The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Last episode and this one should've been one ep. They watered down all the liquor and expect you to come back every week. :smh:

A director's cut of this season would be 4 hours long. It blunts the emotions of the show when all you do half the time is wait, and they don't even have the decency to give you good dialogue.
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Dammmmnn. They killed merle. That's what he gets for trying to pull some gangsta thug life ish. At least he shot the son of that gay guy
Almost shed a man tear when Daryl had to do that to Merle.. I shed one when Carl put down his mom and Rick found out.

Anyone laugh when Glenn took a ring from a walker to marry Maggie? :lol:

Good episode, I'm not too mad about it like some people in here, next episode is gonna be real real interesting. :nerd:
was kinda skeptical after the first 2 episodes of the break.....

but since then the show has been pretty damn great.

on my way to to get a Meryl RIP tat right next to my t-dawg piece
Man do y'all ***** and moan about everything. Anything about the opening credits you didn't like ??

Every week. They want these PERFECT episodes. I'm cool with criticism, but after a while watch or don't watch. It's like the cool thing now. "Well its 10:01 PM Eastern time. Time to crap on the Walking Dead".

Its like the people who crap on Chipotle for not being "authentic Mexican" food. :smh:
How ironic merle role up in a big box chevy on 20's to smoke da Govna. Now I kbow there aint no radio so in a car like that how did he find a rock track. Bein in the south it would have been piff if he were jamming 3 6 Mafia.
I liked the episode, I don't get all the people crying after every episode. It's like they try to find faults with the episode to complain about it instead of enjoying it
Every week. They want these PERFECT episodes. I'm cool with criticism, but after a while watch or don't watch. It's like the cool thing now. "Well its 10:01 PM Eastern time. Time to crap on the Walking Dead".

Its like the people who crap on Chipotle for not being "authentic Mexican" food. :smh:
Don't act like this season half has been anything stellar though. You can't say there wasn't a good reason as to why they fired the previous showrunner.
Don't act like this season half has been anything stellar though. You can't say there wasn't a good reason as to why they fired the previous showrunner.

I love this show and haven't really had any complaints. I'm just not that complicated I guess.
Someone mentioned how Rick and his crew are outmatched, well the people of Woodbury (outside of The Governor's cronies and a few others) are relatively novice gun handlers, while Rick and co. are battled tested, and they have home court advantage. :lol:

Also, was sad to see Merle go. I love Michael Rooker as an actor, so I've been rooting for him and looking for him since the show started, and then when he came back and was a heavy emphasis in the show, I was really happy. I had the same hopes for Morgan from episode one, but I don't think we'll ever get as much of him as we got from Merle.

Also, a fun tidbit that no one mentioned on The Talking Dead tonight, but the first zombie that we see outside of the bar where Merle is drinking is a homage to the Romero classic Dawn of the Dead.



This zombie was first seen in Dawn of the Dead when the black SWAT member Peter enters an abandoned shack in the wilderness, and this zombie stumbles into the shack. It is also the poster art for both Dawn of the Dead and it's sequel, Day of the Dead.




Totally geeked out when I saw this. Touche Greg Nicotero, touche. :pimp:
Man do y'all ***** and moan about everything. Anything about the opening credits you didn't like ??

Every week. They want these PERFECT episodes. I'm cool with criticism, but after a while watch or don't watch. It's like the cool thing now. "Well its 10:01 PM Eastern time. Time to crap on the Walking Dead".

Its like the people who crap on Chipotle for not being "authentic Mexican" food. :smh:
What is this...the backlash to the backlash? :lol:

"If you don't like it, then stop watching/reading/listening" is the lamest argument against fans ever. People get hooked on things and it does kinda feel theirs. And that's why they come back time and again. I don't think people are being unreasonable.
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Someone mentioned how Rick and his crew are outmatched, well the people of Woodbury (outside of The Governor's cronies and a few others) are relatively novice gun handlers, while Rick and co. are battled tested, and they have home court advantage.

They're battle tested against Zombies not against people shooting. Woodbury has more people and WAY more fire power. Grenade launchers and ****. We've seen a few but think about all the groups they've probably taken out.

Merle died like an idiot, I thought he was a survivalist. That's how he goes out? What's the point?

He wanted to die...It was basically a suicide mission.

The plan was pretty good would have worked if he brought people with him
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Merle died like an idiot, I thought he was a survivalist. That's how he goes out? What's the point?

He wanted to die...It was basically a suicide mission.

The plan was pretty good would have worked if he brought people with him

Yeah, I think they did a really good job showing that Merle isn't a complete piece of **** and actually getting you to feel some type of way, before he went out. But this show is always cramming at the last minute, because they always did a ****** job setting up ______. You would swear the people who write each episode don't talk to each other.

Like I said...this Merle and last week's Andrea episode should've been the same thing. They could've cut the fat, kept the momentum from that really great truce meeting ep, and gave this one life and pace and tension and focus. Instead, it feels like that whole 'give them Michonne' thing is stale already. And it just feels like all Rick did was play telephone with the same info he already told people in that truce meeting episode.

You put this and the Governor chasing Andrea into the same ep last get an amazing buildup to the battle. Then you can have this week to see what the Governor's done to Andrea, how Daryl and Michonne are dealing with what happened, where Milton and Tyrese are at, and both sides getting ready for what's coming next.

Instead, everything happens so out of order, that they cut off their own hands with dealing with the tension.
Stuff sorta just happens on this show...and I won't even bring up the dialogue.

I'm happy they fired the showrunner.
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