The Walking Dead - Official Thread

So did Mr. Salazar start the walking dead epidemic by releasing all the walkers out of the arena? I'm assuming LA was the starting point of the infection, and they somewhat had it contained to Cali only. Now there are thousands of them roaming free.

Finale wasn't anything special, still have the same gripes about acting, writing, I've had since the pilot. My biggest issue is Liza not saying goodbye to her son.

There was no reason why she couldn't spend the last few moments with him before doing what had to be done. At this point, everyone has been exposed to the reality of the infected and they know the outcome. He would have to accept it and be grateful for the last moments before she turns. That to me was stupid as hell.

the infection is all over not just in cali we dont exactly where it started as of now

and Liza n her son had a goodbye moment in the kitchen. I got the feel she didnt wanna tell him she was bit to keep down confusion... remember he was on egg shells with his Dad before the virus ran mad
So did Mr. Salazar start the walking dead epidemic by releasing all the walkers out of the arena? I'm assuming LA was the starting point of the infection, and they somewhat had it contained to Cali only. Now there are thousands of them roaming free.

Finale wasn't anything special, still have the same gripes about acting, writing, I've had since the pilot. My biggest issue is Liza not saying goodbye to her son.

There was no reason why she couldn't spend the last few moments with him before doing what had to be done. At this point, everyone has been exposed to the reality of the infected and they know the outcome. He would have to accept it and be grateful for the last moments before she turns. That to me was stupid as hell.

yes. That *** hole absolutely doomed the planet. I mean, episode 1 I think the mexican kid said that there were reports of a sickness in other states, but for the most part, LA was contained, until this **** head unleashed 60 thousand walkers. **** boy status. only thinking about himself. theres no way on earth he could've truly considered the consequences of that action.
So did Mr. Salazar start the walking dead epidemic by releasing all the walkers out of the arena? I'm assuming LA was the starting point of the infection, and they somewhat had it contained to Cali only. Now there are thousands of them roaming free.

Finale wasn't anything special, still have the same gripes about acting, writing, I've had since the pilot. My biggest issue is Liza not saying goodbye to her son.

There was no reason why she couldn't spend the last few moments with him before doing what had to be done. At this point, everyone has been exposed to the reality of the infected and they know the outcome. He would have to accept it and be grateful for the last moments before she turns. That to me was stupid as hell.

he's a tenderoni bro. this is still like week 1. remember how slow kirkman moves a story. nobody besides salazar is ruly conditioned for this action yet. they still think it's small and they're the lucky ones.son prolly would've lost his noodle if he saw his mom turn.

am I the only one when the mom told miley to take care of the son, thought she meant handjob in the van?
the infection is all over not just in cali we dont exactly where it started as of now

and Liza n her son had a goodbye moment in the kitchen. I got the feel she didnt wanna tell him she was bit to keep down confusion... remember he was on egg shells with his Dad before the virus ran mad

Ok. I wasn't sure about the origin of the infection, I just assumed Cali was the start. I get her keeping it a secret while they are trying to save themselves. I just feel like the way she went out could have been done better. You thought he and Travis had a bad relationship a week ago? Stay tuned, :lol:

yes. That *** hole absolutely doomed the planet. I mean, episode 1 I think the mexican kid said that there were reports of a sickness in other states, but for the most part, LA was contained, until this **** head unleashed 60 thousand walkers. **** boy status. only thinking about himself. theres no way on earth he could've truly considered the consequences of that action.
Thats what I'm saying, even if there were cases of infected in other states, this area had it contained. Now Salazar let them all loose and the threat is that much worse.
Before he did this the military was leaving anyway. Were they planning to drop a bomb on the area or something? Not that it would help, but I'm just curious about their plan.

he's a tenderoni bro. this is still like week 1. remember how slow kirkman moves a story. nobody besides salazar is ruly conditioned for this action yet. they still think it's small and they're the lucky ones.son prolly would've lost his noodle if he saw his mom turn.

am I the only one when the mom told miley to take care of the son, thought she meant handjob in the van?

