The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Originally Posted by jhawk826  

the Governor saying himself that the people were soft and coddled.
I think that that's the gov's fault. He kept them away from the gullyness of the walkers and kept making those fake speeches about returning back to "civilization."

Maybe if he had a majority of the town protecting woodbury instead of playing pretend civilization, maybe then they wouldn't be so soft and herbish.
I definitely agree with that. They got too comfortable playing pretend to where they didn't know how to react when the walker invaded the town.
Originally Posted by jhawk826  

the Governor saying himself that the people were soft and coddled.
I think that that's the gov's fault. He kept them away from the gullyness of the walkers and kept making those fake speeches about returning back to "civilization."

Maybe if he had a majority of the town protecting woodbury instead of playing pretend civilization, maybe then they wouldn't be so soft and herbish.
I definitely agree with that. They got too comfortable playing pretend to where they didn't know how to react when the walker invaded the town.
I agree.

I was like ...really? When that chick as like "someone do something."

Is this .... serious?

before. Whole season is before he left if I understood the situation correctly. Episode was ok but whoever said it was right... The ending that episode was a mis step. Rick losing it with no one knowing >>> Rick losing it in public. That quiet subtle battle going on in his mind would have been cool to see
eh i think it makes it more realistic if anything.  you don't choose when your psychosis happens and you dont always realize it's happening when it does.  what are the chances of rick only losing his mind when nobody is around when there's almost always someone else around because of their living situation lol?
You can throw realism out the door tho...
It would have made it interesting. To me Internal struggle is better to watch than external but whatever I'm not writing this, just watching and enjoying
I agreed initially, but I thought about it and he's been having his "internal struggle" for a while. I think now he's too far off the deep end to temper his emotion.

Remember a couple episodes ago he imagined entire phone conversations and thought they were real, but he had a seed of doubt and never told anyone about them. He was able to hold it back then.

This time I think he's just lost it to a degree where he wasn't able to temper himself because the line between his imagination and reality is blurring more and more for him. He just came back from that war zone so he's already amped and a little distraught, and then he see's his baby's face and has a strange & visceral reaction, then he see's a vivid image of his dead wife. I think he's just losing his **** too much to hold it in.
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Can't understand how anyone thought this was an entertaining episode. This is coming from a huge fan of the show.

The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

I understand that in real life Anyone would go crazy given what Rick had gone through...but really? The OVER acting is REAL. Gimme a break with that horrible sequence over the top dramatic. "Get out!!"...I cringed man.

The governed is still a beast even though he got stabbed in an eye? Really? I ain't no doctor but I mean how do you just jump back up and go back into Rambo mode in 10 minutes after having a knife 10 inches down your eye ball.

I know this shows not meant to be's about zombies for gods sake lol...but sheesh man, there used to be suspense and mystery behind every episode.

Now it's just a soap opera with zombies making cameos from time to time... Such a boring episode.

I'm still loyal to the show, and will keep watching in faith of it having something better in store for us soon. But that was not the kind of "we're back" episode I was anticipating.

So slow, so dragged out, so over dramatic, so emotional... That's not what this show started out as. I'm just lost now man... Where's the action? Where's the suspense? Where's the story?

It's all about Rick going crazy and the rest of the crew arguing and bickering at each other now. Soap opera :smh:
Ok, so I just finished season 2, and I have some questions.

How did Shane turn into a walker? I understand that everyone has the virus, but don't they have to die first? It seemed like Shane was already transforming into one during his scenes with Randall, where he was making all those noises ...
He wasn't transforming. ..just losing his mind. turn when you die ...based on what we know so far.

Oh .. just thought he was transforming cause of the noises and after he died, he turned QUICK.

And Carol is annoying a ****.

And my dude Glenn :pimp:

I'm a little late to this show :lol: . Started it on Friday.
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The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

Dude...he'll be back.
Did anybody else cringe during Andrea's speech?

I said somebody better shoot her.

