The Walking Dead - Official Thread

yall got comic carol story all wrong :lol:

she didnt just find a walker, they had it tied up trying to "study" it
and she killed herself because she was jealous of michonne/tyreese, not rick

nah remember she wanted a polygamous relationship with Rick and Lori as well and when they declined she was done. The Tyreese/Michonne thing was the cherry on top

As for Negan
currently they're in a war right now and Negan and Rick are on the same team believe it or not lol. But Negan is a little distraught at the moment cuz :lol:
Nah sway...HOW....

As unforgiving as they've made rick out to be, I don't see how that would even fly with fans...lmao

WORSE People came along and they need more bodies. Negan has proved his self but Rick has a kill order on him if he steps out of line
I'm going out on a limb and saying that the spoilers won't take place until mid season break for season 8. That's if they don't drag out everything. But in regards to Negan, there's a famous quote for that.
WOW. can't believe that's in the comics currently. WOW.

I'm thinking yeah, like towards the end of season 8. This show can technically go on forever.
It can...but it really shouldn't.

Sunday's episode made me want to continue reading the comics where I left off (around 120) and the spoiler changed my mind.
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It won't be long before people are tired of it. Season 11 could be the send off. But, we still got time :D
9 seasons gotta be the end. Anything more you just gotta start wondering if these actors are wasting their prime years, I would think Andrew Lincoln would want to try other things. We all know AMC would attempt ANOTHER spinoff if need be
9 seasons gotta be the end. Anything more you just gotta start wondering if these actors are wasting their prime years, I would think Andrew Lincoln would want to try other things. We all know AMC would attempt ANOTHER spinoff if need be

At that point, I bet AMC would just kill Rick and elevate someone to MC status. While I think that is stupid, I wouldn't put it past them.
In the comics Negan is ruthless but you can't hate him :lol:

He is my favorite character in the comics

Bruh no lie, I don't even hate him in the show :rofl: dude is charismatic as hell and tbh the show has become a perspective game, to us Rick and gang are heroes....but step back and the line between hero and foe is veryyyy thin, because couple episodes back Rick and Gang did go into their camp and in cold blood murdered a couple of dozen of what perhaps were innocent say we have been watching this show following Negan and his people's journey, last weeks episode would have been a celebration.

With that said...Rick and them are MY heroes and Glenn was a great level headed much rather they would have taken Daryl hot head **** if there is anyone on my **** list is that MFer.

But I can't see how at this moment or anytime soon the audience will accept what's going on in the comics....brings memories back of Merle's redemption episode...they could have done that with him, as he didn't do anything as close to bad to the group as Negan what he did is unforgivable b....lmao
Man ya better cut it out....None of the A-list characters catching an L anytime soon....they'll drop the deadweight first (Eugene, Aaron, Rosita, Dr Dre) then work up to Sasha...Sasha will be as high up the ladder as they'll climb to off another semi-important character, our main guys are in it for at least 2 more seasons....

Show ends when Rick dies, they not that creative or ballsy to find a way to relocate power like that.
Will Jesus emerge as a leader within the group? Not Rick status but I keep hearing about how great he is in the comics. I do like his character so far, but would like to see more of him.
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