The Walking Dead - Official Thread

wait, I wasn't paying attention, but the blonde was patient zero?

Looks like it. I may be wrong on that, but they were in the church from the first episode when he wakes up, and it's a chick that comes at him dead as hell. I'm pretty sure that's her, and why he was thinking about her.......maybe I'm off base thinking that, but it's how I interpreted that amongst all the walking in the sand.
Is FTWD better than TWD's season 2-3?

[quote name="iYen"]Is FTWD better than TWD's season 2-3?[/quote]All the way, in my opinion.

I know we all process opinions with consideration given to what we know about the person giving the opinion. So here's me, giving your question a resounding yes.

I firmly believe that those who would answer no are simply die-hard TWD fans.
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Is FTWD better than TWD's season 2-3?

Not even close. Then again, I liked S2 of TWD. Wasn't a huge fan of S3 though.

I think the fact that FTWD has very few characters that you care about or are memorable speaks volumes about the show. It's still enjoyable though. It just doesn't stick with you like some of those earlier TWD episodes did, IMO.
FTWD is just terrible, none of the characters on this show are good enough actors for a bottle episode IMO. And the dumbness of the non-vital characters is amazing, how all those guys in the jeep wound up getting killed was just ridiculous

By the way here's the uncensored language Negan scene from the Blu Ray

Agreed :rofl: that has to rank up there w/ among the dumbest deaths in The Walking Dead universe. Wasn't like they were trying to save a friend or etc or had no option to retreat backwards to jeep. So long haired dude was so shook at seeing Nick roaming w/ walkers and froze up? :smh:

Looks like it. I may be wrong on that, but they were in the church from the first episode when he wakes up, and it's a chick that comes at him dead as hell. I'm pretty sure that's her, and why he was thinking about her.......maybe I'm off base thinking that, but it's how I interpreted that amongst all the walking in the sand.

Not to throw shade at anyone that's on the fence wondering if this blonde was same girl that was Patient Zero from 1st episode but is it really that much of a debate? Very 1st episode shows her in zombie form and this last episode gave backstory of how Nick and her knew each other (from rehab) and even shows them hanging out at the abandoned church where the 1st episode took place.
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Not a bad episode. Not a big fan of them getting drunk but a another solid episode. Could of avoided the cliffhanger
What a stupid opening this week. Give me a break with this approach.
What the hell, man? 
 I love how much more realistic this is then TWD.

Bruh, I guaran-damn-tee that there would be people who group up because they think these zombies are temporarily dead on their way to some spiritual whatever. And Hispanics are largely religious and reverent towards the dead.

Getting drunk in an empty bar? Like that wouldn't happen?

I love it. Love the pace. Love the backstories. Love the evolution into what we know will be the TWD world.
I agree on the religion/spiritual angle. But they are stretching out WAY too thin.

"Drug dealers" running a grocery store. :lol:

Trading oxy for water, in the "new world". That long?

Almost dying, for some ding dongs. Bruh.

Noise attracts walkers, so let's ring the bell and play the piano....

Every episode, Nick bathes in blood. Every. Episode.

They still have no guns, THIRD SEASON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Remember when this show was designed to show the downfall of civilization based outta LA? :lol:
We saw a few soldiers, maybe a couple thousand walkers, and no real war/last stand, in a city of 13 million + suburbs.

This is not what we were promised.

There are pieces of the series that are fun, different from the main show, no doubt, but they are straying like hell.

Saul spun off BB and has been BRILLIANT. This is not that. This is the OG, but dumber. Ep 1 of OG was Rick goin for guns. Lots of guns. These stupid ************* still walkin around with chair legs and makin more noise than a rock concert. While splitting up and getting drunk.

Son...... :lol:
Only reason I'd watch TWD over FTWD is that i gotta support Glenn.  If glenn is killed off its FTWD>TWD all day
"Drug dealers" running a grocery store.

Trading oxy for water, in the "new world".
If you don't this is EXACTLY what would happen if some sort of apocalypse event happened RIGHT NOW, you're not aware of your surroundings, my friend.
That long?
That was kinda Nick's point. 