I didn't think that, but my immediate response to her saying that to the daughter was they need to take care of each other :smokin. After they were in that house I have the feeling there is going to be something sparking with them.
I checked her imbd and she is 22 so no pedo stuff.
My question is, if that many zombies overran the military outpost...How did the group get out of there with relative ease? And they drove along the LA River and took side roads to get to the coast? That should have taken a couple of hours lol.
so...the group staged the break in at 430 in the morning? when they came out it was sunny and daylight. then they just went all through the day chilling and ****. nobody sleeps.

where did that hoard of 60000 zombies wander off to?
so...the group staged the break in at 430 in the morning? when they came out it was sunny and daylight. then they just went all through the day chilling and ****. nobody sleeps.

where did that hoard of 60000 zombies wander off to?

so...the group staged the break in at 430 in the morning? when they came out it was sunny and daylight. then they just went all through the day chilling and ****. nobody sleeps.

where did that hoard of 60000 zombies wander off to?

lol that's a long *** walk. i wonder, do zombies have the sense to avoid certain paths and opt for least resistance? will they hike into the mountains? where are the mountain lions and cougars?
so...the group staged the break in at 430 in the morning? when they came out it was sunny and daylight. then they just went all through the day chilling and ****. nobody sleeps.

where did that hoard of 60000 zombies wander off to?

lol that's a long *** walk. i wonder, do zombies have the sense to avoid certain paths and opt for least resistance? will they hike into the mountains? where are the mountain lions and cougars?

I can't believe I'm putting this much thought into it, but I'd assume it's like those African hunters who chase prey all day until they just get too exhausted to run away. With all the zombie's around, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before animals are cornered/surrounded and eaten, right? :lol:

But yeah, they probably just go straight, which is why it's weird when there's a mega-herd walking on the highway :lol:
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so...the group staged the break in at 430 in the morning? when they came out it was sunny and daylight. then they just went all through the day chilling and ****. nobody sleeps.

where did that hoard of 60000 zombies wander off to?
Exactly, the entire timeline from arriving to the complex to getting the guy's house tooks hours!

Zombies should have caused more issues for the group trying to leave the complex.
After Talking Dead last night. I have a better idea of the premise and thought process behind the show. Plot holes still annoy me though.

I also watched the web series  last night and thought it has potential but it is extremely short. I not sure what they think they are going to get over with an episode lasting 2 mins. 
After Talking Dead last night. I have a better idea of the premise and thought process behind the show. Plot holes still annoy me though.

I also watched the web series  last night and thought it has potential but it is extremely short. I not sure what they think they are going to get over with an episode lasting 2 mins. 

they released it?
After Talking Dead last night. I have a better idea of the premise and thought process behind the show. Plot holes still annoy me though.

I also watched the web series  last night and thought it has potential but it is extremely short. I not sure what they think they are going to get over with an episode lasting 2 mins. 
The other web series that they had before was pretty short too i believe. About 3-4 minutes each. Strings together well. It just sucks waiting on the episodes
Really don't know what happened when the 3 guards ****** up cry baby and almost raped the daughter. Yet they both come out of a room
Haven’t had time to sit and go thru everything I’ve liked and disliked so far in season 1 of FtWD, but overall, I was ok with it. I would have liked it a lot more on a grander scale, but I know AMC, and they are a bunch of cheap bastards and likely didn’t fund for that.

LA is a huge city man. A freaking HUGE city. Cities on cities, on cities to be more precise. And until the final ep, we saw only a handful of dead. It’s LA. There are 13 million potential bodies out there, we saw 2 grand locked in a gym?????? :lol:

I get it. They couldn’t go “bigger”. They tried to keep it small. But to me, that misses out on what we’ve all been wanting, how did this happen? Why did this happen? What caused it? Where did it start? We didn’t see a single President. Or a police chief. Or a Mayor, or anything of that sort.

At first, I was ok with the whole uninformed rioting over police shooting people in the street, and people not grasping what was actually happening. They kiiiiiiiiiiinda, sorta, tried to tie things into modern climates. (misguided as that may be) But sure, they tried something. But then, we just straight go to military saves ONE neighborhood? :lol: And they were gonna get supplies, how? They were just going to keep all those people in their homes, for how long? They spoke of other neighborhoods/zones, ok, where were they? Why focus on ONE small group? They had the potential to show multiple neighborhoods, and multiple groups of survivors fight to stay alive, and eventually meet up, good or bad. I don’t mean in a Rick’s crew vs Governor type of way, just in a 2-3 different groups get loose, and run into each other somewhere in LA, and some join together, some split off, etc, and the military either helps or doesn’t, with walkers running amok, now you have a much more involved season. Instead we got one family, with a few stragglers, sitting in their house for half a season.

