The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I only read the first one

I guess it just seems backwards since the comics and show are so different.
The comic gets so good.

The governor in the comic is just...

Play the video game first, if you're having trouble reading the comic.

Just watch someone's walkthrough of twd game on youtube.

Once you're done with that, realize that the comic is better than the game.

Just in case I haven't stated it enough, twd game is awesome!
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the walking dead or the last of us, i just caught the intro to the last of us and that joint legit got me choking up and is just the looks too intense, can i play either on xbox 1?...
Missed that. No, not on Xbox 1. Honestly, just get both for the PS3. Both games have amazing stories and won't dissapoint.
TWD on xbox, yes. The Last of Us is a PS3 exclusive.
xbox 1?

i still have my ps3 i just dont have a 360

and which game is better, they dont seem like much of a game, more like a movie which you direct....but they seem very engaging....
TLOU is a full-fledged game.  The cutscenes are there but the majority of it you'll be playing.  Cop and play ASAP.  I waited to try it out until like 2 weeks ago and I'm wondering why I waited so long.  **** is G-O-O-D.  The story, gameplay, graphics, feels and the overall sense of being on the edge of your seat are incredible.

TWD is good too.  Definitely more of an interactive game where the story is fleshed out with cutscenes.  So yeah, it's more like a movie but also worth it.  The story is tooooooo good.  And dat ending.  *cries*
Just finished re-watching season 1. Although the acting was atrocious, it was awesome to see how it all began again and the acting did get better over time. The final episode is some of the best television I've ever seen. 

I honestly don't know how this series can end, but we all know it will end at some point. The final episode of season one would have been a great series finale in my opinion. They finally find someone who knows stuff, turns out he doesn't really know crap but gives them a small glimmer of hope talking about the French. The group realizes all they can do is keep surviving in this world. There is no real end. I would have been content with that finale, but unfortunately it was the last episode of the first season.
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I'm currently rewatching the whole series. I really would have liked if Shane somehow made it to season 3.
Started playing the last of us, dope game....hate the clickers tho...I like the MGS style game play tho...
The comic gets so good.

The governor in the comic is just...

Play the video game first, if you're having trouble reading the comic.

Just watch someone's walkthrough of twd game on youtube.

Once you're done with that, realize that the comic is better than the game.

Just in case I haven't stated it enough, twd game is awesome!
ive been meaning to play the game. heard so many good things about it 

i tried playing it on my iphone but the controls and small screen didnt let me get into it. now that its on the ps3, i wanna pick it up.....after finals are over though because i think im gonna be playing it for awhile 
twd game is one of the funnest,suspenseful,heart-wrenching experiences ive had in its really good,alittle emotional though lol
twd game is one of the funnest,suspenseful,heart-wrenching experiences ive had in its really good,alittle emotional though lol
If you like the TWD game, you HAVE to play heavy rain.

Heavy Rain is much better than TWD game.

That's not to say that TWD game sucks.
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