The Walking Dead - Official Thread

i think that little dude scott gimple has the cajones to do it and think hes brilliant

"it's part of the story we wanted to tell"

"it doesnt matter who died, its about how the rest of them move on"

or some crap like that

That would make me vomit.
Didn't someone post the new season is supposed to start off from where Negan left off and they reveal who died and then the show will go the group trying to cope from there? Them pulling more cliffhanger BS would be hyper trolling. :smh:

they've already confirmed multiple times that they will reveal who dies in the premiere
The second half of FTWD was some of the best TV to come out of TWD universe. Really enjoyed it. FTWD overall isn't better than TWD but they've definitely learned from their mistakes and in some ways exceed TWD.
The second half of FTWD was some of the best TV to come out of TWD universe. Really enjoyed it. FTWD overall isn't better than TWD but they've definitely learned from their mistakes and in some ways exceed TWD.
I'm on episode 8 of season 2 of FTWD. Right now, I don't believe you. So these next 7 episodes.:nerd:
The second half of FTWD was some of the best TV to come out of TWD universe. Really enjoyed it. FTWD overall isn't better than TWD but they've definitely learned from their mistakes and in some ways exceed TWD.
I'm on episode 8 of season 2 of FTWD. Right now, I don't believe you. So these next 7 episodes.:nerd:
I thought the first half started slowly and I spent a lot of time hating most of the characters. They turned that around for me, big time.
Yeah I enjoyed the episodes after the ranch place went up in flames. It definitely got better with time. Still not super pumped about it though.
The Talking Dead after will be epic
speaking of talking dead, you can enter for a chance to be at the talking dead premiere
If you want to know who negan kills just google the spoiling dead fans.
You know, I had a strong feeling who it would be and looks like I was right.

I was so pissed when they did that finale last season and swore I wouldn't watch this season out of spite but here I am waiting for it. Gimple got a ton of hate for doing that but he knew we would all be back. :lol:
I knew I was going to watch this season of the walking dead but I damn sure wasn't going to watch fear the walking dead off of the cliffhanger from last season.. :rofl:
Can we just get the answer in a spoiler?

Scrolled through the forum an didnt see anything but the poll. Im probably looking in the wrong place.
Can we just get the answer in a spoiler?

Scrolled through the forum an didnt see anything but the poll. Im probably looking in the wrong place.
most likely 2 people die. I think the overall consensus is abraham and glen however, the order of death is unknown. The popular theory is glen gets chosen and abraham tries to intervene and ends up getting got too.
Hmmm, would need more concrete evidence.
TSDF already have people spying on the set and they've said Glen and Abe have only appeared in the season premiere while everyone else has appeared in multiple episodes. idk what else to tell you but just wait 2 more weeks lol
If Negan's as likable as he is in the comic, dudes will be okay with Negan making Rick his *****.
Is he likable just because he's a maniac or does he have a decent backstory? I could go find these answers, but a quick response would be nice. :D
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