The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Her daughter, Sophia, is still alive though.

Damn, I guess that scene in the show was crazy to see happen. Everyone probably assuming she would show up :wow:

Is she of relevance/power At all? I need to find a difinitive list of differences and similarities between the show and comic because it's interesting to me. Mostly because the comic is still alive and going.
Damn, I guess that scene in the show was crazy to see happen. Everyone probably assuming she would show up :wow:

Is she of relevance/power At all? I need to find a difinitive list of differences and similarities between the show and comic because it's interesting to me. Mostly because the comic is still alive and going.
I haven't read the comics in a while. Last I remember she was adopted by Glenn and Maggie. She and Maggie moved to the Hilltop. She's not too relevant.
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Wonder if Dwight will have a bigger role
Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager
When is the premi
She better abort that baby, there is no reason for anybody there to bring a child into all of that madness. Shane, Rick, and his wife didn't know what was going to happen so they didn't have much of a choice. Maggy and Glenn got caught up but should have known better. She needs to handle that situation ASAP.
I think Rick's crew started it when they chose to help Jesus' crew. He killed off some of Negan's crew.
I don't know how nobody there vomited seeing that crap. I would url all over that place.

At this point, what haven't they seen? lol
You right, they have truly seen it all. :x

Gonna be a while before this show has a positive upswing with our characters morale
Imma have to rewatch that episode. It's really hitting me now. Ya boy really turned there domes into POM juice.

And the worst part about it is that the writers actually made his evil *** somewhat likeable. Son is hilarious.

He makes the Govener look like a pansy. The Governer was just all the way off his rocker. Negan is a functioning psychopath.
Yeah Sasha has been through a lot too. I doubt we see anything crazy or wild from anyone in Ricks group anytime soon. Im pretty sure everyone is shook and scared out their minds right now. Maggie's on the edge but considering her situation she'd be stupid to try and go at the Saviors head on.
Yall forgetting about sasha. She lost her bro, then her man got turned into Bob-b-q, and now she watched Abe get bashed. She had it rough to

Yeah, for sure. Just seeing Maggie's entire family get torched in some manner since the gang joined them at the farm is tough. :lol:
Makes it more sad to think that Glenn had major brain damage from the hit and that what he said was just a random thought about Maggie.
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