The Walking Dead - Official Thread

When the Governor got the bag of guns wasn't that the bag Rick left behind? :nerd:

Yes that is Rick's bag from Atlanta but remember Andrea was carrying the bag when she was leaving the farm and when she was split from the group. Andrea must have had the bag on her when she went to Woodbury
Episode 10 looks like it will turn all yall feelings around :smokin

got this from TWD forum

Episode opens with Rick watching through his binoculars and seeing Michonne walking around the overturned bus on the yard of the prison. As he explores the area, he suddenly sees the woman in white dress standing over ​​the graves of his wife and friends. He runs toward the tombs to meet her. As Rick approach the woman, she’s suddenly gone. He looks around and sees her again, but this time, beyond the prison gates. He leaves the prison yard. Michonne watch him go outside and close the door behind him. Finally,after approaching the women we can see that is Lori in her wedding dress. She touches his face, Rick smile and then kiss her. Michonne looks at Rick standing there alone. Cue theme music begins.InWoodbury, Andrea sits quietly in her apartment when the governorcalls the door. He says that her speech to the people is what theyneeded to hear. She asks about the prison and he says that as long asthey do not disturb in the city, they are not being bothered. Andreawants to see them. The governor changes the subject and says that heis not able to lead the people of the city at the moment, but thatAndrea can. He wants her to lead the city.
On the road, Darylwatch Merle emerges from the forest. They talk about how they canfind food. Daryl tries to convince Merle that the prison is the bestoption but Merle does not agree saying that they don’t wanna lethim in, and that besides they're all dead anyway since Governor wantsto kill them.
Glen has taken over the group. He want to return back to the city and kill the Governor. He asks the opinion of Michonne and she accepts. The rest of the group (except Rick) does not agree and feel they must leave the prison before is late. Glenn says they can not leave now because they have a crying baby and a man without a leg. Glenn and Carl go to secure the cells through which Tyresse and his group entered.
The Governor surprises Milton while he’s doing some medical experiments. The Governor expressed how valuable Milton was and asks if he intend to stay. Milton says the idea of leaving the city never crossed his mind. He asks if Milton would take a bullet for him and Milton says yes. The Governor then asks Milton to watch over Andrea, because she does not know where her loyalty lies.
Andrea approach to the main gates of Woodbury and asks where Martinez is. No one knows. Andrea sees Milton and asks where The Governor is but he does not give a direct answer.
Glenn and Carl return. Hershel suggests again that they should leave the prison. Glenn says no. The group agrees. Axel offers to go with Glenn to explore the hidden side of the prison and then they find how the walkers enter to the building.
Glen asks Axel to help thewomen pick up supplies because he will talk to Maggie. He asks Maggieif everything is okay and tells her that he wants to talk about"that". Glen asked if he raped her and she says no. Sheconfesses him that if she not undressed the Governor would cut offGlenn’s hand. Almost crying, she asks if he's happy now that knoweverything and when he goes to comfort her, she punches him and tellshim to leave the cell.
On the outside, Carol and Axel areguarding the bridges in prison. Axel tells her that he is in jail forarmed robbery. He assaults a liquor store with a water gun. Thepolice searched the house and his brother found the gun that matchedthe description of the weapon used. Carol offer to teach him how touse a real gun. Axel is grateful to Carol.
Merle and Daryl arewalking through the woods to the river to get some fish. They argueabout which direction to take when they hear a scream. Darylrecognized as a crying baby. They run to a bridge where a Spanishfamily is fending off the walkers. Daryl runs to the bridge whileMerle tries to stop him. Daryl begins to break down the walkers whileMerle covering. After clearing the bridge, Daryl asked if the familyis ok. Merle begins to ransack the car. The father of the familytries to stop Merle with his gun but Merle take it down and continuedlooting the car. Daryl appears behind Merle and aims his crossbow tooblige him to leave the car and allowing the Spanish family toescape.
Daryl walks back into the woods and Merle follows him and scolds him for risking his life for strangers while not hesitate to give him up on a roof in Atlanta. Daryl says he was looking for him and he deserved what happened to him for everything he did before.Merle gets angrier and says "I'm sure you don’t told how we had planned to steal the camp". Daryl says that it never happened; Merle says that just because he was not there to help.Daryl calls on of his childhood abandonment and Merle accuses him of making him lose his hand in retaliation. Daryl says he lost his hand for being as he is. Merle attacks Daryl and takes him down,discovering in the process scars on the entire back of Daryl. Merle says he did not know but Daryl says that actually he knew because Merle had them as well and that's why he left first. Daryl start towalk and Merle asks where he is going. Daryl tells him back to the prison and Merle says he cannot go there because he tries to kill Glenn and Michonne. Daryl asks if he is leaving him again and then Merle begins to follow.
Hershel calls for Glenn before he leavesto Woodbury. He question about going to that town and reminds himthat he needs him to protect Maggie. Glenn says that Hershel is thenext leader and gets into his car and leaves. Hershel sees Rickwalking around just outside the gates. Inside, Beth asks Maggie ifshe can take care of Judith for a moment as she cooks something andMaggie takes the baby.
Hershel calls for Rick and at first the sheriff didn’t know from where the sound is coming, but finally sees Hershel inside the fences. Hershel tells Rick how much the group needs him. Glenn is at war and cannot be the new leader. Rick replied that Hershel must take the lead. Hershel asks what he is doing there;and Rick confesses that he has seen Lori and Shane. Hershel says that is only the manifestation of his fault and that needs to rest because the group needed him. Rick refuses. Michonne, still around the bus,watch the men talking.
Outside in the yard, Axel continuestalking to Carol and flirting with her saying that she is a lady whensuddenly gets a bullet in the head killing him. The Governor and hismen are attacking the prison. Martinez has immobilized Rick outside.Hershel is hiding in the bushes just inside the enclosure. Carl andBeth are hiding behind the bleachers. Michonne takes refuge in thebus. Carol is using Axel's body as a shield, the bullets are flyingeverywhere. One of the men of Woodbury manages to take control of oneof the towers. Michonne exchanged fire with the Governor. Carl istrying to cover Carol who is still hidden under Axel’s body. Thefire cease. The calm is reassuring. Maggie comes running with weaponsfor Beth and Carol. Rick, still on the fence outside, is trying tofight Martinez. Maggie, Beth and Carl cover Carol and she reachesthem and takes a weapon. Rick looks how a van crashed straight intothe fences. The Van opens and releases a lot of walkers on thecourtyard. The driver, fully dressed in armor, runs off and returnswith the Governor.
The fight resumes.
Rick yells at Hershel to return to the prison. Maggie finally kills the sniper in the tower and as Rick turns to enter the fences, walkers begin to appear in the forest. The shooting has attracted them. The Governor and his men leave. Hershel is surrounded by walkers and Rick cannot help because he himself is being invaded. Glenn suddenly appears in the distance.Michonne with her Katana is making its way to Hershel. Rick is out of bullets and is struggling with two walkers and more are coming, a look of terror comes over him, he will die. Suddenly, an arrow through the head of the walker. The Dixon brothers come running,Merle kills another zombie attacking Rick while Daryl is killing walkers with arrows. Glenn and Michonne help Hershel climb in the car and drive to the secure area of ​​the prison. All are safe(except Axel).
The group observes that they had lost everything they've built, walkers roam the grounds. Rick turns and looks into the distance, thinking about what just happened. They are at war. End of episode.

