The Walking Dead - Official Thread

They haven't said who is feeding the walkers rats in this current season but all signs point to those crazy kids :lol:

Don't know why but this made me think of this. :lol:


And y'all are killing me with the memes. :lol: The one hand/one eye crossover: :rofl:

the blacks in this show are the most weak hearted characters i ever seen... 

- TDog set the tone by getting his *** beat off the rip... and they always put him on ***** duty, everyone gets guns and TDog gets a whistle 
- the first dude Rick meets loses his son and goes bat **** crazy 
- the black lady with them at the CDC so scary she wanna blow herself up rather than try to survive 
- Tyrese gets a taste of white woman and don't know how to act
- Bob an alcoholic coward 

the black shade in TWD has been seen. 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Homie did go off the deep end over newly acquired yambs. :lol: Michonne gets busy though.

Just caught up with the last half of season 3 and all of season 4 on binge watch over the past few days. Too many feels. I'm angry and happy at the same time that the prison got destroyed and am glad there are a lot of unanswered questions lingering to be answered in February. The show definitely improved this season. :smokin

As a parent though, what the **** are these parents thinking half of the time? I don't even let my kids stray that far from me and no zombie apocalypse is happening at this moment. If the ZA was going down though, I damn sure wouldn't be letting them play in the mud by the ******g lake while I kick it at a safe height. :lol: :smh:
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Them gifs 

After seeing the tank one though, I wonder if that is the tank from season 1 that Rick was chillin in.

Also, when Carol gon' come back and give up them yambs? 
Them gifs :rofl:

After seeing the tank one though, I wonder if that is the tank from season 1 that Rick was chillin in.

Also, when Carol gon' come back and give up them yambs? :nthat:

seeing how it is a tv series with a limited budget, i would say yes, it is the exact same tank even if its not supposed to be.
That governor crossover is the best gif I have ever seen on NT - I spit out my coffee all over my computer screen and keyboard

Can somebody enlarge it?
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What was the next arc after the prison? Was it the cannibals or did they discover that new community?
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