Some of the imagery was great however. Loved the aerial shots of LA, both in daylight, and in darkness, showing just emptiness. The bodies burning and turning to ash. :wow: Wow. Those shots were cool.
But again, those are some big *** buildings in that landscape, were they evacuated????? I mean, people/walkers gotta be SOMEWHERE? Where the hell were they?????? 2K in a gym is not enough to cover LA. The streets should have been filled with them, everywhere. They showed LA deserted, but LA wouldn’t be deserted, it would be full.

Speaking of……….let me…….so, ok, we need mom back, and wife, and son. 3 people. Need them back. Ok. So, our plan……is to release 2,000 dead people, to occupy the rest of the alive people, so you can save your 3? That’s your plan? And then you’d somehow be able to get away from those 2,000 dead people, that killed all your military, and all you have is a shotgun, a hammer, and a 6 shooter? Like, I get it, they aren’t Rick’s crew, yet, but the PLAN, was 2K dead, and you hope to get back out of the base with just those weapons on ya? The ****? :lol: That part kinda pissed me off.
Adding to that, homie walked up on the guards, walked, real casual like, real chill, and the guards NEVER HEARD OR SAW THE THOUSANDS OF BODIES THAT SOMEHOW PACKED IN BEHIND HIM IN PERFECT FORM???????? What in the ****? :rofl: :smh: As cool as that set up might have been, what a crock of bs.

Season 2 better not be on a damn boat. Come on. Say it ain’t so.

Why didn’t we get a shot of true hysteria? It’s the end of the world. Bodies are coming back from the dead. We saw a couple get shot by cops, and then we went to commercial, and it was back to the dysfunctional Brady bunch. Why didn’t they show the city of LA, millions of people, dead bites this guy, and he dies, then turns and bites another, then they go and bite more, and it spreads and spreads and spreads as bodies start droppin like flies, and coming back all in a 10 minute span? That scene, that kind of chaos, in daylight, city wide, would have been the most excellent start to kick this series off. From there, you could have focused on the regrouping, and Brady bunch nonsense from there. Christ, the kid ran over a body, backed over it again, then again, and the family goes home, and doesn’t tell the daughter what’s happening????????? They didn’t explain to the others, look, we don’t understand what’s happenin, but here’s what we have seen/know? Were they keeping a secret or something?

Dude tortured the military guy by…………shaving his arm? I mean………. :lol: That’s as gruesome as we were willing to go? A bunch of nifty little cuts on his forearm???? I’m sure that **** hurt, but that’s gonna get someone to sing? So you can put your plan of freeing 2,000 dead people into action? So you could save your wife that can’t walk, and whom you should have already known was going to die, then turn.

Bottom line, they haven’t really answered anything yet. Maybe they will in time, but right now, it’s clearly the little brother to TWD, which is going to come in Sunday kicking *** and we will all eat it up. This first season of Fear wasn’t even close. It had glimpses of what coulda have been, but it ultimately just became another “Let’s focus on these 8 people, and forget all about the billions worldwide that are suddenly gone in an unexplained instant” We don’t need to keep seeing groups of 8-12, when we rather learn about the millions that are getting turned. It’s fine if you don’t want to medically explain the true root and cause of the outbreak, but show us a better representation of the end of society. A small riot in one neighborhood doesn’t count for the vastness of what LA offers. I really, really, REALLY wanted to see Beverly Hills overrun, and people in enormous mansions hiding out and killing the dead on manicured front lawns. That woulda been bad *** :lol:
Kirkman must frequent this thread.

gave yall something to shut up all yall racially sensitive types.

Kirkman must frequent this thread.

gave yall something to shut up all yall racially sensitive types.
I can't believe that, for all the pages and posts of Blacks dying, being simped out, being made into degenerates, not one person spoke up and celebrated the Savior being a Brother.
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My question is, if that many zombies overran the military outpost...How did the group get out of there with relative ease? And they drove along the LA River and took side roads to get to the coast? That should have taken a couple of hours lol.

Remember the female doctor who stayed behind? She told them a secret way to go that they had in case of an emergency evacuation that's how they got out so fast with ease

I'm sure for time reason the had to speed up this process unless y'all wanted a longgggg dragged out 2 episode season finale but I'm sure you would complain about how they didn't have drag a finale into 2 long episodes with so much filler

Smh I don't see how most of you guys enjoy ANY movie or show there are a million flaws in every single one that we all can point out

Just enjoy the show and don't get so deep into it after all it's just a show for our entertainment not life or death
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