Ah damn I didn't want to read it... but yo next episode sounds like it will be top 3 from this spoiler.

One thing I will say is that there is no way they can go to war with the Governor or the whole town of Woodbury because they are out outmanned, outgunned, and they will catch the fade quickly.
on a better note, what is the analogy behind laurie's ghost? the baby crying when rick holds her? 

I think Rick knows the baby is Shane's and can't build that connection to lil' asskicker. He's also probably conflicted because he loved Laurie, obviously, but feels completely betrayed by her and will have to live with this confliction the rest of his life or every time he looks at the baby and that would drive any man crazy.

That's what I think.
Yes that is Rick's bag from Atlanta but remember Andrea was carrying the bag when she was leaving the farm and when she was split from the group. Andrea must have had the bag on her when she went to Woodbury

Yeah you're right. Thanks
dood, breaking seasons in half and making viewers wait MONTHS is going to make everyone HYPER-CRITICAL....its not a good format for a tv show...

Im just glad breaking bad is ending, cant get with these long drawn out breaks in between AMC shows...
AMC loves screwing over shows that aren't Mad Men. They don't give a damn about the shows or the audience.
Love this show but hate the Governor and town plot line.  Can't wait for someone to cap the Gov and the show to move on to something better.
Love this show but hate the Governor and town plot line.  Can't wait for someone to cap the Gov and the show to move on to something better.
exactly! I don't know why people like the governor plot, when they're the same people
That hated the farm plot. It's basically the exact same thing.

At least in the prison plot, they still kill a bunch of walkers.
Took me five days but I've completely caught up on 28 episodes of The Walking Dead. Fantastic show, completely not what I expected it to be, glad I gave it a second shot.
Rick has obviously lost his marbles...the person he keeps seeing is probably Lori although I hope it's someone else because it being Lori would be too easy.

The best transformation of character has been Glenn's. He's become a man who stands up for himself and a pseudo tough guy, unlike anything he was in season 1 or start of 2, we can thank Maggie for that.

Daryl is my second favorite at this point. His tough guy IDC about anyone exterior is melted away with what he did for Sophia, Carrol and keeping ***-Kicker Aka Judith alive.

I hate that they killed Shane, dumbest move, there was a lot more stoyline left for him he was a major part of the group. I know everyone thinks they've replaced him in terms of the tension an villain with Merle and Governor but I wish he was still around.

The toughest scene was Lori dying and having the baby, watching her hug Carl and crying, rough. Carl's become a little bandit ready to kill which is excellent, no time for being a little kid anymore.

Love the show, excited to chat it up with yall.
The show is about the people really....not the zombies. Dude who said it earlier is right,the zombies are the back drop. I actual love alot of the dialogue about how society is decaying right before them and they don't even realize it (except for Dale last season).

well said
Y'all gotta remember that it was just the mid-season premiere and not a premiere to a new season.

