the thread about nothing...


Hello up there? I seem to have fallen down a cliff. I'm still alive, but I'm very badly injured. I think my legs might be broken but I'll try to stand up (snap!) Yes, they are broken. Perhaps you can toss me a Band-Aid or some anti-bacterial cream? I am in an extraordinarily large amount of pain, the bone has gone through the skin, I feel it might be gangrenous. The wound is beginning to smell a little like almonds, which is not good......Please?.....No one?....I'll try the other leg (snap!) Ahhhhhhhh!

:lol: :lol:
What is the acceptable method for a grown, heterozealous man to eat a popsicle? I still like a Bomb Pop or something pretty often, but can only eat them at home because of...the machinations required in their consumption.

Let's arrive at a consensus on this.

What is the acceptable method for a grown, heterozealous man to eat a popsicle? I still like a Bomb Pop or something pretty often, but can only eat them at home because of...the machinations required in their consumption.

Let's arrive at a consensus on this.

I have sensitive teeth, meaning I cant bite into anything cold, so I just dont.

There is no hetero way for me to eat a popsicle.
What is the acceptable method for a grown, heterozealous man to eat a popsicle? I still like a Bomb Pop or something pretty often, but can only eat them at home because of...the machinations required in their consumption.

Let's arrive at a consensus on this.


Homophobia is real bruh
Name of big breasted chick
Pure kelley
Kelly scarlet

She's british or something like that
Taco boozeday :evil:

Planning like 3-4 Vegas trips for the next few months :pimp:

Can't wait!!

Also Vegas Nt'ers, hit me up, got some questions to ask.
There is an acceptable way to eat a popscile in public.

Here's how you do it:
While you're licking your popsicle wear this shirt.
The shirt will say "who's gayer? The man licking a popsicle or the man imagining that a man licking a popsicle is licking a penis?"

This method also works for bananas, hot dogs, and any edible that's shaped like a penis.
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