The Walking Dead - Official Thread

what are you talkin about?

what are ppl saying about morgan now?

michonne was played by andrea and left for dead by rick but everyone forget about that now cuz they *******

Agree or not. Morgan is Batman on TWD. I thought his acting shined when he had that extra long episode that revolved around him.

Speaking of being played. Obviously, you haven't read the comics.. Andrea is dead on the show.. loooooooong before her comic counterpart. You gonna shed a tear for her too?

Michonne is the quintessential zombie slayer. She just got her own origins videogame release across every platform.

It's great to be a realist. Keep fighting the good fight but at some point, you gotta be contemplative and less trigger happy. Thinking everything is racist will only stunt your own growth and hinder experiences on this short amount of time on earth.
Michonne is the quintessential zombie slayer. She just got her own origins videogame release across every platform.
Speaking of video games, y'all gotta check out State of Decay on Xbox One.

It's the best TWD game there is. Easily put in 30hr into it.

I started out as a black guy, but he died quickly.

i have read the comic

the fact that comic andrea is alive and show andrea is dead means nothing

especially since they turned michonne into comic andrea

what i was referring to was andrea's choosing of the white governor over michonne who saved her life after the farm

and rick choosing to sacrifice michonne to the governern at the prison
from :lol: -> :smh: at how this turned to a racist convo. **** here with that ish. all these sensitive peeps nowadays thinking everything and everything is about race.
Things can be racial and not racist.

The Walking dead is more diverse than 99% of TV shows, its clear to me that they are trying to do the right thing

but its important to admit they do have a habit of killing off minority characters.

I mean look at the Nina Simone fiasco, if it were those people who made the Walking Dead they would have cast Halle Barry or Zendeya some other light skin person as Michone. :lol:
Originally Posted by EEntegRa

at how this turned to a racist convo. **** here with that ish. all these sensitive peeps nowadays thinking everything and everything is about race.
Awwww, someone is sensitive about racism being constantly being brought up.

Man up.

Realize it exists or comfortably allow it by keeping quiet; those are your two options.

Whining about it is petty and accomplishes nothing.

At the very least, talking about it accomplishes something productive: raising awareness. And awareness SHOULD continue to be raised until racism is longer a thing. It is, so we're talking.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

The Walking dead is more diverse than 99% of TV shows, its clear to me that they are trying to do the right thing

but its important to admit they do have a habit of killing off minority characters.

I mean look at the Nina Simone fiasco, if it were those people who made the Walking Dead they would have cast Halle Barry or Zendeya some other light skin person as Michone.
This show is racist Daryl made a joke about Glenn's driving in season 2 I think. Then the only other Asian (evil Glenn) was killed off after 1 or 2 episodes.
If this info is true there are going to be a lot of angry people:

Possible Season Finale Spoilers

**Warning** Possible Negan/Lucille spoilers ahead. If you don't wanna know. Now is a good time to run. This is going to be a long post.

STD posted some Spoilery Highlights for the finale yesterday. At this time we cannot confirm or deny the entire spoiler. We can say that some of the information we have confirmed for the finale does match up with some of these highlights. However, there are some discrepancies as well. We're going to lay out what they posted and then share bits that we have already confirmed with our sources.

From StD:
- At Alexandria they are preparing to transport Maggie to the Hilltop via RV. Rick, Abraham, Glen, Maggie, Aaron, Eugene and Carl all tag come along on this venture. Rick would rather Aaron stay, but Aaron says the only way to stop him is to shoot him or punch him (again).

Our response:
This is not completely correct. Rick and Company do travel in the RV, but Glenn is not with them initially. Maggie is extremely ill and feverish, lying in the back of the RV. Sasha is also in the RV. Aaron comes with them because he feels he owes Maggie. Carl is there and he’s just pissed off.

From StD:
- Along the way the roads are blocked by different groups of saviors. Our people faced one group similarly to how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham faced the group which they blew up, but this time was different. This group had an unnamed victim with them (the armored guy being beaten at the beginning of the episode.).

Our response:
This appears to be accurate. We know at the first meeting, it’s only with a few Saviors. Rick meets the Lead Savior (played by Steven Ogg) at this time. Also in the scene is the lone survivor of the library camp raid (played by Kevin Murphy) where we previously reported that Morgan finds a wounded Carol. He is bloody and beaten. The Saviors kick him repeatedly. One of them spray paints an orange X on his chest.