Can't understand how anyone thought this was an entertaining episode. This is coming from a huge fan of the show.

The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

I understand that in real life Anyone would go crazy given what Rick had gone through...but really? The OVER acting is REAL. Gimme a break with that horrible sequence over the top dramatic. "Get out!!"...I cringed man.

The governed is still a beast even though he got stabbed in an eye? Really? I ain't no doctor but I mean how do you just jump back up and go back into Rambo mode in 10 minutes after having a knife 10 inches down your eye ball.

I know this shows not meant to be's about zombies for gods sake lol...but sheesh man, there used to be suspense and mystery behind every episode.

Now it's just a soap opera with zombies making cameos from time to time... Such a boring episode.

I'm still loyal to the show, and will keep watching in faith of it having something better in store for us soon. But that was not the kind of "we're back" episode I was anticipating.

So slow, so dragged out, so over dramatic, so emotional... That's not what this show started out as. I'm just lost now man... Where's the action? Where's the suspense? Where's the story?

It's all about Rick going crazy and the rest of the crew arguing and bickering at each other now. Soap opera :smh:

Writers have planted the seeds for Herschel's other daughter to give it up to Rick btw. They made those scenes where she hugs him and kisses his cheek so obvious :lol:

As far as ppl being disappointed, eh, I thought this was really good but I have lowered my expectations as low as possible. I've been saying how transparent the first half of the 3rd season in how they tried regain some credibility. Too bad that off jump they botched the whole modus operandi of the Governor.
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This shows mimicking how I felt about Heroes, which isn't good going forward. Season 1 was great, 2 was lacking, 3 was slightly better than 2 but still far from anywhere near the first season. I wanna be hopeful but not sure if I even see anything potentially exciting coming up but just like most of you, I won't know that unless I keep watching :lol:
This shows mimicking how I felt about Heroes, which isn't good going forward. Season 1 was great, 2 was lacking, 3 was slightly better than 2 but still far from anywhere near the first season. I wanna be hopeful but not sure if I even see anything potentially exciting coming up but just like most of you, I won't know that unless I keep watching :lol:

See...I....the...I don't want this in my brain anymore.

The way I see it, I'm a sucker for zombies.

Season poured the cement on the grave of the great show this could've been. Then season 3 something new was born.They made it clear that the only goals were to be fun and brutal and simple and more zombies. They made all the characters as shallow and obviously drawn as possible. They made all the conflicts and relationships as basic and uncomplicated as they could be. They made the dialogue as straightforward as Power Rangers.

And I'm not even mad.

Because they tried to be something more in season 2 and it crashed and burned. Their big themes and mysteries and flowing, complicated characters were nice ideas, but AMC's penny-pinching killed them. Now, it's a basic and easy to follow. It's like a cartoon or a CBS cop show and the ratings are ridiculous.

I don't know what's better. If season 2 had some movement...if they weren't trapped on that damn farm, and if the dialogue had been better, it would've been a really awesome season. Shane...Sophia...everything. One complete, nuanced, twisted vision. But it wasn't. Some of it was complete trash. And this is at least an entertaining season, just...less. Less to look forward to, but at least it's guaranteed to be decent now. :\
Can't understand how anyone thought this was an entertaining episode. This is coming from a huge fan of the show.

The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

I understand that in real life Anyone would go crazy given what Rick had gone through...but really? The OVER acting is REAL. Gimme a break with that horrible sequence over the top dramatic. "Get out!!"...I cringed man.

The governed is still a beast even though he got stabbed in an eye? Really? I ain't no doctor but I mean how do you just jump back up and go back into Rambo mode in 10 minutes after having a knife 10 inches down your eye ball.

I know this shows not meant to be's about zombies for gods sake lol...but sheesh man, there used to be suspense and mystery behind every episode.

Now it's just a soap opera with zombies making cameos from time to time... Such a boring episode.

I'm still loyal to the show, and will keep watching in faith of it having something better in store for us soon. But that was not the kind of "we're back" episode I was anticipating.

