The Unborn Movie Trailer

Oct 26, 2008
�Looks good..
Megan Good

Michael Bay

�Cool blooded�@0:25

Originally Posted by inspectah derek

so is this an original movie or just another one taken from japan

The words "from producer Michael Bay" can be pretty telling when it comes to a movie, particularly when he's working alongside producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form. Together, the trio has been working to resurrect every classic or successful horror film franchise from the '70s and '80s, starting with the remakes for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (plus its prequel), The Amityville Horror, The Hitcher, and culminating with the soon-to-be-released remakes for Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and (if you can believe it) The Birds.

While writer/director David S. Goyer's The Unborn isn't a remake, it's still important to note that these guys are producing it, as even a quick glance at the previous films they've developed provide a fairly distinct impression of the stylistic attributes they bring to a project. To put it more bluntly, their films are all extremely slick yet grungy hard-R horror films where paper thin characters get killed in mercilessly brutal ways and nothing remotely original ever happens.

That's not necessarily a bad thing though, as long as you're the audience for it. Just be sure to rule out "introspective character study" on the list of what this film may have to offer.

The Hitcher was pretty harcore...the highway scene gave me the creeps
Saw it....Weaksauce!!! It was more funny than scary. Weak @@@ movies. There are no such thing as scary movies anymore.
Don't watch this in the theatres. The scare scenes will do nothing for you.

PG-13 too.. No boobies.

But megan good though
I dont expect any "horror" movie to be scary at all anymore, i mean, we are grown men for the most part, all I expect is a few jump scenes, blood,cool ghost CGI, and boobies.
Even though its not based on a Japanese OG movie, most of these new American horror flicks pretty much rip off the "scary factor" that the Japanesehorror movies had. Kinda weak, it's just not original and getting old now. Little ghost boys that look like a white version of the kid from The Grudge, theold dude all tangled up walking funny like the chick from The Grudge....

I think American horror films peaked with The Exorcist and The Shining...fell off ever since after those films.
Odette Yustman looks like a teenage Megan Fox
, just taller and skinnier.

Movie is rated PG-13, so it sucks
she was in transformers for like 0.5 seconds, it was toward the end of the movie. she was in the escalade whenthat thing came out of her steering wheel and grabbed her head.
The trailer actually looks like a little promising, but the reviews for this movie are horrendous. Has anyone seen it?
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