Everyone gets out of the RV except Maggie. The Lead Savior nods to them and then over to the beaten man. He explains that the man is someone who was with people that didn't listen. Rick offers to make a deal.

The Lead Savior comes off as almost friendly as he explains that they can make deal. That deal involves taking half their **** and possibly killing someone in their group. But then they can all move forward and it's all just business. Rick doesn't back down and says, "Do you want to make today your last day on Earth?” The Lead Savior tells Rick that he better be extra nice to those people in the RV because you never know when it’s your last day on Earth. As they get in the RV and leave, the Lead Savior kicks the man on the ground again.

From StD:
In the woods there’s a group of saviors watching who start whistling then start shooting at our group, taunting them, driving them back into a certain direction that they want. Rick realizes this after seeing that that the saviors are purposely only shooting at the group’s legs.

Our Response:
We can confirm that Rick mentions that the Saviors were all shooting at their feet. So this appears to be accurate.

Here are the parts of the spoilers that we do not have information on at the moment. So we cannot confirm for sure if they are accurate or not:

- Now on another road, our group comes across a chain of walkers, two of which are wearing things that belong to Michonne and Daryl (two locks of Michonne’s hair and Daryl’s jacket). Because of this everyone comes to the realization that Daryl and Michonne are hostages.

Toward the end our group is cornered and becomes surrounded by the saviors and taken captive, with Michonne and Daryl (who turn out to be alive) brought into the mix to join them. I’ve heard it’s nine people in total from our group: Rick, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Abraham, Eugene and Aaron.

- Then man you all have been waiting for, Negan, shows up in the last ten minutes of the episode, along with his barbed-wired bat that he calls by name "Lucille”.

- He has a long monologue in which he explains that Rick killed a lot of his people and that Rick and the others have to start working for him, giving him half of what they have. And as retribution he concludes that he’s going to kill one of them and if anybody tried to stop him he would take Carl’s other eye and give it to Rick to eat.

- Our group are all on their knees as he decides who to kill; He looks at Maggie (who’s health/stomach pains have worsened), but Glenn interjects and Negan says he was thinking to kill her so he could get her out of her pains. He has trouble deciding which one to kill so he begins his game of “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe” Every one of our captured characters’ faces are shown during the count.
And the moment we’ve all been waiting for….

- When he finally chooses, the camera view switches to the ill-fated character’s point of view, so we don’t know who has been selected. Negan bashes his/her head and their vision/the camera becomes blurry. Everybody starts shouting at the carnage. Then Negan makes a few more hits causing the ill-fated character to fall on the ground, and after a one more final hit there is a sudden fade to black. End credits, end season. Who's the victim? Nobody knows... It's a cliffhanger from hell.

NOTE: At this time we CANNOT confirm the information on Negan and Lucille scene. Once we do get confirmation on it we will post. So take this for what it's worth. Some of the information in this spoiler is accurate so others could be as well.

Also, here is part of the opener of the finale that we have confirmed with our sources:

In one part of the opener the Saviors have dragged a lone survivor (Kevin Patrick Murphy) out on a desolate road. Other Saviors are blocking the road with their cars. The survivor asks, "What is this?" The Lead Savior (Steven Ogg) responds that they are making an example out of him. The survivor asks "To who?" and explains that all his people from the library are dead. The Lead Savior begins kicking him.
I believe tge spoiler is true. I read a few weeks back that the Lucille moment will be from the victims POV.
....worst cliffhanger ever. How you gonna give us what we want and not give us what we want at the same time? Show who dies. The feeling of dread is the cliffhanger. Like what are Rick and Co. going to do now?
....worst cliffhanger ever. How you gonna give us what we want and not give us what we want at the same time? Show who dies. The feeling of dread is the cliffhanger. Like what are Rick and Co. going to do now?
Yeah, dumb move by whoever thought that would be a good idea:smh:
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I'm going to be pissed, but I can imagine it going down that way. Internet would rage.
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Yeah I'd be really pissed. ......they better not do that. This is the only thing I'm looking forward to on this show.

Edit: I regret reading that. The thought of it bothers me.
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I'm not reading that spoiler, **** better not be anything to do with my Bae or if it is it better not be some crappy send off.
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