The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Very interesting episode.

Rick is gone.

And the zombie Rick killed isn't Lori. It ate Lori that why it's stomach is so big.

They just explained that on The Talking Dead.

Lori can't catch a break even in death.
Thats what I thought from the beginning. What threw me off was that we didn't see any bones or remains of Lori's body even after that fat zombie at her. It probably would have been easier to understand if there were some remains.

and i've BEEN saying that Carol looks like a variant Jamie Lee Curtis 
Idk something tells me lori didny get eaten by that zombie, maybe the zombie ate the placenta and whatnot and stuff. But not lori COMPLETELY . Last time I checked the zombies dont usually eat the ENTIRE BODY/BONES . So idk
Okay ep. Both Andrea and Michonne are annoying me though. There just wasn't enough between the two to show the necessary bonding for why Michonne just aint leave her behind once she felt like it.

The entertainment was always weird. Liked the little details they went in to in showing the preparing for it. Baseball should be next :lol: I like how Andrea basically got proven wrong the same night Michonne left.

Rich was definitely carving up that walker to see Lori digested. That's what that whole scene was pointing to with the blood trail, little bits of w/e in the blood and the walker looking fed and fat. As for how it even at the bones, who knows? I figure some things they don't think all the way through unless we about to see Carol pull a variant Buffalo Bill and show up wearing Lori's bones.
I wasnt talking about T-Dog
Then who? Black prison guy is weaksauce too. Only other black guy in the show was the dude with the son way back in S1. Can't be him given that's not his name and he was portrayed in a different way. It'd be strange to make that character him when he plays a different role anyway. I know Rick already kinda did some things Tyrese has done but that'd just be weird.
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I hate how everybody is golden gun 007 1 hit kill accurate

lol, iverson's favorite part of the day..."practice"

this season has delivered another good ep. some parts from the comics are happening earlier in the tv series, but still good. awesome part when rick snapped and went inside with the ax and started chopping and slicing the dead.
Part of me still believes that Carol found Lori, stichted her up and they are hiding. Am I reachin ?

Glad they showed the governor's daughter, I wonder if they will show him feeding her.
The talking dead answers most of these questions it seems...

Lori was eaten by bloated zombie
Carl never shot her
Carol not dead
When rick picked up something off the ground. it was him finding the bullet. They showed a flat part as a direct contact with the ground.
great ep tonight

can't believe they showed the daughter and the fight club, i didn't think that they would show this...
i'm now REALLY hopeful for the future!
How did they determine Carl did not shoot her?

that's what i'm still confused about reading some of these replies. apparently on the talking dead, they point out that rick picked up a bullet, which was initially thought to be lori's wedding ring.

but i think that was the bullet case he picked up and not the actual bullet, imo. cause she would've turned into a zombie if it was the bullet and carl had not shot her. which would've led to the other walker not eating her since she would be a moving zombie. and she's definitely gone since the actress already confirmed.

that's the way i see it.
dudes coming in here with the comic book crap are **** heads. seriously though fam. if everyones coming up with theories and trying to enjoy the series being a killjoy doesnt make this thread very enjoyable. use the spoiler tags, its there for a reason.
But thats the thing when in the talking dead did they say the bloated zombie ate her? I mustve missed that part. He ate her BONES/RIB CAGE ALL? Cmon son.
And to those complaining about the comics spoilers idk why yall getting bent out of shape if yall haven't noticed the show is taking somewhat of a different direction than the comics. Should they put it in spoilers?sure. But for the most part its not that bad. I haven't read the comics if that matters.
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But thats the thing when in the talking dead did they say the bloated zombie ate her? I mustve missed that part. He ate her BONES/RIB CAGE ALL? Cmon son.

I agree with you about the bones but you might want to re watch. The fat guy with the beard clearly stated it. He said the trail of blood symbolized the zombie dragging and eating her and that he had hair in his face and nails which was to symbolize he'd eaten her as well.

Maybe she wasn't dead completely after they took the kid. Maybe just really weak and they knew she wouldn't make it but Carl couldn't kill her. Because that's a good point about a zombie eating another zombie if Lori had turned...or maybe the bloated zombie got to her before she turned. I'm guessing she wasn't dead because in the previous seasons remember they would hide under dead bodies when walkers logically Lori would have had to be alive to be some kind of appealing to the bloated zombie...
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