The Walking Dead - Official Thread

So weird, seems as if the ratings do better first half of the season (when going up against Sunday Night Football).

AMC's "The Walking Dead" finale comfortably bested the sixth season's penultimate episode but comfortably trailed the fifth season finale.

On the one hand, the sixth season finale of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” posted big week-to-week gains in adults 18-49 and total viewership.

On the other hand, the numbers were both down from those posted by the fifth season finale.

Showbuzz notes that on a live+same-day basis, Sunday’s show drew a 6.9 adults 18-49 rating and 14.19 million total viewers. The numbers markedly best the 5.8 and 12.38 million drawn by last week’s episode but trail the 8.2 and 15.78 million garnered by the fifth season finale.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work
Originally Posted by DarthSka
Originally Posted by Freeze
My guess is daryl.

Plus didnt yall just see the commercial for the other show he has starting soon. Dude has been in the eps less and less. He's outtie 5000
I keep hearing this and I'm not buying it. It's a reality show. No script. No rehearsal.
I don't know about reality and it looks scripted to me.

Sort of like a Jackass but not doing so much stupid stuff.
He's riding around the country on motorcycles. 
 Of course there will be dialogue and there will be some sort of script... but minimal, at best.

Saying Daryl is leaving because we learned of THIS kind of show is like thinking that a 5-star chef is quitting a restaurant because we learn he bought a bulk container of Country Time lemonade to start a leomande stand with their kid. Like, yeah, that'll take some time... but that's a terrible reason to assume the person is leaving.
What a joke.

It's a shame too, because the source material is so great. None of it is super sensational, and everything is seemingly done with intention. This show on the other hand...everything feels so contrived.
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The only person who could take those blows to the head without making a sound, or giving Negan the satisfaction of hearing him scream is Abraham. Glen would have been howling, and screaming "Maggie I love you" before he died so it can't be him. Sucks for Sasha though, every time she falls for someone he gets killed off.

What is up with those Hilltop people? I think they dropped dime on Rick's crew because they were incognito for a while. Once they linked up with Jesus and his crew, all of a sudden the Saviors are all over their compound keeping tabs on their coming and goings. I'm also confused about the plan that Hilltop had for getting rid of Negan's crew. Were they under the impression that all of Negan's people were located at that one facility? Did they not know he had more people than that?
The only person who could take those blows to the head without making a sound, or giving Negan the satisfaction of hearing him scream is Abraham. Glen would have been howling, and screaming "Maggie I love you" before he died so it can't be him. Sucks for Sasha though, every time she falls for someone he gets killed off.

What is up with those Hilltop people? I think they dropped dime on Rick's crew because they were incognito for a while. Once they linked up with Jesus and his crew, all of a sudden the Saviors are all over their compound keeping tabs on their coming and goings. I'm also confused about the plan that Hilltop had for getting rid of Negan's crew. Were they under the impression that all of Negan's people were located at that one facility? Did they not know he had more people than that?

If it does wind up being Glen or Abe watch these writers forget the continuity and make whoever gets beaten make some noise after the first hit. Wouldn't shock me one bit because they are incompetent at the details

I don't believe the Hilltop people set Rick and them up but it's clear they didn't realize how big the Saviors group was. In a way Rick brought it on himself being so cocky and overconfident when they agreed to kill the saviors for the Hilltop folks in the first place. I'm pretty sure they will sort it out the first episode of season 7
Definitely couldn't have been Carl or Rick because Negan said "If anyone moves, take the kid's other eye out and feed it to Rick." So it's not those 2.

Going with the 'no screaming' theory, I completely agree that it couldn't have been Glenn or Maggie because they would have been screaming for each other, and I think Sasha would have screamed, too.

No sound? Abe, Daryl, Michonne, Eugene. Yeah, Eugene. He's been in a few hairy situations, and he didn't whimper and moan. He's not Rick/Daryl/Abe tough, but he ain't no screaming infant, either. And has Michonne ever screamed? Like in the whole show? She was on the chopping block with Hershel. Not a sound.

I don't think it was the Alexandria dude because he's not a main character. Negan doesn't know that, but us viewers do. The producers are going to open with a main character meeting Lucille.
At first, I thought the same as most. Whoever is taking the hits would make some sort of sound. The reality of it is, that person would be out literally after the first blow to the head.

It could literally be anybody. I do think it will turn out to be Glenn though.
It was definitely someone from the van. Based on the 1st person view angle of the character from the beginning when they see the black screen with lights and to the end when it was a 1st person view of the bat. Whomever got the bat was in the back of the van so it had to be Michone which will make Rick go crazy again and kill all of them.
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Im sure its Sasha or Abraham.
Definitely couldn't have been Carl or Rick because Negan said "If anyone moves, take the kid's other eye out and feed it to Rick." So it's not those 2.

Going with the 'no screaming' theory, I completely agree that it couldn't have been Glenn or Maggie because they would have been screaming for each other, and I think Sasha would have screamed, too.

No sound? Abe, Daryl, Michonne, Eugene. Yeah, Eugene. He's been in a few hairy situations, and he didn't whimper and moan. He's not Rick/Daryl/Abe tough, but he ain't no screaming infant, either. And has Michonne ever screamed? Like in the whole show? She was on the chopping block with Hershel. Not a sound.