The last episode before the mid-season break was full of action so you should have known the
next episode would be somewhat of a filler episode.

Also don't blame Frank Darabont or the writers of TWD for this - breaking it up into two parts is all AMC. They did the same with Breaking Bad and Mad Men. They are trying to make the most money.

It works, they broke records with the premiere on Sunday.
They need new revelations on the show to keep me interested. I wanna know more about the zombie virus, and more about other places that might exist like goverment centers etc. This woodbury bull is so uninteresting. The ONLY interesting thing about the show is the feeling of escape. The feeling of trying to escape keeps me on the edge of my seat, not people bickering over stupid bull. Rick surrounded by thousands of zombies in the street and being holed up in an ARMY TANK, and somehow managing to escape is way better than them sitting around arguing about crap.

I wanna see glen hot wiring cars and leading zombies on distracting chases

I wanna see darryl save somebody with his crossbow

The main characters need to be going on adventures and doing macguyver type stuff using their cunning and wit.

actually nevermind with this, I'm just being impatient, I'll wait till the final episode before I give this show the boot
You guys have to relax. Things will heat up. But you have to realize that the writers are in it for the long haul. The show can't last without fillers. No show can.
You guys have to relax. Things will heat up. But you have to realize that the writers are in it for the long haul. The show can't last without fillers. No show can.
Well the season is almost over, so things have to heat up fast. There's nothing wrong with filler episodes, but the Walking Dead's filler episodes are usually bad. Just look at Season 2. You had little to no character development despite them being on the farm that long. Its a show that is poorly paced and even I think that they need to cut a few episodes from each season much like HBO does with its series'. I don't think this is a series that should have 16 eps/season like this one does.

High ratings =/= good TV, but you knew that.
Walking Dead's problem is, every time things slow down, they expose how thin the characters are drawn and how weak the dialogue is written. I mean, that's just what the show settled into after the first season.

I think most people will be satisfied again when the tension and zombie-killing ramp back up.
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I understand what you're saying, I honesty do. But the thing DONT want the zombies to be the backdrop. THey werent the backdrop of season 1, they were the focus. And thats why so many people fell in love with the show.

Surviving the zombies.

Now its surviving their own tormented minds and...Oh, Hello zombie...occasionally.

Season 1 was about Rick finding his family first and foremost. Once they found the group, it was the conflicts with Merle, leaving him then going back to him, and the drama with Shane and Lori. Season 2, the most conflict was finding Sophia, Andrea's decision to (not) off herself, merging with Herschel and family, and the walkers in the barn.

The zombies are there to set the stage which causes people to revert from a life of civility and humanity, like someone else said when Dale gave the speech in season 2 about the kid.

Most episodes DON'T contain a ton of zombies if you're paying attention, just a couple. In season one, there are zombies all in downtown ATL to establish the fact that the cities are death traps, but other than that they're really an afterthought until the herd comes to move them off of their campgrounds.

This ain't Resident Evil.
Glen's "transformation" is a bit weak to me. He's just mad he thought Maggie got raped and that she was violated and he was completely helpless. He's talking about revenge and all this bs but it's like he doesn't even realize what he's capable of.

Son got taken down by a one armed man while having backup, got beat up/tortured with no way of escaping. Son got that battery in his back cuz he took down a walker by himself after getting beat up. To me this looks more like a meltdown than anything, they've all panicked so much nobody has had time to full let out some anger over the situation. They've been too busy coping. Now we got something that has pushed a few characters to a point they may not return and I wouldn't be surprised if they died for it and given how the show is I see Glen dying before Rick.

For anybody who has read the comic you kinda see what role they're giving Glen.
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Glen's "transformation" is a bit weak to me. He's just mad he thought Maggie got raped and that she was violated and he was completely helpless. He's talking about revenge and all this bs but it's like he doesn't even realize what he's capable of.

Son got taken down by a one armed man while having backup, got beat up/tortured with no way of escaping. Son got that battery in his back cuz he took down a walker by himself after getting beat up. To me this looks more like a meltdown than anything, they've all panicked so much nobody has had time to full let out some anger over the situation. They've been too busy coping. Now we got something that has pushed a few characters to a point they may not return and I wouldn't be surprised if they died for it and given how the show is I see Glen dying before Rick.

For anybody who has read the comic you kinda see what role they're giving Glen.

Maggie told Glen that the Governor didn't touch her.

I think Glen is just upset that he couldn't protect her himself and instead of him going with Rick
to get Daryl back, Maggie had to put herself @ risk by going back to Woodbury.
Maggie told Glen that the Governor didn't touch her.

I think Glen is just upset that he couldn't protect her himself and instead of him going with Rick
to get Daryl back, Maggie had to put herself @ risk by going back to Woodbury.

Whos that in your avy? :nerd:

Just finished watching last sundays episode. Didnt really like the episode and not feeling this new, emotional Rick steez.

Somebody keep letting Herschel get the yambs because hes producing some nice daughters.
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