the thread about nothing...

Never had a close relationship with my pops when i was younger and after him being locked up for 10 years he gets out next month.. In a way i want to catch up with him and try nd have a father son relationship but idk how to feel about him being out and about again.
Somebody's been breaking into cars in our neighborhood, its twice now I've seen our car doors open in the morning. Gonna install some CCTVs, anybody recommend one?

Dude lucky I haven't seen him or break in the house. 1911 locked and loaded.
Somebody's been breaking into cars in our neighborhood, its twice now I've seen our car doors open in the morning. Gonna install some CCTVs, anybody recommend one?

Dude lucky I haven't seen him or break in the house. 1911 locked and loaded.
Monento dashboard/back as a car camera. Ring for your house.

I’m sorry this is happening to you :frown:
macbk macbk ask for feedback

Rep said the candidate they went with has a bit more of a technical background than me, which led to making the choice. She legit sounded a bit dejected on the phone when she told me, because I've been nothing but enthusiastic. Told me to keep checking their job page & that my resume is going to be atop their board should anything new open.

It is what it is tho. Gotta just keep applying and hope for the best. My current job I was the "second choice" too because the person they went with before me didn't work out. Maybe that will happen here :nerd: .
I wonder if anyone has ever gotten contacted again after being "kept on file" or "being kept in mind." Sometimes I feel like it's something they say just to make you feel better.

Like I just said in my last post, I was for where I currently work. It was about a month later and they asked if I was still available/interested.

The rep I spoke to today told me "Most places don't mean it but we actually do keep record and would consider following up". Even told me to hit her up and not bother applying if I see something new.
Like I just said in my last post, I was for where I currently work. It was about a month later and they asked if I was still available/interested.

The rep I spoke to today told me "Most places don't mean it but we actually do keep record and would consider following up". Even told me to hit her up and not bother applying if I see something new.
That's nice of them. Feedback should be required for every job interview result
I wonder if anyone has ever gotten contacted again after being "kept on file" or "being kept in mind." Sometimes I feel like it's something they say just to make you feel better.

Yep - I hired someone recently who was the back up because the other person didn’t pass the background check. Had a DUI
I don't think I should hang my head over being the back up either. But it's not to say I am going to sit around and wait for that to hopefully happen.

アミーゴ アミーゴ , or anyone else - do you have any sites I should check out to further self-teach SQL and all that?
My stepson just got accepted to a very elite science high school.

giphy (13).gif

him and I worked on a science project for 4 months to make sure he got in.
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