not his full part

but a small video of what people thought Rodney was and how advanced he was back in the 80s and 90s 

I would post the full but I don't know how on nt Mobil.

Let me just say I was always a hooper and never skated but my brother and his homies all skated. When they showed me this Rodney Mullen video I was amazed dawg.

Quick question. Is Rodney's style of skate still respected in the skating world or is all mostly ramps and verts?
I would post the full but I don't know how on nt Mobil.

Let me just say I was always a hooper and never skated but my brother and his homies all skated. When they showed me this Rodney Mullen video I was amazed dawg.

Quick question. Is Rodney's style of skate still respected in the skating world or is all mostly ramps and verts?

Rodney is known as a pioneer.

With that being said, nobody skates with his style. There are a few who share some similarities but not anything near the tech Rodney was doing.

Vert skating is on the lower end of the spectrum. Most would agree that street skating is #1 right now, which is why it's getting so ridiculous.

There's like 20 people who could put out a video part this year and blow minds. It's like if every NBA team had a Jordan.
from Erik Ellington's IG.

The skating in Luan's Thrasher part was amazing but the ADHD editing made me want to punch the editor through my computer screen every time I saw that statue! Even if Luan likes soccer that much, do ALL Brazilian skaters like soccer to the point where it seems like it has to be mentioned in their skate parts/videos? It's like why do Spanish skaters have flamenco music in a lot of their parts?

The fast forward button on the remote is also known as "the vert button" so even if most people can respect the skill level involved, they can't really relate to it, even more so now that stuff like the mega ramp exists. It's like when I watch halfpipe snowboarding and think "first of all, I have to buy (or rent) all that gear, go to a ski resort, manage to get on/off the lift without falling down, and then bomb a giant hill without crashing into anything before I could even consider approaching a quarter pipe. Meanwhile, these guys are off doing 1080s?!?!?"

Anyone can go skate down the street, but vert has a steeper entry fee and learning curve IMO. Watch a street part and there's at least a few tricks that someone could learn skating around their neighborhood and progress from there. There's no way that I'm aware of that I'd be able to go skate a vert ramp where I am now anyway.

At the very least, thanks to a lot more skateparks with bowls being built, pool skating has gotten a lot more accessible. I'm still overcoming my mental hangups with skating bigger transition, but at least I can go ride it and then appreciate how gnarly guys like TNT, Grant Taylor, etc. are.

Saw this ad get posted online and am wondering "who is still buying Tensors?"

As much as I like Daewon Song, him riding them doesn't make me want to buy them since he doesn't even have a top bushing on his front truck. I bought a few sets back when they first came out and the plastic sliders were fun, but they DID NOT TURN AT ALL! They have a pretty decent team but that doesn't really mean anything. I heard all kinds of rumors of Koston skating Indys when he was on Orion and Biebel skating Ventures when he was on Silver.

Lighter isn't always better. I tried riding a guy's board who had Ti-Lites (titanium trucks that didn't turn) on a 7.5" Girl board back in the day and it was impossible for me to do anything on it. But then again, I was probably riding Indy's at the time, which everyone believes are the heaviest trucks. Having worked in a skate/surf shop, it was always a facepalm moment when some chunky kid would ask me 20,000 questions about which truck was lightest/best. You want to ollie higher? How about you leave the shop and go skate more?
I was watching Rodney Mullen vs. Daewon Song the other day and the tricks they pulled out were out this world. It's amazing how technical they both are.
I have respect for all types of skating, pools is something I've been trying to learn but can't find the heart to go 100%


I still buy Tensors 
 they've been my favorite truck since I stopped skating Independent's in 03? I'm rocking Thunders right now and I think I'm sticking to them.
I was watching Rodney Mullen vs. Daewon Song the other day and the tricks they pulled out were out this world. It's amazing how technical they both are.
I always preferred Daewon over Rodney but it's kinda biased since Daewon's been my favorite skater since forever. 


this made my hands sweat 

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Maybe it's because I grew up skating A'ala Park in Honolulu before they built all that stuff in the middle so I'm used to carving around on (at least small) transition? Or because all the hesh guys were able to influence a lot of the newer parks to have big bowls in them? Ever since I dislocated my ankle bailing on a tailslide in a bowl 8 years ago, I still like carving around, but hitting the lip is kind of a psychological barrier. Still, it's more fun/less painful than jumping up and down on flat or trying to do ledge tricks.

Anyway, more old school Flip footy!