Noise attracts walkers, so let's ring the bell and play the piano....
I mean, that has them currently up a creek, surrounded. Soooo...
Every episode, Nick bathes in blood. Every. Episode.
Aaaaaaaand that's exactly what we would see Michonne do if there were a pre-TWD show featuring her. We'd see her

"in blood.


They still have no guns, THIRD SEASON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I don't think the character's know it's the 3rd season and they need guns by now. Do you know what season your life is in and what your viewers are expecting of you by now?

Rhetorical question, obviously, but the point is that there is no regard to what season it is and what's supposed to happen. It's a progression, and not everyone is going to make it, and some of them will get offed by some ish we think is damn because we are well versed in the rules of the TWD zombie world.

Obviously there are different zombie world (Shaun of the Dead, World War Z, Zombieland, etc), and we all know full well what to do and not do in this particular world.
Remember when this show was designed to show the downfall of civilization based outta LA?

We saw a few soldiers, maybe a couple thousand walkers, and no real war/last stand, in a city of 13 million + suburbs.

This is not what we were promised.
Then you're being let down by your interpretation of what we were promised.

'the downfall of civilization' does not absolutely and exclusively mean 'massive amounts of soldiers and a war/last stand'

Prisons and government buildings don't just become completely abandoned overnight.
There are pieces of the series that are fun, different from the main show, no doubt, but they are straying like hell.

Saul spun off BB and has been BRILLIANT. This is not that. This is the OG, but dumber. Ep 1 of OG was Rick goin for guns. Lots of guns.
Well he's a cop, sooo... 

(And I don't think FTWD's writers knew you would be comparing them to BCS. That's not what they were promised).
These stupid ************* still walkin around with chair legs and makin more noise than a rock concert. While splitting up and getting drunk.
I said from the jump that the biggest hurdle for this show will be people already knowing the rules to this particular zombie world and having to go back to the beginning of this world already knowing how to survive it.

"Dude, you can't do that! Haven't you ever seen TWD?!"

No, they haven't.
But they aren't noobs anymore.

Rick went for guns, but Shane's camp already had guns/knives/crossbows.

This didn't happen overnight, they've BEEN on the run. They KNOW what the world is now. Hell, they already been hijacked once.

They need guns, THEY know this, not just me. They walkin around with table legs. :smh:

And the noise getting them cornered is my point. They KNOW to shut up by now.

Last week dude got bit WITH A MACHINE GUN IN HIS HAND AND A RUNNING JEEP BEGIND HIM..............Come on man. Come on.

I didn't even get to ol boy walkin TOWARDS the flyin bullets.

The drug dealers don't know where we live...................they can't follow you pushin a heavy *** basket of water?????? Lolwut????

There's a lot of issues building. I've been praising the first two seasons, so far. Not trending the right way as of now. I'm worried in what they're focusing on. Year 3 of the OG didn't have these problems, wasn't Governor year 3? They had plans, focus, learned on the fly. These fools lost a boat and carved a message in the sand................. :lol:
But they aren't noobs anymore.

Rick went for guns, but Shane's camp already had guns/knives/crossbows.

This didn't happen overnight, they've BEEN on the run. They KNOW what the world is now. Hell, they already been hijacked once.

They need guns, THEY know this, not just me. They walkin around with table legs.

And the noise getting them cornered is my point. They KNOW to shut up by now.

Last week dude got bit WITH A MACHINE GUN IN HIS HAND AND A RUNNING JEEP BEGIND HIM..............Come on man. Come on.

I didn't even get to ol boy walkin TOWARDS the flyin bullets.

The drug dealers don't know where we live...................they can't follow you pushin a heavy *** basket of water?????? Lolwut????

There's a lot of issues building. I've been praising the first two seasons, so far. Not trending the right way as of now. I'm worried in what they're focusing on. Year 3 of the OG didn't have these problems, wasn't Governor year 3? They had plans, focus, learned on the fly. These fools lost a boat and carved a message in the sand.................
But they aren't noobs anymore.

