THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

T-dog bout to lose it...

thats one of the real concerns i would have in this situation, people going straight looney tune and compromising their/our survival.

one rule in my zombie survival guide: purge your group of the weak, crazy, uncooperative and any means necessary
T-dog bout to lose it...

thats one of the real concerns i would have in this situation, people going straight looney tune and compromising their/our survival.

one rule in my zombie survival guide: purge your group of the weak, crazy, uncooperative and any means necessary
Watched Walking Dead for the first time over the weekend. Caught the TS-19, Wildfire, and Vatos episodes...MAAAAAAAN
this show is nice. I'd watch anything with zombies in it, but I like that this show isn't just zombies ravaging randomly
throughout it. It actually has good storylines and engaging characters. Now I need to go back and catch the 1st 3 episodes,
and the newest season ones.
Watched Walking Dead for the first time over the weekend. Caught the TS-19, Wildfire, and Vatos episodes...MAAAAAAAN
this show is nice. I'd watch anything with zombies in it, but I like that this show isn't just zombies ravaging randomly
throughout it. It actually has good storylines and engaging characters. Now I need to go back and catch the 1st 3 episodes,
and the newest season ones.
Going to be out of town for the weekend. . Not going to see episode 2 live.. Luckily I got dvr so at least I can watch it when I get back home..
Going to be out of town for the weekend. . Not going to see episode 2 live.. Luckily I got dvr so at least I can watch it when I get back home..
They made that whole part up just so they could have a decent finale for their 6 episode season and kill nobodies. I still think they should've just ended it with killing that bastard already. Build up to his delusions and paranoia and then have Rick kill him.

When you read the comics, there's so much great stuff to look forward to just hope they keep up with it. That filler hasn't had me enthused so I wouldn't mind them stopping.
They made that whole part up just so they could have a decent finale for their 6 episode season and kill nobodies. I still think they should've just ended it with killing that bastard already. Build up to his delusions and paranoia and then have Rick kill him.

When you read the comics, there's so much great stuff to look forward to just hope they keep up with it. That filler hasn't had me enthused so I wouldn't mind them stopping.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

They made that whole part up just so they could have a decent finale for their 6 episode season and kill nobodies. I still think they should've just ended it with killing that bastard already. Build up to his delusions and paranoia and then have Rick kill him.

When you read the comics, there's so much great stuff to look forward to just hope they keep up with it. That filler hasn't had me enthused so I wouldn't mind them stopping.
Yeah, I agree. But like what someone mentioned way back at the beginning of this thread. It's a TV Show and captures both hardcore fans and casual fans alike. They had to add more drama to the storyline and have been successful doing so. 
I'm definitely trying to get my thesis finished by Sunday afternoon, so I could relax and watch episode 202. Excited.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

They made that whole part up just so they could have a decent finale for their 6 episode season and kill nobodies. I still think they should've just ended it with killing that bastard already. Build up to his delusions and paranoia and then have Rick kill him.

When you read the comics, there's so much great stuff to look forward to just hope they keep up with it. That filler hasn't had me enthused so I wouldn't mind them stopping.
Yeah, I agree. But like what someone mentioned way back at the beginning of this thread. It's a TV Show and captures both hardcore fans and casual fans alike. They had to add more drama to the storyline and have been successful doing so. 
I'm definitely trying to get my thesis finished by Sunday afternoon, so I could relax and watch episode 202. Excited.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

just had time to watch the first episode and OMG

I couldn't believe little man got hit at the end of the last episode. After cramming in most of season one in a day, I'm hooked.
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