The Ultimate Soccer Thread 2012-2013 Vol. 3 Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc

Wow So I was reading about the new EPL FFP and reading about it differences between UEFA's version and came across this...€150m-a-year-deal?cc=5901

Paris Saint-Germain have clinched a massive deal with the Qatar Tourism Authority that will bring the Ligue 1 leaders more than €150 million over each of the next four seasons The agreement with the QTA, a body linked to the Qatari state that is aimed at promoting tourism in the Arab state, was revealed to French football's financial watchdog, the DNCG, on Tuesday, Le Parisien reports. It is not a sponsorship agreement but a "vast publicity campaign intended to promote the image of Qatar", the paper adds.

Retroactive for 2012, it will boost PSG's coffers by €150 million for the current campaign, increasing progressively to a minimum of €200 million in its final season, 2015-2016. That sum could be even larger, with the contract containing bonus clauses based on the team's performances in European competition.

The initial influx of revenue will help balance PSG's books for the current season, and keep them in line with UEFA Financial Fair Play guidelines. With European football's governing body taking into account clubs' finances as of the 2011-12 season, the deal with the QTA is a major boost for PSG. A recent France Football article had claimed nothing short of victory in the Champions League final this season would ensure the club met UEFA criteria.

:wow: You have got to be kidding me....And there was an uproar when City penned its 400m /10year shirt/stadium deal with Ethaid. 150m-200m Euros PER YEAR for 4 FREAKING YEARS!? WTF!? If Uefa allows them to get away with this then they might as well get rid of the whole nonsense as it will clearly be nothing but a joke.
Being from Europe going to give my 2 scents on the Racism in Europe as I see it:

- England has very LITTLE racism problems, The 1-2 minor issues you have seen lately have disgraced the whole country and are nowhere a reflection on the overall outlook, England is so diverse now man, For example the Asian community within England is HUGE and expanding all the time, People of all races now choose to come here as it is so diverse and rarely have racism problems

- Spain has had a major wake up call in the last 5-6 years, They are still very much behind in relation to racism being gone from the country but now Minorities are now moving in to the Country more where as before they would not because of the issues in the country

- Italy is very much behind, And that is worrying. Don't know where I would even start in relation to trying to clean that Country up. Bad feeling man :smh:

- Eastern Europe like Italy is a major problem, But in alot of these countries just being any Nationality except their own is enough to get you killed, My friend a regular guy needed to have a bodyguard assigned to him in Russia just to go to a store :x

I disagree with your assessment about the UK. Having studied there years ago, I saw very racist attitudes particularly against African & Asian (from India & Pakistan) immigrants. I find it ironic that curry has become the unofficial food of choice in the UK. I will agree that it's worse elsewhere specifically in the other countries you mention.

Some links for reference specifically about racism in the UK from the BBC (which has race section on it's site) & the Daily Mail.
Being from Europe going to give my 2 scents on the Racism in Europe as I see it:

- England has very LITTLE racism problems, The 1-2 minor issues you have seen lately have disgraced the whole country and are nowhere a reflection on the overall outlook, England is so diverse now man, For example the Asian community within England is HUGE and expanding all the time, People of all races now choose to come here as it is so diverse and rarely have racism problems

- Spain has had a major wake up call in the last 5-6 years, They are still very much behind in relation to racism being gone from the country but now Minorities are now moving in to the Country more where as before they would not because of the issues in the country

- Italy is very much behind, And that is worrying. Don't know where I would even start in relation to trying to clean that Country up. Bad feeling man :smh:

- Eastern Europe like Italy is a major problem, But in alot of these countries just being any Nationality except their own is enough to get you killed, My friend a regular guy needed to have a bodyguard assigned to him in Russia just to go to a store :x

Black managers (or the lack of thereof) would disagree with you.

The British National Party aka Anti Immigration party would also disagree with you, there's even reason to believe that the extreme Nationalist views have gotten worse since the EU opened up the borders to other ethnic groups. I love the UK, but like any other first world nation once you step out of the major cities its like you're stepping into the middle ages. Yes the UK and France are still ahead of the curve when it comes to European nations but its pretty obvious they still have a lot to learn from the Western Hemisphere.
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I think he best way to counter racism is to award the player/team thats the victim with a penalty kick

I've been saying that for years, I'd go further into saying that if the chants/behaviors don't stop, the game should end as a DQ for the home team whose fans are responsible for the behavior.

Taj gibson -
It's gotten worse as the European economy has tumbled & unemployment has sky rocketed. We Americans think unemployment is bad here? It's worse in many countries across the pond...
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I think he best way to counter racism is to award the player/team thats the victim with a penalty kick

I've been saying that for years, I'd go further into saying that if the chants/behaviors don't stop, the game should end as a DQ for the home team whose fans are responsible for the behavior.

Taj gibson -
It's gotten worse as the European economy has tumbled & unemployment has sky rocketed. We Americans think unemployment is bad here? It's worse in many countries across the pond...
Oh I know, small countries like Greece have to meet certain standards to remain in the EU, therefore they raise taxes like crazy. Then you have immigrants from eastern european nations migrating to UK or France in search of employment, which in turn raises competition among ethnic groups.
EPL agrees to FFP style restrictions within the league

Further explanation via Sky Sports

Just read them. They're absolutely pointless. So many loopholes.

Absolutely nothing will change. The truth is this, the FA makes SOOOOO much money from clubs like Chelsea and City, that they don't want to stop another sheik from buying an Everton/Fulham/West Ham. So they'll make up non-sensical rules to look like their dealing with the problem, when they really aren't.

Nash said he grew up playing soccer, and I know he's an avid Tottenham supporter.

:smokin @ doing the round the world with a basketball, I can't even do that with a soccer ball. :x
Nash said he grew up playing soccer, and I know he's an avid Tottenham supporter.

:smokin @ doing the round the world with a basketball, I can't even do that with a soccer ball. :x

I still had the youtube search page open & happened to look further down & saw his explanation on how he became a Spurs supporter... Wonder if he's friends with Deuce? I happened to be at this friendly. Didn't know he was there.
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Eastern europe is hell for anyone that isn't even from the same area as the people there, let alone not being white. Im from the balkans and its really racist there along with italy. I know someone tried to bomb hulk's house in russia just cause he wasn't white tho.

Anyway, how is it brazil is so dissapointing when they play, considering they have really good club players everywhere? Seems like the chemistry isn't there, plus they haven't had the same starting xi once in the last year or so
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One thing to consider I Lax Bro is that it's a friendly. I wouldn't be too worried yet. Rosters are still kinda be shifted (aren't they?) & such, then you have players with severe jet lag. I've personally experienced heavy jet lag (years ago) & I can tell you it's a mother. I've traveled to as far as the UK, Russia, Korea, & Japan.
Watching BeIN rebroadcast of Watford vs Crystal Palace... Zaha didn't really impress but he's fast. Obviously, one game doesn't give the whole picture, plus hard to argue with Sir Alex right?
I've always said that if Nash wasn't playing basketball he would be playing footy somewhere around the world
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