So slow, so dragged out, so over dramatic, so emotional... That's not what this show started out as. I'm just lost now man... Where's the action? Where's the suspense? Where's the story?

It's all about Rick going crazy and the rest of the crew arguing and bickering at each other now. Soap opera :smh:

Every single bit of this
episode was very forgettable,

something about the dialogue/edits/cuts seemed different....alot less cinematic almost teetering into corny. It just didnt have that signature walking dead feel tonight, wonder if it has anything to due with the show runner quitting?

Can't understand how anyone thought this was an entertaining episode. This is coming from a huge fan of the show.

The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

I understand that in real life Anyone would go crazy given what Rick had gone through...but really? The OVER acting is REAL. Gimme a break with that horrible sequence over the top dramatic. "Get out!!"...I cringed man.

The governed is still a beast even though he got stabbed in an eye? Really? I ain't no doctor but I mean how do you just jump back up and go back into Rambo mode in 10 minutes after having a knife 10 inches down your eye ball.

I know this shows not meant to be's about zombies for gods sake lol...but sheesh man, there used to be suspense and mystery behind every episode.

Now it's just a soap opera with zombies making cameos from time to time... Such a boring episode.

I'm still loyal to the show, and will keep watching in faith of it having something better in store for us soon. But that was not the kind of "we're back" episode I was anticipating.

So slow, so dragged out, so over dramatic, so emotional... That's not what this show started out as. I'm just lost now man... Where's the action? Where's the suspense? Where's the story?

It's all about Rick going crazy and the rest of the crew arguing and bickering at each other now. Soap opera :smh:

Every single bit of this

And every part of this! *cue the Rock clapping gif
Can't understand how anyone thought this was an entertaining episode. This is coming from a huge fan of the show.

The dialogue...oh my corny and dragged out. "My Brother is with us or I'm gone"...really? After the hours of dedicated hours fans of the show have given to viewing those episodes that's Daryl's exit? That's it?

I understand that in real life Anyone would go crazy given what Rick had gone through...but really? The OVER acting is REAL. Gimme a break with that horrible sequence over the top dramatic. "Get out!!"...I cringed man.

The governed is still a beast even though he got stabbed in an eye? Really? I ain't no doctor but I mean how do you just jump back up and go back into Rambo mode in 10 minutes after having a knife 10 inches down your eye ball.

I know this shows not meant to be's about zombies for gods sake lol...but sheesh man, there used to be suspense and mystery behind every episode.

Now it's just a soap opera with zombies making cameos from time to time... Such a boring episode.

I'm still loyal to the show, and will keep watching in faith of it having something better in store for us soon. But that was not the kind of "we're back" episode I was anticipating.

So slow, so dragged out, so over dramatic, so emotional... That's not what this show started out as. I'm just lost now man... Where's the action? Where's the suspense? Where's the story?

It's all about Rick going crazy and the rest of the crew arguing and bickering at each other now. Soap opera
This shows mimicking how I felt about Heroes, which isn't good going forward. Season 1 was great, 2 was lacking, 3 was slightly better than 2 but still far from anywhere near the first season. I wanna be hopeful but not sure if I even see anything potentially exciting coming up but just like most of you, I won't know that unless I keep watching :lol:
That's a pretty on point comparison. Heroes was a straight implosion, they could've at least maintained ratings with the drop in quality but they went all the way left and ruined the show with just some below average seasons. Waste of a great character in Sylar and when I really think about it TWD doesn't even have a character that good yet.
last week i started a crash course in the walking dead, watching all the episodes (i never watched it) reading this thread, and doing a little research on the characters, backstories and whatnot. for the most part, i enjoy the show. im def not into it as some people but thats just me. 

funny thing is, i was gonna start reading the comics, thinking that were like a classic from back in the day. i had no idea that its relatively new and they still make new comics each month. seeing on how the comic hasnt even ended, i wonder how theyre gonna (eventually) end the show
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