The Walking Dead - Official Thread

NEGAN [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Negan is a lovable psychopath.

While I did :lol: at the starving jokes, this montage just made me realize it's really getting a bit too much now with Negan.

Another 90 min where nothing happens except for this last upcoming segment, I'm sure :smh:
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This man sonned your son, sat on your porch holding your daughter, kissed said daughter, and reconsidered keeping you and your son alive.

I'm not saying walk up to the man and shoot him, but it's time to get some **** rolling
I loved this ep. Corral doin work, Rosita fine as ****, Michonne doin work, Rick possibly finding some weapons, Daryl bout to be free again, and Negan is just incredible TV. Slow and deliberate as hell, but enthralling.
That was a great episode besides the scene with Spencer and Father Gabriel but they're clearly trying to build him up as an antagonist to Rick. Might not work out too well though

I'm regards to the note Spencer had he said it was a list of hidden supplies, that's what he brought back. The note Daryl got I'm thinking Dwight gave it to him cuz he's finally turning on Negan
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