The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

I'm gonna start calling the dro - pollux
and gonna call the burner - V354 Cephei lol
Originally Posted by mike23theking

Peep that�video if�you have the time...� It's only 6 minutes, but it's worth it.
(Sorry if posted...)
damn. i can't even comprehend the size of the universe.
there HAS to be other life out there or at least there will be other life out there whether you believe in God as the creator of life or not. time and spaceare both infinite. anything can happen. even if life was created as a whole bunch of coincidences there has to be SOME kind of life out there whether it be anew bacteria or some small organism. and who says other organisms really need as much water as earth to survive? maybe there have another source we dont knowabout? maybe we cant even see the other life forms because theyr too small or our eyes just cant see them? no doubt there is/has been/will be other forms oflife out there but i doubt we will meet them too many dangers involved like possible viruses/bacteria/war nations/unfriendly aliens/human slaves for aliens.
I remember the first time I saw all those stars in comparison to the sun and earth...mind-boggling
Ok I did some consulting and got some science to further support my mathematically-based theory of why it is extremely unlikely (nay impossible) that there islife somewhere else in the universe. Not only are there trillions (or more) of factors that need to be in perfect order but you can start eliminating most ofthe solar systems off the top. Any system within a galactic core is being bombarded by gamma radiation and therefore sterilizes anything within its reach. Thisaccounts for about 80% of the stars.

FYI this solar system is on one of the outer bands of the Milky Way.

Add to that you can eliminate any system with binary, pulsar, and neutron stars too, among a few others. All of a sudden the pool for potentiallylife-sustaining stars is lowered dramatically. There still are countless other systems that may have the right conditions, but there are so many variablesinvolved, that it's far from probable that there is intelligent life out there, and unfathomable that whatever is out there has made it to Earth and hasbeen flying around.
This is SO interesting. I love looking at pictures like this. The horsehead nebula is also an interesting image to look at. Thats insane to think how manyother galaxies there are that we don't even know about, and that there maybe be societies such as our own there. It's something you can get deep intoin terms of conversation and debate.
Originally Posted by infamousod

Ok I did some consulting and got some science to further support my mathematically-based theory of why it is extremely unlikely (nay impossible) that there is life somewhere else in the universe. Not only are there trillions (or more) of factors that need to be in perfect order but you can start eliminating most of the solar systems off the top. Any system within a galactic core is being bombarded by gamma radiation and therefore sterilizes anything within its reach. This accounts for about 80% of the stars.

FYI this solar system is on one of the outer bands of the Milky Way.

Add to that you can eliminate any system with binary, pulsar, and neutron stars too, among a few others. All of a sudden the pool for potentially life-sustaining stars is lowered dramatically. There still are countless other systems that may have the right conditions, but there are so many variables involved, that it's far from probable that there is intelligent life out there, and unfathomable that whatever is out there has made it to Earth and has been flying around.
but who is to say that the way life evolved on earth is the ONLY way that life could exist?.

..such hubris on the part of man.
My head hurts after seeing these pics.

I really hope we come into contact with some other life form in my lifetime.

@ Religion possibly explaining any of this.
indeed, so you can take back most stars on the outer bands of galaxies but gamma rays are gamma rays, no living tissue can survive it
%!%$ .. this *%!+ is sooooooooooooooooo


ive always wonder what other "things" are living out there..

everytime i see this .. im in awh.

and glad you bump this thread.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by infamousod

Ok I did some consulting and got some science to further support my mathematically-based theory of why it is extremely unlikely (nay impossible) that there is life somewhere else in the universe. Not only are there trillions (or more) of factors that need to be in perfect order but you can start eliminating most of the solar systems off the top. Any system within a galactic core is being bombarded by gamma radiation and therefore sterilizes anything within its reach. This accounts for about 80% of the stars.

FYI this solar system is on one of the outer bands of the Milky Way.

Add to that you can eliminate any system with binary, pulsar, and neutron stars too, among a few others. All of a sudden the pool for potentially life-sustaining stars is lowered dramatically. There still are countless other systems that may have the right conditions, but there are so many variables involved, that it's far from probable that there is intelligent life out there, and unfathomable that whatever is out there has made it to Earth and has been flying around.
but who is to say that the way life evolved on earth is the ONLY way that life could exist?.

..such hubris on the part of man.
My thoughts exactly.

There is no way that life only exists here, and here only.
Originally Posted by prokid404

We cant possibly be the only place with life.. I mean, come on now.

you know I was having doubts before but you convinced me with that bulletproof logic.
We can't even figure out the mechanism for how life started on earth......what makes us think that we have the monopoly on the mechanism for creation oflife?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by infamousod

Ok I did some consulting and got some science to further support my mathematically-based theory of why it is extremely unlikely (nay impossible) that there is life somewhere else in the universe. Not only are there trillions (or more) of factors that need to be in perfect order but you can start eliminating most of the solar systems off the top. Any system within a galactic core is being bombarded by gamma radiation and therefore sterilizes anything within its reach. This accounts for about 80% of the stars.

FYI this solar system is on one of the outer bands of the Milky Way.

Add to that you can eliminate any system with binary, pulsar, and neutron stars too, among a few others. All of a sudden the pool for potentially life-sustaining stars is lowered dramatically. There still are countless other systems that may have the right conditions, but there are so many variables involved, that it's far from probable that there is intelligent life out there, and unfathomable that whatever is out there has made it to Earth and has been flying around.
but who is to say that the way life evolved on earth is the ONLY way that life could exist?.

..such hubris on the part of man.
My thoughts exactly.

There is no way that life only exists here, and here only.
Well, I wouldn't say there's no way. Anyways, what Dirty is alluding to is that maybe it's possible that aliens wouldn't becarbon-based (or needing to inhabit a planet with the same properties as Earth) and as such, all our mathematical guesses would be invalid.
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