The Walking Dead - Official Thread

upon further review, Eugene gets Lucilled. before the POV scene, rick was the last face shown and you can see negans shadow moving to Rick's left. Eugene is the only one that makes sense to kill off from that side. why?

after this, in the comics, the saviors invade alexandria and captures one of them. rick and crew comes back to that mess and vows not to take actions and let the captured savior go. BUT eugene gave rick the idea of making their own bullets. again in the comics.

back to the last episode, remember before they split, eugene gave rick the map to that warehouse to setup shop and make their own bullets, just in case. therefore no need for eugene no more.


i knew i've seen negan/lucille before
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Also :rofl: at some of y'all underestimating what a bat lined with barbed wire can do to a human skull after bashing it in.

Tombout Glenn woulda yelled out and looked at Maggie, Abe the only one who wouldn't scream, Eugene wouldn't look up after a hit to the head. :lol: :x

Glenn woulda turned to Maggs before he even got the first blow and was picked....Neegan picked and then spoke for a good 10 seconds before he struck, in a logical world (not TWD) Maggie woulda been a mess the second Glenn was picked, NOT when he's first struck and Glenn wouldn't be fixated on Neegan but fixated on the woman he loves knowing this is the last time he will see her....whatever happens to the victim after that first blow, well is hard to say because I'm sure at that point is all adrenaline that has your body fighting, your brain is done for.
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Scott Gimple is a scumbag, no way around it, this was the best season and he ruined it to secure his season 7 opener numbers, he didn't care one bit for how re fans might feel....also he ruined a pivotal moment and what could have gone down as one of the most memorable TV moments, Imagine if Red Wedding ended when Kat smacked Bolton....if they would have gone through with it and showed us, the emotional blow would have had an actual impact on the fans, as of now the only emotional impact we have is the anger towards the writers....they completely robbed us of an important we gonna open up Season 7 with a major death and have a week to mourn and talk it over.

Now that I think about it, seems like the norm for TWD to start off a season full force and find a way to drop the ball on the finale.
Scott Gimple is a scumbag, no way around it, this was the best season and he ruined it to secure his season 7 opener numbers, he didn't care one bit for how re fans might feel....also he ruined a pivotal moment and what could have gone down as one of the most memorable TV moments, Imagine if Red Wedding ended when Kat smacked Bolton....if they would have gone through with it and showed us, the emotional blow would have had an actual impact on the fans, as of now the only emotional impact we have is the anger towards the writers....they completely robbed us of an important we gonna open up Season 7 with a major death and have a week to mourn and talk it over.

Now that I think about it, seems like the norm for TWD to start off a season full force and find a way to drop the ball on the finale.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Scott Gimple is a scumbag, no way around it, this was the best season and he ruined it to secure his season 7 opener numbers, he didn't care one bit for how re fans might feel....also he ruined a pivotal moment and what could have gone down as one of the most memorable TV moments, Imagine if Red Wedding ended when Kat smacked Bolton....if they would have gone through with it and showed us, the emotional blow would have had an actual impact on the fans, as of now the only emotional impact we have is the anger towards the writers....they completely robbed us of an important we gonna open up Season 7 with a major death and have a week to mourn and talk it over.

Now that I think about it, seems like the norm for TWD to start off a season full force and find a way to drop the ball on the finale.

All the finales at a glance

Season 1 at the CDC, can't complain because we didn't know how big this show would be. Plus it was only 8 episodes

Season 2 with them leaving Hershel's farm, that whole episode was great

Season 3, Andrea's death was a good emotional impact, the Governor attacking the prison, failing, then everyone just comes back like nothing happened. TERRIBLE

Season 4 Terminus cliffhanger was effective, especially the unedited version with Rick's F-bomb

Season 5 Rick going full heel in Alexandria right in front of Morgan was great

Season 6, worst ever! Tease Negan all season just to end on cheap POV effects and a fade to black
We will find out before the new sites will be watching the casts every move.
We will find out before the new sites will be watching the casts every move.

and that's the bad part about the internet today. Only way to avoid it is if AMC filmed death scenes for every character. But even then a Comic-Con trailer would probably ruin it too unless it was nothing but scenes of Negan, Carol, Morgan or the HIlltop
I agree, they should have shown the death.

It's not like people weren't going to tune in regardless
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Why do yall think Negan killed someone? Iirc he said he was going to beat the crap outta someone not kill.

No he didn't, he said he wasn't going to kill "you" as in the group.

He said he needed them.

His right hand man (name not known, played by Steven Ogg AKA Trevor from GTA V) even said that they just wanted their things....and that they had to kill ONE of them.

When Negan said he had to beat the everloving crap out of someone, he didn't mean it wasn't going to be to the death. That was the condition from the jump. They killed numerous saviors, one of 'em had to die.
Scott Gimple is a scumbag, no way around it, this was the best season and he ruined it to secure his season 7 opener numbers, he didn't care one bit for how re fans might feel....also he ruined a pivotal moment and what could have gone down as one of the most memorable TV moments, Imagine if Red Wedding ended when Kat smacked Bolton....if they would have gone through with it and showed us, the emotional blow would have had an actual impact on the fans, as of now the only emotional impact we have is the anger towards the writers....they completely robbed us of an important we gonna open up Season 7 with a major death and have a week to mourn and talk it over.

Now that I think about it, seems like the norm for TWD to start off a season full force and find a way to drop the ball on the finale.


Quoted for realness. We've been exploited. Word to Future, ain't no way around it. They didn't think of creating a memorable finale for one of their strongest seasons since S1. They just wanted to rope-a-dope us and use us to make the next season premier's ratings go through the roof.