I don't think it was the Alexandria dude because he's not a main character. Negan doesn't know that, but us viewers do. The producers are going to open with a main character meeting Lucille.

See the fact that the character got up 3 times after being hit (remember) shows its someone strong. Darryl was in a weak state, no way its Maggie in her state, Aaron is just weak, Eugene would never raise his head after being hit.
My most likely pick would be Sasha because she had decent on screen time the past few episodes and developed something with Abraham (which can cause interesting revenge on his part)
Also could be Abraham or Glenn, Rosita or Michonne. But most likely female. So its either Sasha or Michonne, probably not Rosita. End of discussion
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View from the back of the van?

Got up 3 times after being hit?

I need to rewatch that last forest pow-wow scene again.
I don't think the Hilltop dropped the dime. Well then again, that group was petrified of the Saviors so who knows. Either the Saviors have phenomenal tracking and scouting units or someone from Hilltop put the word out.

The lack of noise makes me believe it was Abe. Taking it like a champ embodies his character. Its not woman. You don't show off power and put fear into a group by offing a woman. You take the biggest and strongest of the pack or another male and do them in. That is how power is displayed. Killing a woman in that manner would display a cowardliness.

He was looking for the "best". Could be Glenn seeing as how he jumped to Maggie's defense. Could be Eugene who was acting as a decoy. I just feel like it was Abe though. Biggest and remember when Negan tried to punk the group, Abe stood the tallest... On his knees of course.
It has to be Glen cause he was the last one coming out of the van. I read this on Reddit last night
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TWD writers really punked out this season

how many times can ppl get shot and survive without anything that resembles medical attention? :lol:
I don't think the Hilltop dropped the dime. Well then again, that group was petrified of the Saviors so who knows. Either the Saviors have phenomenal tracking and scouting units or someone from Hilltop put the word out.

The lack of noise makes me believe it was Abe. Taking it like a champ embodies his character. Its not woman. You don't show off power and put fear into a group by offing a woman. You take the biggest and strongest of the pack or another male and do them in. That is how power is displayed. Killing a woman in that manner would display a cowardliness.

He was looking for the "best". Could be Glenn seeing as how he jumped to Maggie's defense. Could be Eugene who was acting as a decoy. I just feel like it was Abe though. Biggest and remember when Negan tried to punk the group, Abe stood the tallest... On his knees of course.

Yeah Abraham or Sasha definitely. Anyone else wouldnt make as much sense. Id hate to see Abraham go doe
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

It has to be Glen cause he was the last one coming out of the van. I read this on Reddit last night

"So, it's a fair guess that the POV character who meets Lucille is the same POV character suffering in the van throughout the episode."

Ummm, based on what? Not even gonna throw a reason out there with that?
Like someone else mentioned, Glenn would be looking at Maggie before he dies not Negan.

I think it's Daryl or Abraham
Yeah Abraham or Sasha definitely. Anyone else wouldnt make as much sense. Id hate to see Abraham go doe

Definitely would hat to see Abe go. When considering Negan and what I know of him thus far. He seems like he wouldn't kill one of their women, but take them for his own purposes. :smh:

To make Negan into a full on bad guy, you could have him do in Daryl or Glenn. But how easy would that be? Daryl has a brewing, if not boiling over feud with Dwight. Glenn although he takes the bat in the comic, it would be so predictable. Granted we knew Carl would loses an eye, but it didn't happen when it first appeared that it would. Then again, almost got Barry Bonds by the people eaters. So maybe it could be Glenn, lol.

But back to Negan, they have to give a back story to him and how he became so ruthless. I almost wish they would do it outside of the normal season. Almost like in between the mid break for FTWD.
Cliffhanger gives the producers an advantage to switch the script when the premier begins. That's why TWD isn't as shocking as GOT in terms of character's deaths. In GOT, they kill em off like nothing, on TWD, you get shot in the eye in one episode and the next you're walking around just fine.
Yeah Abraham or Sasha definitely. Anyone else wouldnt make as much sense. Id hate to see Abraham go doe

Definitely would hat to see Abe go. When considering Negan and what I know of him thus far. He seems like he wouldn't kill one of their women, but take them for his own purposes. :smh:

But back to Negan, they have to give a back story to him and how he became so ruthless. I almost wish they would do it outside of the normal season. Almost like in between the mid break for FTWD.

Yeah this show for being the end of the world how come there is no rape going on or woman kept as sex slaves :rolleyes

What the hell are dudes doing to get laid. I'd be held up in a costco somewhere with some fine beezy's as my concubines.

Surprised they haven't touched on that matter yet although I do remember one of the shorts had a guy in a warehouse with sex slaves :lol:


I don't believe anyone asked this yet in the thread...

Do you think Eugene snitched on the group because I don't understand how they got caught so quickly.
It really could be anybody, but my first hunch after throwing away the obvious (Carl) was Rick. I never touched any of the comics, just because I knew that it would slightly spoil my interest in the show if they didn't veer off enough. The writers have to go for broke on the opener/finale, but more than 24 hrs removed, I'm leaning more towards Eugene. He mangled a penis...with his teeth!
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