The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Sorry but dropping spoilers without a warning, regardless of how knowledgeable they are, is still dropping spoilers without a warning. Stop acting like you can't understand how or why people are pissed. If you can't see why, well, you're one of the idiots I was talking about.
someone must have ghost edited my post, bc im having trouble finding where I said I dont understand. then what's the problem?  If you understand why people get their jimmies rustled when people spoil certain aspects of the show AND you use spoilers yourself, why are you even telling people to stop crying when stuff gets spoiled?  
  That makes no sense at all.  

The bottom line is that not everyone has read the comics.  And some never intend to, which is okay.  Whether or not the TV show follows what the comic does is up in the air--sometimes it does and other times it doesn't.  Nobody knows what the next episode holds, so the best bet for those who have read the comics is to not even speculate and "drop knowledge" from the comic without using spoiler tags.  That way everyone is happy.  Folks that have read the comics can discuss in this thread freely without ruining it for heads that just want to watch the show and be surprised every week.  Simple solution.    
This is The Walking Dead season 3 thread. There is no place for any comic book discussion in this thread. Nor is their place for speculation on the show based on the comics. It's that simple. If you can't handle that you are stupid, an ***hole, or both.
Did you watch the bonus-segment of The Talking Dead? I can't watch it online cuz it's region-blocked, but I thought they were gonna discuss what happened to Carol? Can anyone confirm?  The director Nicotero said that it was Carol's grave, be he also seemed a bit cryptic about it during the show... to which Chris Hardwick said that they would talk about it in the bonus-segment.

Heres the Bonus on Youtube
^ Dammit, not available in my country! AMC region-blocking stuff... they didn't last year!  Thanks anyway!   
guys bones and all was not eaten. Niccotero explained that the zombie dragged the body around the corner of where you saw him but that the zombie was stuffed and bits of hair was in his mouth and stomach to show it was Lori. Think how expensive it would've been to show a half eaten Lori, let alone what it would do to Rick's character..
The Mist is one of my favorite movies.  The other day I'm watching it and then I  realize it has Dale, Carol, and Andrea from the Walking Dead.  And even funnier they are almost playing the exact same roles.  Carol even left a kid and begs people to go help find it.  Dale is the old guy trying to be the right hand man of the leader but still judging everybody.  Andrea is carrying a gun and trying to get up and close with a lead male.  
For those that read the comics and watch the show, is it worth it to just buy the Compendiums on Amazon? I love the show, but have been thinking about buying it. i dont really care if I have the individual copies, but to have it all together seems like it would be best.
For those that read the comics and watch the show, is it worth it to just buy the Compendiums on Amazon? I love the show, but have been thinking about buying it. i dont really care if I have the individual copies, but to have it all together seems like it would be best.
do it.. 

the comics are very good.. and they complement the show well.
guys bones and all was not eaten. Niccotero explained that the zombie dragged the body around the corner of where you saw him but that the zombie was stuffed and bits of hair was in his mouth and stomach to show it was Lori. Think how expensive it would've been to show a half eaten Lori, let alone what it would do to Rick's character..
I was thinking they can take a skeleton from any science classroom throw some red paint and raw beef on it. I would've believed it.
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You guys can keep saying she's dead all you want but that chick is still alive...#1 rule of being dead on tv is you need visual proof of the soul leaving the body :lol: Plus I don't care what the actress says, when was the last time they ever spoiled anything anyway? The answers always supposed to be "stay tuned and watch". I'm calling BS
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You guys can keep saying she's dead all you want but that chick is still alive...#1 rule of being dead on tv is you need visual proof of the soul leaving the body :lol: Plus I don't care what the actress says, when was the last time they ever spoiled anything anyway? The answers always supposed to be "stay tuned and watch". I'm calling BS

as someone who watched prison break, i can confirm this. the same actress "died" then came back to life on the show.
You guys can keep saying she's dead all you want but that chick is still alive...#1 rule of being dead on tv is you need visual proof of the soul leaving the body :lol: Plus I don't care what the actress says, when was the last time they ever spoiled anything anyway? The answers always supposed to be "stay tuned and watch". I'm calling BS
:smh: It's not "spoiled" if she's actually dead. You got the semi on scene Maggie carving up her belly to get the baby, the off scene Carl head shot, and now a thorough scene detailing the head shot didn't happen and Rick opening up a fat walker to see Lori's remains and you still don't believe she's dead :lol:

Reminds me when ppl were saying Jessie missed/Gale was still alive.