People can talk about getting back at AMC and not tuning in for the premier in October, waiting for the encore, or seeing it by other means, but by then everyone would of cooled off and AMC just played all of us.
Yeah man, they played Andreas death well, this could have been that on steroids with how much more invested we are as fans and how important the moment actually is in the comics, something's gotta give, Gimple gotta feel the heat from the fans somehow....I know their social media is getting bombarded, never have I wished to have been present at the TTD for the finale and had a chance to tell these dudes face to face how they ***** up on the fans....I'm pretty sure the TTD ratings were through the floor, I usually always catch the talk show, but I was so pissed I legit had 0 interest in anything they had to say, did they give the audience a chance to speak?...did they sound as if they were sorry for using such a cheap cliffhanger?
Yeah man, they played Andreas death well, this could have been that on steroids with how much more invested we are as fans and how important the moment actually is in the comics, something's gotta give, Gimple gotta feel the heat from the fans somehow....I know their social media is getting bombarded, never have I wished to have been present at the TTD for the finale and had a chance to tell these dudes face to face how they ***** up on the fans....I'm pretty sure the TTD ratings were through the floor, I usually always catch the talk show, but I was so pissed I legit had 0 interest in anything they had to say, did they give the audience a chance to speak?...did they sound as if they were sorry for using such a cheap cliffhanger?

they screened all the audience skype calls for that reason. When Chris Hardwick eventually asked him straight up "there are people who are very disappointed so what can you say to them who feel like they were taken advantage of"? and of course Gimple made no sense at all saying something like "the person who died isn't the story, Rick and the crew being helpless is. We will start that new chapter in season 7 and I promise we will make a great episode to show everyone why we did it this way"

aka "we thought we could get away with this and not make anyone mad". We were wrong but can't admit it because these checks still clearing
This was a terrible ending..... BUT AMC does not care because each and every single one of you will be back in October. Heck complain all you want its not your show they can do whatever they want. I just feel they could have made negan an even bigger character with showing us what he is capable of instead of doing the POV. Amc is almost like the WWE THREADS so many hate and should've done this and that and the same people complaining about the product are still back doing the same whining and crying.

Will i be back in October heck yes love how this show turned out. I never complained once until this ending but hey its not the end of the world its not a pay per view so why not

Just read while scrolling through NT that Andreas dies

About to start Season 1  episode 1 of walking Dead

Worth watching even after knowing that lol
Im emotionally invested in the this show just like so many others.

Not one part of me feels like I was let down by the finale. I appreciate the story telling and the writers did a great job with season 6 overall and the finale was no different.

At what point did so many of yall stop being fans of a television show and start acting like corporate tv executives and entertainment weekly editors lol

Like its no longer, "I cant wait to watch the show next week or next season!", now its all "this episode was buns, they did that so I can watch the show next week or next season. ughh"

Like its some terrible TV out there but some of you guys are torn to pieces over a beyond decent show.... that you actually enjoy??

Since when is being entertained not a win for viewers?
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Im emotionally invested in the this show just like so many others.

Not one part of me feels like I was let down by the finale. I appreciate the story telling and the writers did a great job with season 6 overall and the finale was no different.

At what point did so many of yall stop being fans of a television show and start acting like corporate tv executives and entertainment weekly editors lol

Like its no longer, "I cant wait to watch the show next week or next season!", now its all "this episode was buns, they did that so I can watch the show next week or next season. ughh"

Like its some terrible TV out there but some of you guys are torn to pieces over a beyond decent show.... that you actually enjoy??

Since when is being entertained not a win for viewers?

Years of being fans of the show we deserved a better ending than that. Negans monologue was great but to end off with a cliffhanger in that way and now reports saying that they haven't filmed the death scene yet is just bad and lazy writing. It totally takes away from the scene too, I was really on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen.

Just read while scrolling through NT that Andreas dies

About to start Season 1  episode 1 of walking Dead

Worth watching even after knowing that lol

Haha that sucks but yeah definitely keep watching
That's why I stay out of general and Twitter if I miss an episode of a show I'm watching
Im emotionally invested in the this show just like so many others.

Not one part of me feels like I was let down by the finale. I appreciate the story telling and the writers did a great job with season 6 overall and the finale was no different.

At what point did so many of yall stop being fans of a television show and start acting like corporate tv executives and entertainment weekly editors lol

Like its no longer, "I cant wait to watch the show next week or next season!", now its all "this episode was buns, they did that so I can watch the show next week or next season. ughh"

Like its some terrible TV out there but some of you guys are torn to pieces over a beyond decent show.... that you actually enjoy??

Since when is being entertained not a win for viewers?

I'm sorry but that was a terribly delivered Finale, reeked of corporate gimmick to boost season 7 opener ratings....there was 0 fan service, they literally robbed us of a moment we've been building up anticipation for, FOR MONTHS....season was the best season, to me it was even better than season 1...they blew it big time with the finale, there is no debate, there is no question, everyone's got an opinion, but if your opinion is "that was a great finale" you are **** drunk :lol:

Just read while scrolling through NT that Andreas dies

About to start Season 1  episode 1 of walking Dead

Worth watching even after knowing that lol

This is why I stayed out of GOT thread till I was caught
Yeah Andrea catches the fade....pretty sad episode, only time I've ever seen Michone broken.
That finale was a business play. It wasn't about the art or entertainment of it. Well written shows have story arcs that build-up to a payoff for the audience. Rick preemptively attacked the Saviors, which ended up putting the people around him in danger. The consequence of that is shown when they ultimately meet the real Negan and he has to make an example out of them.

Negan fades one of them to prove a point and establish his ruthlessness. Then you go into the next season wondering how the hell can they get out of this predicament? That's more than enough motivation to tune in, but nope, they decided to force us to tune in to the next season premier just to find out who met Lucille. :smh:
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