The Walking Dead - Official Thread

comic > show 
Idk why, but I'm not as excited I used to be with this show.
So we're polar opposites. 

The show is gaining interest from me as it goes on. This is actually the first season premiere I've been legit locked into. I'm looking forward to JDM more than I've looked forward to any new character the show has brought on, and the way they finished that last episode was incredible.
I still think the season should of ended on the killshot and that it was BS to leave it hanging. I completely understand why, but I want a true cliffhanger not a "who gonna get it"...

Oh well, we're almost there. :D
Well thats good news. How long will this show go until people are bored with zombies? With that and GoT drawing towards an end, people going to have to find new shoes to love.
If the spoilers I have read are true :wow: :lol:

Hope they stay true to the comics with Negan
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I thought this thread would have picked up some steam so close to the season premier. Calling 20 page jump between Sunday night and Monday morning.
Easily, well get there. I'm still hype as hell and haven't touched a spoiler all week. With work and football this weekend I think I'll be safe and not get any itches :smokin
Yeah it's definitely Abe because when the bat guy said take it like a champ no one else there is alpha enough to pull that off.

Doubt they would murk off an OG main character.

They should really show the bat guy having some of his guys taking the females and having there way with them that would really portray him in a bad light.

To everyone talking about spoilers online I thought it was said the showrunners and cast said ever possible outcome was filmed and even they won't know until the night of the premiere.
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