Guess you'll be convinced when she's never seen on the show again (except for in flashbacks).

It just gets to a point where it's not a good twist surprise or good story telling to question the death of a character like this and bring them back like a yo-yo. Lori's not some comic book super villain.
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Carol is not dead.
Still don't think Lori's dead until I see some proof. I'm really hope they killed her character, she didn't contribute in anyway
It's been confirmed for two straight weeks on The Talking Dead that Lori is dead. One of the show's producers confirmed this on there.

Y'all dudes need to see a death certificate signed by Obama to verify that Lori's dead?

Good Lord.
It's been confirmed for two straight weeks on The Talking Dead that Lori is dead. One of the show's producers confirmed this on there.

Y'all dudes need to see a death certificate signed by Obama to verify that Lori's dead?

Good Lord. :lol:

It's been confirmed for two straight weeks on The Talking Dead that Lori is dead. One of the show's producers confirmed this on there.

Y'all dudes need to see a death certificate signed by Obama to verify that Lori's dead?

Good Lord. :lol:
It's been confirmed for two straight weeks on The Talking Dead that Lori is dead. One of the show's producers confirmed this on there.

Y'all dudes need to see a death certificate signed by Obama to verify that Lori's dead?

Good Lord. :lol:

Let me start of by saying, I completely agree and believe that Lori is dead. Without a doubt.

Howwwweeeevveeeerrrrr........In one of the interviews posted a couple of pages back when she's talking about her being killed off, she describes being told she couldn't tell anybody about her dying (because the actors know months in advance what's going to happen obviously.) Standard procedure in these television series' but the way she talked about it made it seem that anything could happen. "The producers grabbed me and told me 'WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T TELL THE TRUTH!' explained the actress.

Now I'm not saying this means she is still alive, because she is not. All I'm saying is, don't take a persons word for it on a t.v. show because we have no idea what the producers have forced her to say/not say about the show. /End Rant
Let me start of by saying, I completely agree and believe that Lori is dead. Without a doubt.
Howwwweeeevveeeerrrrr........In one of the interviews posted a couple of pages back when she's talking about her being killed off, she describes being told she couldn't tell anybody about her dying (because the actors know months in advance what's going to happen obviously.) Standard procedure in these television series' but the way she talked about it made it seem that anything could happen. "The producers grabbed me and told me 'WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T TELL THE TRUTH!' explained the actress.
Now I'm not saying this means she is still alive, because she is not. All I'm saying is, don't take a persons word for it on a t.v. show because we have no idea what the producers have forced her to say/not say about the show. /End Rant

Son even Carl let go of Lori quicker than you dudes.  Shes gone. 
Let me start of by saying, I completely agree and believe that Lori is dead. Without a doubt.
Howwwweeeevveeeerrrrr........In one of the interviews posted a couple of pages back when she's talking about her being killed off, she describes being told she couldn't tell anybody about her dying (because the actors know months in advance what's going to happen obviously.) Standard procedure in these television series' but the way she talked about it made it seem that anything could happen. "The producers grabbed me and told me 'WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T TELL THE TRUTH!' explained the actress.
Now I'm not saying this means she is still alive, because she is not. All I'm saying is, don't take a persons word for it on a t.v. show because we have no idea what the producers have forced her to say/not say about the show. /End Rant

well to add a little more insight to this on talking dead after that episode of "Lori's death" one of the producers hinted you might see a zombie Lori of some sort...but also on a side note Sarah Wayne Callies is currently working on several movie projects as we in short SHE'S DEAD! :lol: sorry to burst your bubble.
she is dead. but willl come back as a walker and mess up rick right after hes good again. can put money on it. the son will wind up having to shoot walker lori to make up for when he didnt shoot her. beleedatplayboy
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