The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I had that same feeling in the beginning of the episode. She's pouring her heart out too much. Like she's saying all she has to say before she's gone. Probably won't die though.
so many liabilities in this group

Tyree is a ticking time bomb

That dude is a drunk

Carol murking people without thinking

Rick keeps doing ******ed sh
Exile for carol.
Rick finally handling ish like a man

Good riddance
he had to. Like Carol is a liability. You dont know what she'll do. Now you need that in this situation(zombies), but she cant be around the group as a whole.
Great episode.

Tyrese gonna blow up on Rick when he's told Carol killed wifey and Rick let her go.
Maybe he'll tell everyone she got bit. Then she'd return and he'd have to explain himself.

They'll be stupid if they make Rick say that. It'll be best if they say that they lost each other somehow.
And now I can say that this season is much better. It's a combination between the weaknesses of season 2 and 3, but more improved. They're giving us character moments, along with good action. And the pace is perfect for me.
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Didn't see Carol getting the boot coming.

And what was up with the two meth head hippies just chillin the room scared of one walker?

D has to be a **** up :smh: Dude was about to kill himself for a drink. They've sort of trivialized it, but everyone seems to be coping in their own way.

Why is Darryl the only sane person in this group?

Even after Merle
Carol x Hippie dude collabo??

could possibly for another group that is an enemy of the prison group?
Man the lady that plays Carol can get it after that little segment on Talking Dead just now. :evil: :\ :smh:

Edit: tay1 beat me to it :lol:
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