The Universe is really, really, really big. [PIC]

i am still bothered by sources that say this (now famous) picture contains no stars when there are at least 6. Not that it makes a huge difference to theprinciple, but really, keep the facts straight
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I believe in God.
As apposed to someone believing this !@#$ just appeared after a bang.
Not mutually exclusive. What if God created all of the ingredients for everything and fit it into the Big Bang singularity? Yeah, what a hilarious chump. I mean, it's possible, no?
I'll agree with that. But, if someone doesn't believe in God and says all this appeared after a Big Bang, that theory would just be as far fetched as me believing in God. Both are laughable in respectable point of views.

But it's so obvious you have no grasp on the science of it.

I'm not trying to start any trouble, I actually believe in God myself. It's just so funny to me here these obsessive religious dudes talk about"all this just 'popping' up" and the impossible nature of it all.

Come on now people, educate your minds, at least expose yourself to thought process behind our current theories concerning the universe, I'm not saying youhave to believe it but some of the ignorance displayed is a bit much for me.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

we chill with aliens everyday. All y'all who have more than 10 people you hang with, guaranteed at least one of em ain't from round here.

put the pipe down

"The larger galaxy pictured contains 8 times as many stars as our Milky Way Galaxy. It is so large, it technically shouldn't exist according tocurrent physics theories."

{cue Seinfeld .gif}

The Universe simply makes absolutely no sense. It would break every law of physics that we would call fact.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

@ at this tread turning into a anti-religion thread

I swear we can't post anything cool and scientific without giving certain people a chance to bash on religion

Check the Jigga Threads.....that turn into a Illmatic Appreciation threads.
thats nt for ya. Obama threads become Dems Vs Republicans, Phone threads= iphone appreciation, Love help thread= fail if no pics.

What a great place to be

Peep that�video if�you have the time...� It's only 6 minutes, but it's worth it.
(Sorry if posted...)
Nice post...I love looking into things like this...its crazy to see how small our planet is compared to other planets, stars and galaxies
I love seeing this diagram.

High school astronomy FTW.

It just sucks we might never know what's truly out there
Galactus will be so happy about this... Kidding aside, I really appreciate this post.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Yo what if there are gokus out there. I wonder if we look ugly to a bettr looking race somewhere else.

Sometimes i feel as if we were made by one of those other planets, and we have amazing AI capabilitys.

wont it be hard to judge what better looking races are if all we have to compare is the human race?
Originally Posted by DublBagn

its crazy to think that the picture is actually of a time billions of years ago....since light would take so long to get here from that far away....we are technically living in the present but looking directly into a "current time" that is really "the past" that blows my mind...

wait so does this mean that there is someone or something out there billion of light years away looking at us thinking the same thing
so our present is their past and their present is our future

or something like that....

i love this kind of stuff
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

You're ******ed if you really think we're alone.

The thought of Earth being the only planet with inhabitants in the entire universe is utterly preposterous.
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