The Walking Dead - Official Thread


After the first few episodes of the show, I thought this was gonna be the greatest show ever. An HBO quality zombie show based off a hit comic book adapted by a sincerely great film director. That hits every feel-good nerve I've got.

Then things got slow.
Then Lori.
Then they went full ******.
Then Sophia.
Then they actively tried to make the audience hate everyone.
Then Carl got more lines.
Then the psychopath became the only real character left on the show.

My expectations got so lowered, that I just kept watching for zombies, because they're zombies.

Last episode made me a fan of this show again. That was amazing.

You never could've told me that Lori would have a "Not Penny's Boat" type redemption.

RIP lori, you died like how you lived your life...with your pants off and legs spread wide open


I dont even know what to think of this episode. I loved it, but hate it at the same time. :smh:

I didn't think they could make me feel things about anyone outside of Maggie again. :smh:

Just watched the episode.

Sweet Lord. :wow:

I know everyone (myself included) wanted Lori to get got but damn that scene was sad.

And the producers really been going in with the gore this season; that C-section scene. :x

T-Dog. |I

I was really surprised he lasted that long to be honest.

All of this.

I can't remember if I was ever so emotionally invested in a TV series.

Prison Break, but x1000000
The Shield but x Infinite

My man. :smokin

Seriously, if you've never seen The Shield, or just assume it's some knockoff cop show. Watch the first episode...that's it. Just watch that and you'll see. And the ending is incredible.
question is who is next to go...
Herschel then Maggie.

They gon build that relationship with each other just to get torn walkers.
It's the weekend again already guys, can't wait to see where the story goes next.

i think the governor will secretly have Merle tracked and will try to kill the group once he finds them. Betraying Merle by trying to kill Daryl. Merle will then join the group and they'll take on and take out the governor from there.

Not before half the group dies of course.
Sooooo i wonder whats up with the Vato's. they seemed to have a pretty nice stronghold, but things have gotten much worse
Sooooo i wonder whats up with the Vato's. they seemed to have a pretty nice stronghold, but things have gotten much worse

They are probably doing better than we think. The original herd left Atlanta. There's probably a few stragglers.
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