The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Anything is possible. I actually like how they brought about his love life. Makes his character a badass dude who just happens to be gay, opposed to a gay dude who's also a badass.

Yea I agree but I mean kissing and smashing another dude when you're straight just for a come up isn't a good look. What makes Strand a great character is he's complex and multilayered, and him being in a relationship shows that although he is all about self preservation there is some good and unselfishness in him.

kinda like a clean cut Omar in a sense.
I don't mind Strand's character being gay. If it makes a difference the actor is openly gay in real life.

I think his situation with Albagail is more about the money though.
nick prolly been turned out for drugs 
That's why I like Strand's character, as of right now, we don't know if he's playing gay for he come up or he's genuinely gay on the show, dude is a puzzle right now which the show needs w/ it's transparent cast.
That's why I like Strand's character, as of right now, we don't know if he's playing gay for he come up or he's genuinely gay on the show, dude is a puzzle right now which the show needs w/ it's transparent cast.

If he gay for pay, ppl gonna complain why they have to make the only black man lack all human compassion. :smh:
Please dont be the case
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That's why I like Strand's character, as of right now, we don't know if he's playing gay for he come up or he's genuinely gay on the show, dude is a puzzle right now which the show needs w/ it's transparent cast.

LOL I guess I just don't want him to be that much of a savage but yea the mystery surrounding his character is fueling the show. Aside from NIck aka the Alpha zombie, I hate all the other characters.

Connor is also an intriguing character, we don't know much about him but I presume he's the beginning of the walking dead super villains. He has all the characteristics of one, he's a great organizer, thinks he's doing what he does for the greater good, definitely comes off as a decent guy at first glance.

Yea, Connor is definitely the first villian for the show, now all we're waiting for is the true Alpha of the main group.

That's why I like Strand's character, as of right now, we don't know if he's playing gay for he come up or he's genuinely gay on the show, dude is a puzzle right now which the show needs w/ it's transparent cast.

If he gay for pay, ppl gonna complain why they have to make the only black man lack all human compassion. :smh:
Please dont be the case

I'm sure it'd be jokes w/ most, it is (F)TWD after all and we know how they do us >D :lol:
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It was nice of him to stop making noises for the exchange
I said the same thing to my girl.

He was all 'ROAR! ROAR' when they put him on their lifeboat, and I said, "Put a sock in his mouth or something. He's loud af." Then when he gets to Connor's boat, he's all hush. 
^ I told that to my girl, too. Soon as he said 'He was gonna turn' and the camera showed the dead brother, I was like, "Damn, didn't even get him in his head. Just de-jawed him." 
I was tryna know, how he kill him, but not prevent him from turnin? He missed his skull at point blank? :lol:
   @ that whole crew getting washed.  

Pregnant chick ends up detained within seconds.   

Connor is zombie food within seconds.

Homeboy on the dock catches a headbutt and then gets mounted and pummeled into submission.  

And ol' girl dipped out on Jack.  

Tough day for that wack *** crew.  
Never watch Talking Dead, but I might have to for this. Alycia is looking damn good, and that accent :wow:.
Why do these dudes think money still matters in this world and they have to pay to get into Mexico wtf?

They think they got border patrol still?

That boy wasn't going to turn. Chris doesn't even understand they don't turn when they're alive. :smh: Didn't even kill him right. Instead of preventing him from turning, he made him turn. :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

Jack is such a simp. He's probably going to be butt hurt and turn heel now.
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I don't think the realization that society has completely crumbled has settled in yet, so money is still a factor.

I like that concept of the show. They don't know how widespread.

That boy wasn't going to turn. Chris doesn't even understand they don't turn when they're alive. :smh: Didn't even kill him right. Instead of preventing him from turning, he made him turn. :lol: :rofl: :rofl:


he had a grazing face wound.
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Connor's crew is so weak it's comical 

Dude with Connor got washed by Travis of all ppl

Pregnant chick got handled with ease by Alicia of all ppl

I wonder if the rest of Connor's crew is still going to chase the Abigail from here with the asian girl, jack, pregnant chick and dude that got washed by Travis
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travis squad out here like Rick's already. It's too easy. Wifey did a search and destroy, rescue mission all by herself. Got travis and her daughter back in under 5 minutes. GOAT.
Obviously, our main group would get washed by Rick's group... but I think that's the point.

Remember, this is the BEGINNING of the apocalypse on FTWD. This is showing a crew learning from their mistakes, and another crew coming in arrogant and careless only to get washed by a group more focused on 'adapt and move forward.'

Ultimately, that's EXACTLY what has lead to Rick's group's demise. They USED to be all about 'adapt and move forward', but they got cocky with Negan's group... and now they're sitting on their knees watching one of them get beat to a pulp. Sure, they took out a number of Negan's crew, but that's where their place in the apocalypse is more advanced than our main group in FTWD. In FTWD, you get cocky and careless, you're out quick, like Connor's group is.
Connor's crew is so weak it's comical  :lol:

Dude with Connor got washed by Travis of all ppl

Pregnant chick got handled with ease by Alicia of all ppl

I wonder if the rest of Connor's crew is still going to chase the Abigail from here with the asian girl, jack, pregnant chick and dude that got washed by Travis
I'm so confused, why didn't anyone in Connors group go to that exchange with a gun? :rofl:

Because it made too much sense :lol: and Why didn't Madison pop dude who was scrappin w/ Travis, she had the yoppa on her? That boy Jack too emotional and naive, pregnant chick lucky Alicia and poke her tummy w/ that blade she took from Jack. Alex gon start runnin the things and they gon run into Travis and the squad probably around mid break season 3.
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