The Walking Dead - Official Thread

what was the point of the flashbacks? to show that in a post apocalyptic zombie waste world, it's a novel idea to depend on farming and agriculture to survive but in reality you must develop an elaborate hipster run cannibal scheme? people who read the comics, on a scale of 1-10, how ridiculous does the story get? Show has jumping the shark written all over it.

OOH great idea for a season. They escape terminus and head for the coast. They find signs leading to Atlantis, a safe haven for all. An evil character with a chainsaw for a leg controls sharks and other sea creatures for which they use to run the world. The sharks provide protection from the zombies so they must be fed human sacrifices. BUT THE EVIL ONE LEGGED MAN IS GONNA FEEL STUPID WHEN HE FINDS OUT..........



Minus a few things (which really are just leaps of faith) the comic doesn't get that ridiculous
Ah ok...that line is from the the comics Rick is missin an arm and holding a gun, here he is trapped in a train with no weapons, the shows delivery gets an F-
Ah ok, I see.

If someone else has an issue with an episode, they get blasted by your cape wearing ***. But when YOU have an issue with an episode, it's ok to start voicing opinions..

worse than iyens memes tbh

but i'm pretty sure he wasn't srs
Considering his posts before that quote, I'm certain he was srs.
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meh at the comics, couldnt get into em.  A Song of Ice and Fire on the other hand... Just finished the 3rd book and we're in for a treat this season starting Sunday
start from issue 61. Reading arcs that have yet to materialize in the show is better than reading arcs that you've already seen.
Terminus people have the AYCE (All You Can Eat) BBQ menu, I honestly thought when they showed the guy wearing glens riot gear. that Mary lady had kalbi short ribs on the grill :lol:

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The thing is the people at Terminus don't look like people who are canibals or eat people.

I expect them to look like those people from the movie "The Hills have Eyes".

These people look like they're about to start up a company that will take on Apple or Google.
What does a cannibal look like tho?
I gotta get caught up with All Out War. The every 2 week schedule been throwing me off.
dude that went off on that rant calm down bro lol

the show isnt perfect but its not terrible

i've havent been upset with how anything went up until this season

this season dragged on and was very boring... did we really need a full episode of Beth drinking moonshine?......................................
Minus the pointless flashbacks, the epi was pretty suspenseful. So basically the terminus people are cannibals clearly. Where the hell are they getting pounds of barbeque at?
Just that alone would've tipped me off to know something wasn't right.
yeah, and you're probably the only place in the ENTIRE USA still broadcasting anything over the radio.  They got signs from several places all leading to the same Terminus, and theres only a handful of people there?  C'mon man...........
Not sure if you realised but THEY ARE EATING THEM
Has to be, but it's kinda clever. I mean the comic hasn't been bad, but nothing spectacular has happened either. Adding Daryl would spice it up a bit. Things haven't been the same for me since one character I won't name died 
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this season dragged on and was very boring... did we really need a full episode of Beth drinking moonshine?......................................
They had to develop these characters because the past showrunners did such a piss poor job at it. Who do we care about on the show besides Rick and Daryl? If any other person died nobody would care. Now take a show like Lost. A ton of great characters and if any of them died their respective fanbase would go nuts. I like they at least attempted to develop Tyreese, D'Angelo, MIchonne, Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, Carol, etc. Agree on Beth though. Those eps were a waste and legit put me to sleep. I hope they go Pine Barren and we never find out what happened to her. 
Feelings...feelings everywhere. :lol:

It's weird what people want from this show. Cuz I'm constantly disappointed by it, but the Beth moonshine ep was one of the best this season.

That finale was fine. I can't believe Carl almost got his boybutt took, though. :wow: :x

This was definitely the most watchable and least infuriating season since the first. At this point, I don't even care what the story is. The show doesn't really do complicated or layered or well written or acted. I mean, it got better, but it's either 'surprise, ________ is gonna die now' or here's some stupid plan and oh, it worked out perfectly and right on time. And when they try to get clever (the flashbacks) it kinda comes out dumb. long as the show is watchable and there are zombies, it's gonna be a guilty pleasure of mine.

And that neckbite was savage. :smokin
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Minus the pointless flashbacks, the epi was pretty suspenseful. So basically the terminus people are cannibals clearly. Where the hell are they getting pounds of barbeque at? :lol: Just that alone would've tipped me off to know something wasn't right.
yeah, and you're probably the only place in the ENTIRE USA still broadcasting anything over the radio.  They got signs from several places all leading to the same Terminus, and theres only a handful of people there?  C'mon man...........
Not sure if you realised but THEY ARE EATING THEM:lol:

He did realize. He starts with "yeah". I think he was just adding to the point.
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