The Walking Dead - Official Thread

First id drive a truck to a pawn shop and get all the guns.

Then hijack a luxury cruise boat.
or aircraft carrier.

The enormous ones.

Sail around. ..stop at various places.
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question for TWD fans:

if it all broke out today, where would you go?

what do you think the safest place would be?

The safest place would be no where :lol:

So I'd stay put. When you go to safe zones they usually become unsafe zones pretty quickly.
The safest place would be no where :lol:

So I'd stay put. When you go to safe zones they usually become unsafe zones pretty quickly.

that old hospital in Atlanta where 'nobody likes Chris' was seemed pretty safe since they got rid of the stairs

if you took over a tall building, removed or blocked the stairs, you might get got when going out to get food/ supplies but you wouldnt have to worry about getting taken over.

at least i dont think?
Oh the show is super racist. I mean having a multi-cultural show with multiple main characters of color EVERY SEASON and they even gave Morgan his own episode. Super racist.

Like how they had Glen being the stereotypical Asian driver crashing into everything, and had him eating dog in the same season. Smh.
episode was lit
nWo won this battle, but ya know rick gonna win the war
Father G gonna lead the comeback

negan aint even scrap in his life. dude looks too clean. rick fixin to fade him and his pearly whites
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So were they out of rockets for the launcher or nah? Could have taken a bunch of those Saviors out.

@Putting In Work funny you mentioned the sex slave thing cause

In the comics, Negan kinda does. Has something to do with how Dwight got scarred too.
Why doesn't negan just off all them? If they are that deep it would be a breeze to takeover especially killing that group

Are we gonna see OG Morgan and Carol city?
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Why doesn't negan just off all them? If they are that deep it would be a breeze to takeover especially killing that group

Are we gonna see OG Morgan and Carol city?

That big a crew is a lot of mouths to feed. A lot of resources. Rick's crew can't produce any of that if they're dead.
It looks like Morgan will be their savior next season with the help of those dudes on the horses. Hope we see a Tiger.
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Good guy Negan

So were they out of rockets for the launcher or nah? Could have taken a bunch of those Saviors out.

@Putting In Work funny you mentioned the sex slave thing cause

In the comics, Negan kinda does. Has something to do with how Dwight got scarred too.

Yup, Negan took his main ***
Gotta say I'm really not surprised that they pulled this ********. I was livid, even though I listened to the leaked audio and read the spoilers.

And I can't lie, I'm gonna be tuning in this fall. But if the first scene ain't right where they left off, and it isn't Glenn who got da bat, and they don't show it, I can't watch this god damb show no more, famb. **** a cold open. **** it.
Also :rofl: at some of y'all underestimating what a bat lined with barbed wire can do to a human skull after bashing it in.

Tombout Glenn woulda yelled out and looked at Maggie, Abe the only one who wouldn't scream, Eugene wouldn't look up after a hit to the head. :lol: :x
The reactions in that vid though. 

Like I said after hearing the leaked audio, that **** was brilliant on AMC's part.  I'm still pissed, but there is so much more buzz about TWD right now than there would've been if they showed who got Lucille'd. 

Even in pissing people off, AMC is winning. 

Please don't ever do that again, AMC. 
Negan beat the crap out of the viewers. That's why it was 1st person POV. The viewers are taking it like a champ and coming back for more next season no matter what they are complaining about hahaha.

.......I'm one of them
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Negan beat the crap out of the viewers. That's why it was 1st person POV. The viewers are taking it like a champ and coming back for more next season no matter what they are complaining about hahaha.

.......I'm one of them :frown: :wow: :stoneface:  


Who here won't be glued to their TVs in October?
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