The Walking Dead - Official Thread

For a split second I thought Negan was gon leave Glenn as he was, with the eye popped. Just for a split second.
For a split second I thought Negan was gon leave Glenn as he was, with the eye popped. Just for a split second.

Me too. I think that's part of the reason why I was on the edge of my seat. Glenn had to be like "come on fam just end it for me" :frown:
I knew Glenn was a marked man from the comics... Man, this episode still messed me up a little. I was all thinking Glenn was in the clear after the first death and then... they just had to go ahead and do it. 

And they had my boy Darryl incite Negan... I can only imagine how they're gonna play that angle since he's probably gonna be all messed up psychologically from it. I'm gonna miss Glenn and Abe. I hope those actors go on to bigger and better things. 
Part of me didn't like how they were toying with me most of the episode, and then I started thinking about how it's similar to what's happening to the characters being toyed with by Negan. Emotional rollercoaster 
I'm glad they didn't show who got the bat right away. And I'm glad they didn't end the episode with it, either. Both reveals would've been too expected IMO.

They threw it in there in the middle of the episode where nobody figured it would be. It was as "unexpected" as they could've made it.
Just saw the episode crazy to see Megan take out Abe and then glenn. Thought for sure it would of been characters not in the comics.

Like others said hope Simon has a major role.

Is there a season limit on this show yet announced? Wonder after the war how far off the show goes.
Nah sway...HOW....

As unforgiving as they've made rick out to be, I don't see how that would even fly with fans...lmao
yall got comic carol story all wrong 

she didnt just find a walker, they had it tied up trying to "study" it
and she killed herself because she was jealous of michonne/tyreese, not rick
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