Rick went for guns, but Shane's camp already had guns/knives/crossbows.

This didn't happen overnight, they've BEEN on the run. They KNOW what the world is now. Hell, they already been hijacked once.

They need guns, THEY know this, not just me. They walkin around with table legs.

And the noise getting them cornered is my point. They KNOW to shut up by now.

Last week dude got bit WITH A MACHINE GUN IN HIS HAND AND A RUNNING JEEP BEGIND HIM..............Come on man. Come on.

I didn't even get to ol boy walkin TOWARDS the flyin bullets.

The drug dealers don't know where we live...................they can't follow you pushin a heavy *** basket of water?????? Lolwut????

There's a lot of issues building. I've been praising the first two seasons, so far. Not trending the right way as of now. I'm worried in what they're focusing on. Year 3 of the OG didn't have these problems, wasn't Governor year 3? They had plans, focus, learned on the fly. These fools lost a boat and carved a message in the sand.................
I just got put onto Dexter. You've (assumedly) followed the way I do things for years now when it comes to movies/tv shows: 4EVRL8 

Just got put onto it, just checked to see if there are threads on NT about it. Of course there are! 

I'm on S7, so I check through the S7 thread, see if my dude CP is in there. Of course he is! 

Did they take some liberties? Yes, absolutely. But to me, they don't overshadow the bigger picture.
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What was the context I was talking about? I honestly don't remember.

S7 already???? What did you think the first 4-5 seasons????
Don't want to derail the thread, but Dexter is Quality television.

Capital Q.

Season 4 finale... was... that last 10 minutes... real feels.

All of the feels.

All of them.
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I agree on the religion/spiritual angle. But they are stretching out WAY too thin.

"Drug dealers" running a grocery store. :lol:

Trading oxy for water, in the "new world". That long?

Almost dying, for some ding dongs. Bruh.

Noise attracts walkers, so let's ring the bell and play the piano....

Every episode, Nick bathes in blood. Every. Episode.

They still have no guns, THIRD SEASON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Remember when this show was designed to show the downfall of civilization based outta LA? :lol:
We saw a few soldiers, maybe a couple thousand walkers, and no real war/last stand, in a city of 13 million + suburbs.

This is not what we were promised.

There are pieces of the series that are fun, different from the main show, no doubt, but they are straying like hell.

Saul spun off BB and has been BRILLIANT. This is not that. This is the OG, but dumber. Ep 1 of OG was Rick goin for guns. Lots of guns. These stupid ************* still walkin around with chair legs and makin more noise than a rock concert. While splitting up and getting drunk.

Son...... :lol:
I thought I was the only one who noticed nick always bathing in blood every episode :lol:
Dexter is possibly my favorite show of all time; I was in my feels so many times. Tears fell in the finale. Hell of a show. like a joke. A parody of TWD. Like, nick comes of as a savant some times and then a fool at other times. The whole group is spread out over a continent now. If they come back together at any point..I'm gone b.

Has everybody put 2 and 2 together that no matter what happens, if you die, you turn? Like buh that hung himself and turned? Or if that a detail nobody picked up yet?

I thought we were going to get answers..of some sort. But nothing. Not a single Why. We're hanging out in rural mexico, while the united states crumbles behind us. Aint no telling what's happening over there. No internet I guess. No radio I guess. No TV I guess. Where is the presidente? Hell, We're in mexico, where's Carlos Slim?

This mexican villiage would let this random weird white dude come and play house...but homegirl that was squatting was tryna crack his skull with a bat in the middle of rem sleep? lol wut?

So the black dude is bi? and he would've schemed on the administrator yambs? end of the world makes 3s look cold.
The guy that hung himself in the hotel doesn't know diddly. This takes place before TWD. For all we know, that guy has never seen anyone turn and just dealt with random zombies. Alicia threw on some of his clothes, which didn't eem fit. There wasn't any women's clothes laying on that bed. He could of been staying at a Mexican hotel for business and staying by himself.
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