The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I gave up on the show a while ago, but I cant front, Sunday's episode made me want to continue along with the comics. Stopped reading during All Out War.
I don't get the deal with reaction. If they read the comics, they'd see it coming.

This was my reaction on Glenn's first blow to the head :lol:

Son the fact that homeboy really got a pet tiger has to be the most bad*** thing i've seen on this show yet.

I gotta read these comics man, ive been missing out :lol:

Zeke died like a ***** and the tiger didn't last long.
only way rick has a shot is if they ambush Negan or they combine all 3 groups the alexandria crew, kingdom and hilltop and just roll deep and attack that way
Still can't believe they pulled off that eye like that :lol: :x

Ranks as one of the grossest moments in this shows history for me.
When is the premi
Maggie is cursed b....

Wouldn't be surprised she gives birth and the baby gets hit by a walker...

She better abort that baby, there is no reason for anybody there to bring a child into all of that madness. Shane, Rick, and his wife didn't know what was going to happen so they didn't have much of a choice. Maggy and Glenn got caught up but should have known better. She needs to handle that situation ASAP.

I'm not even mad at Negan. IDK how anyone can be when you look at the facts without emotion.
Rick's group kills 46 of Negan's posse. I don't remember if Negan's posse started it or Rick.
Negan asks for 1 offering. 
In a sick way, Negan was reasonable.

I think Rick's crew started it when they chose to help Jesus' crew. He killed off some of Negan's crew.

I don't know how nobody there vomited seeing that crap. I would url all over that place.
Rick killed about 40 something guys in Negan's crew and it looks like he had at least 30 there that night. His group has to be HUGE.
Rick got soft living in a protected environment.

Negan was his wake-up call.

Im anxious to meet this Liger
I still respect Darrel more than Rick. Go out swinging and not just on your knees. I can't understand how Rick just bends over and lets Negan have it lol.

Yeah and sacrifice more members of the crew?  For what?  A min of satisfaction of hitting Neegan?

Better to save as many members as possible and live to fight another day.  Lose the battle but win the war.

exactly, you gotta think long term. This is chess, not checkers.

Youre out-gunned and out-numbered at that moment.
only way rick has a shot is if they ambush Negan or they combine all 3 groups the alexandria crew, kingdom and hilltop and just roll deep and attack that way

Bruh all they need is to get Carol back to her savage ways and negan & co are ****** lmaooooooo
I dunno if Carol has that in her anymore :smh:

She'll snap out that ****, she gets wind of what he did to Glenn, hell the second she finds out Negan kidnapped her boo...expect her to go at them kamikazee style, her damns tank been on empty for 2 seasons.
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