The Walking Dead - Official Thread

The guy that hung himself in the hotel doesn't know diddly. This takes place before TWD. For all we know, that guy has never seen anyone turn and just dealt with random zombies. Alicia threw on some of his clothes, which didn't eem fit. There wasn't any women's clothes laying on that bed. He could of been staying at a Mexican hotel for business and staying by himself.

I think what he was asking is, have any of the mains figured out anyone that dies, turns? Not just bites do it. Did she grasp that, has Nick, has anyone grasped that yet?
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I think I misread it. I thought he was asking if everybody in the world knows if they turn after death. Including the guy who hung himself.
I think what he was asking is, have any of the mains figured out anyone that dies, turns? Not just bites do it. Did she grasp that, has Nick, has anyone grasped that yet?
didnt dr exner tell liza who told travis who told maddie?

i think thats as far as it goes

or did the soldier andrew tell them (too?)
That was insane. Loved it.

Loved last night's episode, as usual. Sad that ol' boy got popped, but... I mean... he should have shot first (technically he did, but not at the person aiming at him). If it comes down to you or me and we're both pointing guns at each other, the first person to fire a kill shot walks away.

I know the dad was upset seeing his son kill an innocent person, but the son knows what time it is.
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Now tonight's episode, that's more like it. :pimp:

Loved the tide. Loved the joining of groups to create a home. Loved Nick using his skills, and being rewarded (with the home, not the panties) And they were still able to keep the theme of someone "protecting" their loved one, even tho......

Another smear blood ep..... :lol:

If it's useful, why they wash it off immediately? :lol: Stay hidden/better protected full time, or not at all.

Still, solid episode this week. Very happy.
Also thought it was a good episode. The only thing that irked me was where da f*** did Alicia charge that iphone? :lol:
Theres no electricity anywhere right?
Also thought it was a good episode. The only thing that irked me was where da f*** did Alicia charge that iphone? :lol:
Theres no electricity anywhere right?

Questions like these are hilarious. Ill never get it. Who cares? Guy is flummoxed about the battery life on a phone when theres **** going down. Enjoy the tv show.
the mom was an idiot this last ep and it was all so contrived

she couldnt even understand what they were saying, so why would she be so nosy as to care and ask for translation?

and then the reach to think they were talking about nick

and then finally turning on the sign as if nick is the only person that would see it and endanger her daughter and everyone else there

dont even want to touch strand getting stabbed and them not killing that *****

if it was a white person she stabbed she'd be dead
Finished the first season of ftwd.

Def worse than twd season 2-3.

I'm interested though because I need my twd fix.

I do like that they're focusing on a completely different group, but 

these characters.

Really wouldn't mind them starting fresh with another group on ftwd. I want them all gone.
I liked maybe 1.5 characters from season 1.

Seeing your comment doesn't bode well for what I have yet to watch.

The mexican dude and black guy from season 1 were likable to me.

I kind of like what happens to most of the characters, but not the characters themselves.
Really wouldn't mind them starting fresh with another group on ftwd. I want them all gone.
I liked maybe 1.5 characters from season 1.

Seeing your comment doesn't bode well for what I have yet to watch.

The mexican dude and black guy from season 1 were likable to me.

I kind of like what happens to most of the characters, but not the characters themselves.
I won't spoil anything if you're not caught up
and then the reach to think they were talking about nick
Wait, how is that a reach?

A white kid within 15 miles who has long, ratty hair and supplies drugs, in a world where the population is thinning out more and more.
so why not assume hes already dead?

15 miles isnt exactly short espeically in a zombie apocalypse 

or nick is just a super druggie who for plot purposes is always in proximity to drugs?

good thing he wasnt like a hardcore vegan then she could hear about the white kid with ratty hair who started a garden or something right?
Madison has to go, she always thinking that she can do what she wants wherever and people are supposed to let her because she's a mother :rolleyes

Travis pretty much left his son after realizing son wasn't going to do what he wanted, which was stay docile in a different world.

Ofelia is a sucka for leaving
Originally Posted by Hand2HandKing
Originally Posted by DarthSka
Originally Posted by Hand2HandKing  
and then the reach to think they were talking about nick
Wait, how is that a reach?

A white kid within 15 miles who has long, ratty hair and supplies drugs, in a world where the population is thinning out more and more.
so why not assume hes already dead?

15 miles isnt exactly short espeically in a zombie apocalypse 

or nick is just a super druggie who for plot purposes is always in proximity to drugs?

good thing he wasnt like a hardcore vegan then she could hear about the white kid with ratty hair who started a garden or something right?
Well, if you remember how the show began, he is a druggie.
So there's that.

Second, have you ever known anyone like Nick? Yes, he would constantly be around drugs. And if there were someone matching the description of someone I knew and they were as into veggies as Nick was into drugs at the beginning of the show, and I found out that this person was part of a huge garden-bartering thing, ummm... yes, I would assume that was them. No, that's not at all unreasonable.
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well different opinions

i disagree i think its a reach

especially because its a zombie apocalypse

i would think EVERYONE is looking for drugs, white and everyone else
chris might be top 3 hated twd/ftwd universe characters

travis weak for not ever even trying to put hands on him and knock some sense into him

i think he gonna be a liability now going forward

i thought they were gonna show how evil they are and keep those ppl out of the hotel

its enough rooms everyone can get one

i have to reiterate how annoying all of the characters are

and how have they not killed that woman who stabbed strand

im so heated at that turn of events

two hour season finale 
Travis didn't want to get jumped 3 on 1 if he put hands on Chris. Next week is finale already?
But they aren't noobs anymore.

Rick went for guns, but Shane's camp already had guns/knives/crossbows.

This didn't happen overnight, they've BEEN on the run. They KNOW what the world is now. Hell, they already been hijacked once.

They need guns, THEY know this, not just me. They walkin around with table legs.

And the noise getting them cornered is my point. They KNOW to shut up by now.

Last week dude got bit WITH A MACHINE GUN IN HIS HAND AND A RUNNING JEEP BEGIND HIM..............Come on man. Come on.

I didn't even get to ol boy walkin TOWARDS the flyin bullets.

The drug dealers don't know where we live...................they can't follow you pushin a heavy *** basket of water?????? Lolwut????

There's a lot of issues building. I've been praising the first two seasons, so far. Not trending the right way as of now. I'm worried in what they're focusing on. Year 3 of the OG didn't have these problems, wasn't Governor year 3? They had plans, focus, learned on the fly. These fools lost a boat and carved a message in the sand.................
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