The Walking Dead - Official Thread

It is probably going to be the begining of the war as the cliffhanger. It is a pretty long war in the comics. They can drag it out as the whole next season. :rolleyes
Pretty much. This is AMC we're talking about. They'll tease the hell out of a "90 minute Walking Dead finale you won't want to miss",,,, give us roughly 50 minutes of the characters walking/driving, 20 minutes of commercials, and the rest with some cheesy cliffhanger again.....smdh
Finally caught the latest episode and you cats weren't even overhyping the awfulness that was the CGI deer. Ermahgerd that **** was hilarious. :lol:
Many of us finally started liking Beth right before they killed her off. I don't know if they're still doing this but those single focus episodes really hold this show up
it's slows the time down way too much focusing on 1 group at a time, the writing is just not interesting or deep enough to go that dramatic with this show

I would prefer they keep the current format. Jumping from story to story during one episode would be confusing.

Yes because currently it takes a whole episode to tell one plot/story about a character. I couldn't imagine that story fractionated over 3 episodes along with other stories. I mean it would take 3 weeks just to finish the Oceanside/Tara story. Could you imagine that story intertwined with 3-4 other stories? It would feel more like a daytime soap opera.
Yes because currently it takes a whole episode to tell one plot/story about a character. I couldn't imagine that story fractionated over 3 episodes along with other stories. I mean it would take 3 weeks just to finish the Oceanside/Tara story. Could you imagine that story intertwined with 3-4 other stories? It would feel more like a daytime soap opera.

They could cut the ******** and make some of those stories tighter. Right now the story is barely moving. Plenty of shows flourish doing the multiple stories an episode. Are you saying the writers aren't up to task?
Yes because currently it takes a whole episode to tell one plot/story about a character. I couldn't imagine that story fractionated over 3 episodes along with other stories. I mean it would take 3 weeks just to finish the Oceanside/Tara story. Could you imagine that story intertwined with 3-4 other stories? It would feel more like a daytime soap opera.

it could be done, it's just the writers suck. See Game Of Thrones for a prime example and their cast is much bigger. The problem with TWD is they go like 3, 4 and even 5 episodes between locations that COMPLETELY kills the story. We really saw Ezekiel one time in the first 8 episodes of this season, that is ridiculous. They coulda tightened that up and sprinkled him in several times instead of forcing Negan, Dwight and Tara centered full episodes
I said it before and I said it again. The reason Game of Thrones, The Wire, and to a certain extent LOST were able to prosper even with such huge cast of characters,,, is because we actually give a sh*t what happens to them. We want to see Tyrion overcome all the crap he's put through,, we want to see Omar take down Marlo,,, hell, there was a Korean couple on LOST that were actually multi-dimensional and they didn't even speak English for the first 6 or so episodes....

I don't give two sh*ts about anyone on the Walking Dead. If they killed Eugene, Rosita, Father Gabriel, and Sasha in all in one episode,,,, I'd barely even react.
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I said it before and I said it again. The reason Game of Thrones, The Wire, and to a certain extent LOST were able to prosper even with such huge cast of characters,,, is because we actually give a sh*t what happens to them. We want to see Tyrion overcome all the crap he's put through,, we want to see Omar take down Marlo,,, hell, there was a Korean couple on LOST that were actually multi-dimensional and they didn't even speak English for the first 6 or so episodes....

I don't give two sh*ts about anyone on the Walking Dead. If they killed Eugene, Rosita, Father Gabriel, and Sasha in all in one episode,,,, I'd barely even react.

Truth, at this point the A team can die off for all I care. Rick, Darryl, all of em. I dont care about them anymore and thats cause this show has fallen off so hard. Writers are trash.

Bring on July 17th Game of Thrones
Oh, and at least GoT shows us some *******. If they started showing us Rosita/Maggie/Tara full frontal,,, we'd be heading the right direction. Alas, the show is on basic cable
caught up on the last two eps
if this was a porn parody Eugene would be getting it in with them wives while playing with his joystick

amc cant afford a deer or PETA not allowing it? :lol:

eps were lit :pimp:

what's stopping them from going out to california and exploring?
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All caught up and ready 
The first half of this episode was boring but it picked up. Good to see Morgan finally snapped...
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