The Ultimate Football Thread 2013-2014 Vol. 4 EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A etc

First 5 minutes of the game, and we got a PK called against us, blocked it, and then scored against Argentina. GREAT start.
Neymar is currently the La LIga leader in assists with 7. Messi & Cesc are 5th & 6th respectively with 4 assists a piece. I knwo a lot is being made about Messi's scoring drought but hee's at least getting his team mates the ball in scoring position...

Barca is also leading La Liga with the most goals (34) while conceding the least (7 goals allowed)... :smokin

I can't wait to see how the CL unfolds this campaign for Barca...
Mexico won 3-0

On to the final. Either vs Sweden (already beat them this tournament) or vs Nigeria (lost 1-6 in the opener :x)
Random thought... After watching them for a bit I think Michael Laudrup & AVB are overrated...

Yeah, um, I hear you, uh huh, but NO.

Laudrup has been crucial to Swansea's recent success. He made great signings in Michu, Bony, Chico, Hernández and de Guzmán for the low. He's implemented his own version of tiki-taka. Swansea finished in the top 10 (9th) in the 2012-13. This is from a club that has a stadium that fits like 20k people. They just had their first cup victory in how many years, and now Swansea are playing in Europe. Granted it's the Europa League but this is a club who less than 5 years ago was playing in the Championship. While Rodgers brought them up, and credit where credit is due, look what Laudrup has done with them after they got up. Swansea have only been in the prem a few short years, and they're never in the first 3 names you think of when you think of relegation every year.
Swansea are in fact the perfect example of how a small club should get up and stay up in the prem. I remember reading I think they made a profit of like 16m pounds last season. They took only 1m as profit to the directors, and the rest went to investing in 2 new training grounds/academy's for youth and investing in new players (Bony). Can you imagine what it must feel like as a fan from Swansea watching your club struggle, then move up, and up, and now playing in Europe?

I can see how you'd think so of AVB, cause not much has come from him yet at Spurs. But I don't think you should write him off at all. He's a quality young manager with plenty of time to grow, learn and build a powerhouse. I will be the first to tell you I would have preferred to have him at OT than Moyes. AVB just re-built his entire squad after Bale, and that squad is actually a strong squad (remember he had players like Adebayor :lol:). It's times like this where I look at 11 men on the pitch and think, well fellas, you're all professionals playing at the highest level, surely you can put in a better effort than what you're doing now. It's similar to United recently where as much as I blame Moyes, the players also need to step up to the plate and give it their all. When that does happen at Spurs, I think we'll be in for a wild ride watching them run rampant (not saying they'll suddenly be BVB, but they'll certainly be entertaining and start winning a lot more unexpected games)...
Random thought... After watching them for a bit I think Michael Laudrup & AVB are overrated...

Yeah, um, I hear you, uh huh, but NO.

Laudrup has been crucial to Swansea's recent success. He made great signings in Michu, Bony, Chico, Hernández and de Guzmán for the low. He's implemented his own version of tiki-taka. Swansea finished in the top 10 (9th) in the 2012-13. This is from a club that has a stadium that fits like 20k people. They just had their first cup victory in how many years, and now Swansea are playing in Europe. Granted it's the Europa League but this is a club who less than 5 years ago was playing in the Championship. While Rodgers brought them up, and credit where credit is due, look what Laudrup has done with them after they got up. Swansea have only been in the prem a few short years, and they're never in the first 3 names you think of when you think of relegation every year.
Swansea are in fact the perfect example of how a small club should get up and stay up in the prem. I remember reading I think they made a profit of like 16m pounds last season. They took only 1m as profit to the directors, and the rest went to investing in 2 new training grounds/academy's for youth and investing in new players (Bony). Can you imagine what it must feel like as a fan from Swansea watching your club struggle, then move up, and up, and now playing in Europe?

I can see how you'd think so of AVB, cause not much has come from him yet at Spurs. But I don't think you should write him off at all. He's a quality young manager with plenty of time to grow, learn and build a powerhouse. I will be the first to tell you I would have preferred to have him at OT than Moyes. AVB just re-built his entire squad after Bale, and that squad is actually a strong squad (remember he had players like Adebayor :lol:). It's times like this where I look at 11 men on the pitch and think, well fellas, you're all professionals playing at the highest level, surely you can put in a better effort than what you're doing now. It's similar to United recently where as much as I blame Moyes, the players also need to step up to the plate and give it their all. When that does happen at Spurs, I think we'll be in for a wild ride watching them run rampant (not saying they'll suddenly be BVB, but they'll certainly be entertaining and start winning a lot more unexpected games)...

I'm not writing them off as they are both still young in their managerial careers.

With regards to Laudrup, his Swansea side has several years of Prem experience & he played not to lose against Cardiff who was just newly promoted. Talent wise, Swansea is a much better side than Cardiff. I mean leaving Bony on the bench & starting Jonjo up front... The kid is a goof at this point.

Laudrup played not to lose this past weekend by putting out a defensive minded side. He should've put the pedal to the metal & really went at Cardiff. Instead his side looked meek & toothless against a newly promoted team.

As for AVB, he's almost a mirror of Jose. Same idea of tactical offense is to counter. It's very boring to watch. He was able to get Levy to spend an unprecedented amount of money on some really nice creative & attacking midfielders so what does he do with them? Plays them defensively. :rolleyes :smh: :x
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Torres out through the break, at least.
Totti now expected out until mid-December.
Mes' girl is a smoke show.
1 day ago
Mr and Mrs Ozisto ! Take a look to the background, if he only knew [emoji]128586[/emoji]
My dude Ozil 
Do any of y'all get fox sports 2 in HD?

I still can't believe this channel isn't available in HD yet.
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