******* that ignores you and becomes disgusted for the rest of the night soon as you spark something up.

I feel the same, vice versa, cause i think alcohol is ******g horrible. Id rather smoke, atleast ill remember what I did during my flight.
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House party filled with pretty drunk ******* that ignores you and becomes disgusted for the rest of the night soon as you spark something up.

I feel the same, vice versa, cause i think alcohol is ******g horrible. Id rather smoke, atleast ill remember what I did during my flight.

Man in college when I sparked up at a house party and random girls I didn't know smiled and cutely asked if they could hit it I'd just look at them straight up and say, "no". The look on their faces was always priceless. The sense of entitlement. These instances usually ended with me having to get up and walk away because they would keep talking to me and try to hit it. A couple times I'd get right to the end of a J, hand it to em without saying a word when there's like a hit or 2 left and walk away without saying anything. :tongue:

green groupies are the worst :smh:
a snow cone? 

Brah I've had friends who are currently nurses go through that extensive *** program. They had to study night and day and give up most of their lives just to squeek by and barely pass all their hard *** tests.

How you manage to post on NT and plan to pass those clinicals ill never know. Maybe you're a genius. Maybe you're naturally smart? (fit the stereotype...*ahem*),
Idk, But I wouldn't want my kids lives in the hands of a nurse who spent most of their time discussing Kings basketball and Bodega sandwiches on NT instead of hittin the books hard

For the safety of future sick children, I urge you Rck, study.
I know, I know.... I hear this ALL the time from my parents and classmates (I think they are lightweight salty at my approach 

but trust me, 90% of the time when I'm on NT, watching tv, drinking, eating, whatever I'm getting my studies in.

When I was younger my parent's made me take study technique classes (typical asian parent's move) and for the longest time I was this straightedge, 100% focused studious kinda student, it didn't really work for me but I stuck with it cuz I figured it'd make sense. Since my 2nd year in college (like 5 years ago now 
) I have had a little more of a casual style of studying and embracing my ADD-like ways 
 and it's worked thus far.

Plus having almost 1000+ hours of experience working as an EMT/medic helps with the process and procedures of clinicals. Its not easy, but makes it a more comfortable experience having been around this stuff for almost 3 years before getting in the program.

I guess if I were to sum up how I tackle school and fun would be:

unlike people who say study hard, play later/harder or whatever?

I say why not do both (sometimes literally) at the same time... 
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