And since Daewon was previously mentioned, and because it's his birthday according to all the well wishers on Instagram, one of his most recent parts. Apologies if it was already posted.

Even though modern skateboarding owes a lot to many of the tricks that Rodney Mullen invented, I'd rather watch Daewon. In my memory, he was one of the first super technical guys I saw that would skate bowls and had super loose trucks. With exception of super big stairs and rails, it seems like he can skate anything. In the late 90's he was making all those crazy picnic table stacks, early 2000's in the Deca warehouse, and now skating trees and rocks.

Video where Daewon discusses his wobbly front truck.

Bonus: Matt Rodriguez and his wobbly front AND back trucks.

Not saying anyone has to ride them that loose, but loose is better than super tight.
I was doing the bmx thing in the 90s but I was really into skateboarding too but as a fan

Used to always cop vids and transworld skate magazine
10 pages and no clip of the probably one of the underrated parts in skateboarding history? smh

I've always wondered what happened to this guy. Gangstarr set the tone on this clip oh so perfectly.

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I want to learn how to be respectable at skateboarding. But I know absolutely nothing, i've tried out a long board before and almost busted my *** :lol: Can someone give me some tips on where to start? I want to get a board but don't know which kind.

Do you legs wobble when you stand on the board? I was okay with riding the board but once I went to the gym and stood on one of those half sphere things and did a squat, I was shaking so badly that I could barely control my body. I kept working on it and now my stabilizer muscles are used to being activated which imo gave me a better skateboarding experience
Guys like Javier Sarmiento, Enrique Lorenzo, Jesus Fernandes, Daniel Lebron, etc. deserve way more attention. Been killing it for over a decade, but because they're in Spain...

I like some of the views that Pontus Alv expressed in his Jenkem interview about the skateboarding world becoming more international. Lakai has a Japanese team but why weren't they in Fully Flared? The Brits and the French guys got parts. Guess I need to put my money where my mouth is and buy a Chopper or Gou Miyagi board next time? Although I'll probably buy it in the US because Japanese prices are too painful. $100 for a deck? Even for a deck from a Japanese company? Even when the decks are made in China?

So former pro skater turned artist Alfonzo Rawls posted a picture of female pro skater Allysha Bergado doing a double grab (method/stalefish?) on his Instagram (alphonzorawlsdesigns) so I figured I should see what she's about. As someone who never really learned to skate transition, I'm pretty psyched on this part.

For those of y'all that were too young to know who Alfonzo Rawls is:

Edit: I misspelled Alf's name twice
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Wu Tang X HUF collab


Alphonzo does some dope art, he actually follows me back on IG as well. waiting for him to do an art show so I could go.

damn just realized that was a XYZ part, I was seriously looking on ebay 2-3 days ago for a hoodie of theirs but everything was in Japan.

I also like that Cliche is the only company giving people from other places some light.

Since it hasn't been posted, Seimi Miyahara's part from Lenz II. Thought about buying the video, but I heard that it doesn't get better than his part. Considering that Japanese DVDs are like $40 on average...but that's not as bad as trying to buy a skate brand shirt for the same price.

More Japanese skating: Shin Okada's part from the Deca video

Junichi Arahata

damn, Japan has some talent. sucks they don't get the proper recognition over here in the states.

here's sk8mafia doing a parody of the "Pretty Sweet" trailer.

In my opinion, "Pretty Sweet" was a major let down to me. wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much editing it was boring. it's suppose to be skate videos, not movies.
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I'll just post this one because the hardflip at 1:40 is ridiculous!

I remember watching Black Label's Industry section on 411 maybe b/c of the Vandals' song.

Watched Black Out and was pretty psyched on Melcher's part. Watching the whole video made me tired since there was so much giant handrail and gap skating. Is that why most of the guys from that video aren't on the team (or riding for anyone else as far as I know) any more?

One of the pioneers of big gap/rail skating, Frankie Hill.

From the same video, Ray Barbee.

I think I only watched Pretty Sweet once or twice since I got it, but Girl's always kinda had a cinematic element to their videos from the beginning, probably due to Spike Jonzes' influence. Powell-Peralta was pretty notorious for overproduced videos in the '80's and 90's but they had the Bones Brigade so...

But yeah, I hate how Ty Evans edits skate videos. At least he's not Evan Bowman though?
forgot all about Blacklabel, they had some pretty good boards and rippers on the team throughout the years. it was cool seeing that Melcher part.

my favorite Koston part. 

just found out that Shorty's is trying to make a comeback. I went to the shop and saw a couple boards, they still have the same shape as before.






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