the thread about nothing...

There hasn't been a classic thread in what seems to be like years. I still randomly think of the Fat Joe Street Cred thread from time to time. :rofl:
I've been watching these conspiracy theory videos on youtube that the powers that be are normalizing pedophilia. I guess they aren't that far off. :nerd:
If you can argue that other "abnormal" forms of sexuality are natural, they are in a prime position to argue the same about pedophilia.

I can see it being normalized eventually
Kept a PYT. This new schedule though is dope, off Sunday Tuesday Wednesday. Monday doesn’t even bother me to work cause it’s like a Friday for me :lol:
Went to Catch LA yesterday.
Not bad at all. Their sashimi plates were really good.
i got 3 beers and when i wanted to order the 4th the waiter said there's a 3 beer limit :lol:
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